Paula Head
Honor Flag
Name of Victim: Paula Head
Age of Victim: 58
Sex of Victim: Female
Military or Law Enforcement Service: Veteran
Branch of Service: Army
Location: GA
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: Yes

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: WellStar Kennestone, Marietta GA and Paulding WellStar, Hiram, GA
County: Paulding
Date of Admission to Hospital: 08/21/2022
"Doctors denied help for me. I think they all wanted me to die."
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: Yes
Number of Vaccines/Boosters Before Symptoms: 4
Total Number of Vaccines/Boosters: 4
Was the Victim Informed About the EUA Status of COVID Vaccines?: No
Was the Victim Informed of Potential Vaccine Side Effects?: No
Was the Victim Asked to Sign a Waiver or Consent Form?: Victim or family does not recall
First Vaccination Details:
Date: 04/08/2021
Brand: Pfizer–BioNTech
Second Vaccination Details:
Date: 05/10/2021
Brand: Pfizer–BioNTech
Third Vaccination Details:
Date: 11/30/2021
Brand: Pfizer–BioNTech
Fourth Vaccination Details:
Date: 04/29/2022
Brand: Pfizer–BioNTech
Date of Onset of Symptoms: 08/06/2022
Symptoms Observed: Sudden and extreme pain in my left chest, left side of my back that extended to end bottom of my left rib cage and to my neck. Heartbeat was erratic.

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Was the Victim Restrained?: No
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: No
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: No
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Neglected, Deprived of water, Gaslighted
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: On my first ER visit with WellStar Pauling Hosp, I was passed over by front desk Triage after I had signed myself in with the associate t front desk.... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: I have spent the better part of the last two years visiting all of the Specialists that I saw during and after this triple illness, looking and practi... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Paula Head

I have spent the better part of the last two years visiting all of the Specialists that I saw during and after this triple illness, looking and practically begging for help because the Pericarditis is reoccurring. I only found out through the news a year after onset of illnesses that the COVID-19 Vax is the reason for my illnesses. Now, those specialists who I saw denied every possible suggestion that I gave them as to my question, what happened, and how do I stop this from happening? Not only were they adamant that my suggestions were not the problem, but they also said we may never know. I was so confused on how then they do they know that my suggestions were not the problem. And as soon as I learned of the COVID-19 Vax causing this, I of course revisited these exact same specialists many times asking why did you suggest the COVID-19 Vax? Humana Primary states, we did not want to speculate. WellStar Cardiologist said yes, it's becoming a common occurrence but aren't you glad that you did not get COVID-19? The only time COVID-19 was mentioned was before the 2nd ER visit, my Humana Primary had me take 2 in-home COVID test which were negative, but now I know that is extra poison in my body. Not one single specialist including 2nd ER in admission ever said the words Covid or Covid Vax. I assumed they had ruled this out. So now that part makes sense. They will not even say the word Covid much less Pericarditis. None of them will add this triple illness into my records except one. My Humana Primary added Feb 2024 because I was insistent. Now all of my Dr's are Using "my problems list" as a weapon against me. My Humana Primary told me that she will just listen to me going further as it sounds like to her I just need someone to hear me. I am completely alone and lived a very quiet Christian life as Medically retired Army Vetera. So I have been through this 2 year scary ordeal all by myself and its completely David Vs Goliath story. I have even received negative reults on my Cardiology RKGs where 2 separate Drs says that the abnormal is normal and my heart monitor results somehow ended up as inconclusive. It is obvious that each Dr. that I have seen in the last two years realizes that I know the truth but having to pretend so that I can get more documentation. The 4th Cardiologist that y Primary sent me to a couple of days before my 2nd ER visit, I had to hire a driver and go 1 1/2 hrs. to his office. His Echo cardiogram revealed to him, and he said to me, your heart is strong, but your lungs are full of fluid. I cannot admit you because you are too far from home. He prescribed Colchicine and Ibuprofen. 2 days later I was in 2nd ER and the following day they performed a Thoracentesis where a bucket of fluid was drained and helped save my life. 5 days I was at Kennestone. So then how did the 1st ER and all Drs after all that I was suffering, I begged my Humana Primary for help on secure messaging which I have in my possession. I visited this Primary, Dr Morris 2 days after thew 1st ER visit where her PA also fabricated my records and put exactly what the 1st ER Dr. stated that my pain was dull and moderate. The 1st Cardiologist that I visited at WellStar, Dr. Akodobe, put exactly that same statement on my visit with him, Now the office notes that I have states that I was there to see him for a block artery. That is false. Please, please help

They Wanted Me to Die!
Written by Paula Head
Hello, my name is Paula Head.  I am a 60-year-old grateful and faithful Christian and U.S. Army Veteran Patriot.  I live in Dallas, GA with my sweet 13-year-old kitty Eden. I suspect that if you are reading this, yourself or those you love to have also been adversely affected by COVID-19 or the COVID-19 Vaccine. My deepest heartfelt condolences and my prayers as well are with you. 
On the afternoon of August 6, 2022, around 5pm, I felt a strange discomfort in my stomach that continued to escalate to very a painful discomfort.  Around 8pm, I called the EMTs to my home, as I was concerned 
now about driving myself, and there was no one to call to drive me.  The EMTs were so kind and 
compassionate and shared that the EKG was normal, to my great relief. I declined, of course, transportation 
to the hospital. 
Around 1am on Aug 7th, I decided that I must drive myself on the 25-minute ride to Paulding Hospital in 
Hiram, Georgia.  I was happy to see on my arrival that the waiting room had only a few patients ahead of me. 
However, I was continually passed over by new patients entering before my triage and was told it was an 
oversight.  I was finally called, but could not walk at this point and I was wheelchaired back. 
I was then in agony from the pain and crying, and no one was coming to assess me at this point.  I began, 
as I call it, foolishly crying out loud and begging for help, not understanding how they could allow me to 
suffer. Thankfully, no one else was crying for help, and I pray they were not in this amount of pain of 
The nurse finally arrived after a long while where she began jerking my arm to draw blood and stated that 
the alcohol that I had drank caused my stomach pain. In shock, I shared that I do not drink alcoholwhich 
cannot be possible. She was extremely unkind to me. 
When Dr. Walker S. Hickerson came into the room, he was also very rude and unkind to me. Perhaps 
crying in the ER is not acceptable in the ERI had a CT and chest Xray and was then told by Dr. Hickerson, that he could find nothing and to follow up with my primary Doctor. Twelve hours of crying showed nothing on tests.  I later read the discharge papers of my visit where Dr. Hickerson stated that “the patient 
has dulled and moderate pain.” I also read where the test showed enlarged heart and mild pleural effusion. 
Of course, Dr. Hickerson never shared this information with me. 
I reached out to my Humana Primary, Dr. Christine Morris, at North Atlanta Primary as soon as I reached 
my car after discharge, and secured messaged her about what happened and requesting her guidance. This 
was Sunday afternoon at this time, and I knew I had to wait for a reply. 
Dr. Morris replied on Monday and suggested I come to walk in at her office the following day. However, 
for me, I missed the 1 ½ hr. walk-in time, and was told to come back Wednesday, which I did. I met with PA 
Alysa Norris and explained my situation and the extreme pain that now was at a lower level but just 
unbearable.  I explained the bazaar treatment, and that the ER Doctor stated that I had dull and moderate 
The PA did not even examine me, and I was having to guess at things that might have caused this unknown 
pain to which everything was a definite, “No, it’s not that causing it.”  I thought, how does she know it’s not 
the suggestions I made, and what could it be.  She also sent me home with no treatment, but in this horrible 
pain.  The PA’s office notes stated that “the patient would not let me examine her, and the patient id having
I questioned that a few days later, and she stated I did not look distressed. I shared that I knew better than to be crying aloud because, it failed me in the ER. 
I spent the following days messaging my Primary, Dr. Morris, begging her for help.  She told me to take 
two COVID-19 in-home tests, which showed negative. So I kept messaging her for help. The PA eventually the 
following week reluctantly ordered an ultrasound and a CT with dye for August the 18th, when I kept 
insisting my pain that I could not eat a bite of food and had already lost 15 pounds since Aug 6th. I had to sleep 
sitting up and coughed what I thought was coughing myself to death. My entire right side of my neck caved 
in every time I tried to breathe, there was barely any oxygen.  I shared this daily on secure message with 
Dr. Morris, my Humana Primary, and begging for help.  
The thing I shared with each Doctor through this 2-week period was please, please help I have no one to 
care for me. Not for pity but in hopes they see the seriousness in my fight for life. 
I had to hire a driver to take me to these two appointments as well as an appointment with my regular 
Humana Cardiologist at WellStar, Dr. Okobe, who also said dull and moderate pain and even showed me 
on his large computer screen what the ER Dr. wrote.  He did, however, give me a muscle relaxer when 
once again I was throwing the book of every possibility of what it might be, including an old hematoma 
that I got during one of my volunteer days with the beloved homeless veterans organization.  Dr. Okobe 
suggested it might be that old injury in that area but nothing else was the cause.  So, bazaar once again I 
On Aug 18th, PA Alyssa Norris called me late in the afternoon to share that they finally have the results 
and that I have Pericarditis and Bi-lateral Pleural Effusion. I had then thought, we now know, what can we do 
to cure it?  Alyssa then stated that she wanted me to visit North Atlanta’s Cardiologist, Dr. Yoon, the 
following morning which was Aug 19th at 7:30am.  His office is 1 ½ hrs. away from my home.  I hired the 
same driver that had now been taking me to each appointment to also drive me to Dr. Yoon. That morning 
especially, I could walk when I woke just brush my teeth and wash my face. I said aloud to myself, oh My 
Lord, I am not going to make it.  
I then shared with Dr. Yoon all the events to this point, and he looked at me like it was no big deal. I 
begged him to help me. I unfortunately had to have my driver that morning stops several times for the 
bathroom because of the dye that was in my body from the previous CT and as well multiple times AT Dr. 
Yoon’s office.  I was so humiliated and of course not warned of this dye side effects beforehand, but I 
could not afford to lose a drop of anything in my body at this point with 20lbs down now from Aug 6th. 
Dr Yoon ordered, and I completed another ultrasound of my chest. Dr. Yoon shared with me that the good 
news is that my heart was strong, but the unwelcome news is that my lungs were full of fluid. I did not get 
a chance to ask before he said that I cannot admit you to the hospital because you are too far from home.  
Once again, how bazaar a statement to make especially after these results and the 2-week history I had 
shared, and could barely walk and could not eat.  Dr. Yoon, then prescribed Colchicine and Ibuprofen and 
made a video follow up appointment the following week. He knew of the previous Ultrasound and CT results of 
Pericarditis and Bilateral Pleural Effusion. 
On August 21st, I knew that these medications were not helping me yet and was caring for myself with 
great pain and fear that they in fact will not.  I called the EMTs once more to my home and explained the events to date. Fortunately, they offered me
WellStar Kennestone Hospital in Marietta because WellStar Paulding was obviously not an option
I was in the ER for about 24 hours and treated well, thankfully, and of course had no idea what would happen. But 
I was so, so grateful to be in the care of given different medications at this time anyone of course. I had a 
couple of doctors come by to access me where once again, I shared the recent events and asked, “Can you 
please help me?”
Unknowingly, one of my dearest friends Sandra bought a beautiful and sweet Labrador Retriever puppy to 
bring to my Veterans’ support group that was meeting at a church near her. I suddenly fell in love with 
their story and their heroism and selflessness.  Sandra peered beyond my curtain in the ER and 
completely surprised me. I had no idea that she was coming, as I stated, there was no one at that point in 
my life to support me as I had lost many family members and old friends.  She even waited 45 minutes in 
the patient guest line to come show her support She then stated that she talked to my doctor that had 
visited me, and now that he was and mostly fortunately for me, he is a well-respected Cardiologist 
and that was also evident in our assessment.  She also shared that she had just met him, pulled him aside 
as asked him earnestly, please help my friend, she is terribly ill, and no one will help. She is a U.S. Army 
Veteran, and she needs you to help her. I praise Our Lord and Savior for my survival and for sending my 
Angel Sandra to advocate for me. I am eternally grateful to them both.  
The Cardiologist stated that yes, I have Pericarditis, Bi-lateral Pleural Effusion and now pneumonia, and 
that my D-Dimer test was among the highest he had seen and that I would indeed be admitted and among 
other life saving medications and care, he ordered a Thor to drain the fluid. 
On the second day, they performed the Thoracentesis which is again a procedure that drained a pitcher of fluids through tubes 
administered in my back. I felt so relieved and very hopeful, finallyI was at Kennestone from Aug 21st to 
Aug 26th. I was prescribed an antibiotic and Colchicine, and follow up with Primary and Personal 
Pulmonologist, Cardiologists and Primary.  
My dear friend Sandra rescued me once again and drove me home to my sweet kitty Eden, who is my heartbeat.  She was cared for by a hired pet sitter.  
I thought to myself and with earnest prayer, my Lord how will I ever get back to normal and be healthy? 
It seemed at the time so unrealistic at my then health. But I had just lived through and survived yet 
another miracle in my life, that no doubt, He is enough, and Our Lord will bring me through, and He did 
so sweetly and with so much, patience, love, grace, and mercy. 
The following eleven months, I visited my Primary Care, Dr. Christine Morris, on numerous occasions 
inquiring about how I contracted these illnesses and once again, I asked about multiple possibilities, 
because I had recently had a second corrective ankle surgery and thought it might be from my Bariatric surgery in 
Once again, Dr. Morris was insistent that the multiple suggestions I inquired about a definite, “no,” and 
still added she had no idea what caused them.  I was so puzzled because it was something and I almost lost 
my life, and no one believed meAt this point, I was living in fear because Dr. Morris and her team were 
not at all concerned about these events or why it happened and to prevent it from happening.  However, 
she did send a consultant to Rheumatology to assess there.  I completed 2 appointments with the multiple 
blood test that the great news that there were no autoimmune issues and that was also confirmed at 
also had multiple appointments with Dr, Shivasta and Dr. Corrigan as well as one other Cardiologist, all 
from WellStar. I was looking for answers, of course, so that there would no future return of the triple 
illnesses.   Also, at every appointment with the multitude of specialists and Primary Doctors and both 
EMT’s, I used my hands illustrate on my body exactly where the pain was and what it felt like.  I shared
that my pain was at the bottom of my left side of chest extending up to my chin.  Also, the left side of my 
lower back was in horrible pain as well. No one ever seemed even curious at all at what it might be or 
how serious and life threatening it was for me. I was lining the pockets of the multiple doctors and visits 
with no answer. 
When COVID-19 started and the Vaccines became available, I reached out to multiple personnel including, 
pulmonary, both the VA Primary, Dr. Johnson at the time, Dr. Christine Morris and even my Dentist and 
Chiropractor for guidance.  Without hesitation, each recommended the vaccination.  Because I am quite 
alone, I trusted them and had no reason to doubt their advice.  I saw on the news the Christian community 
were against them.  Of course, I prayed for guidance and did not realize, at the time, when I received them 
that it was deadly.  I thought my Savior would not want me to get COVID-19. 
My first Pfizer Vax was 4/18/21 and the last of the four was 4/24/22.  could tell soon after the first one 
that my Tinnitus was abnormally and problematically high.  But otherwise, I felt no different until Aug 6, 
In April 2023, I began to have urinary issues where I strained to urinate, and that strange and painful left 
lower back pain was present.  I reached back out to Primary on secure messaging to share that I am 
having symptoms that I experienced before Aug 6, 2022, on set but did not realize these issues in August 
2022 were the symptom of now recurring Pericarditis.  Dr. Morris once again and basically denied my 
suggestion that this might be Pericarditis.  She ordered labs like so many times before, I have no idea 
what the results mean at all.  
Unfortunately, because I live over an hour from the Atlanta VA hospital, I was told when I secure-message and tried to call my VA Primary to ask for help back in August 2022 that there is nothing they can 
do unless I come in on emergency. However, the local ambulance companies will not take VA Patients to 
the VA.  
I reached back out to my VA Primary in April 2023, to ask and hopefully secure a medical consult for 
Urology with WellStar Urology. I t was approved and I spent 3 months in multiple testing. It showed the 
results that I was indeed straining and was provided a catheterization supplies if it got worse. 
That same time frame, I met with Dr. Corrigan once more where I found a pamphlet in his lobby about 
pericarditis.  It showed exactly the illustration of symptoms that I shared with every single physician. He 
ordered an EKG and sent me the results through the patient portal. I noticed what I could understand 
that one of the results said abnormal.  Of course, I immediately reached out through a secure message 
inquiring about it.  I received a message with another confusing statement and that the abnormal is the 
new normal.  Shocking, I thought. 
As an afterthought, he told me about arcalyst weekly injection that was new to the market for reoccurring 
pericarditis, of course I wanted it.  It took about 2 months for that medication to be approved through the 
VA and it was extremely expensive on my own through Humana insurance. The same week that it arrived at my home and 11 months after pericarditis onset, I saw on the news that 
one of the sports stars sons had just been diagnosed WITH Myocarditis from the COVID-19 vaccination. I 
realized in that moment that that illness sounded very similar to pericarditis.  So, then my personal 
internet widened on this target disease and found that in fact the pericarditis was also a serious side effect 
I made multiple appointments with the same doctors who first denied I was sick and would not help me to 
advise them as a matter of fact that share I discovered about pericarditis through watching television, and asked him and them 
all, why did you not tell me you knew that the COVID-19 Vaccines are the cause of my illness.  Dr. Corrigan stated 
that, “That it is a common occurrence now, but aren’t you glad you did not get COVID-19?!”  I could not believe 
what he had just said after what I had been through. 
This news about COVID-19 Vax/pericarditis immediately opened my eyes to the truth about my last year’s 
tortuous medical experience.  It also brought be the clarity and answered prayer on the arcalyst 
medication. I was just a few days away from my first injection that was prescribed and was safe and 
effective by Dr. Corrigan is also a killer of patientsFortunately, I opted to watch a video seminar and was 
aware then that is just another poison and money maker evil medical field and insurance companies.  
At my next appt with Dr. Morris she said to me, well we do not want to speculate. She said this after 
multiple appointments in the last 11 months that every suggestion that I made was not the reason and in 
fact had no idea why I was sick.  That was 11 months of speculationShe also said to me, Ms. Head, I am 
just going to listen today because you just need someone to vent tooWow!  
She was once a kind doctor who respected and trusted, and she knew of many very personal things about 
me that I was safe to share when asked or needed certain medical care and referrals. I have never once 
been disrespectful to any of these doctors at any time.  I addressed it all very passively so that I could 
continue to gain information.  Now, my medical records “problem list” has been structured by Dr. Morris and her team as a weapon 
against me and to use to discredit me, I suspect if she needs to.  I had my last appointment with her on February 15, 
2024, to specifically address the records issue.  I also recorded the meeting, unbeknownst to her, as she 
tried to convince me that everything in their including false information and very personal things from 40 
years ago, is pertinent to my health care. 
My last COVID-19 Vax Booster was at North Atlanta Primary, Doctor Morris’ office, per her suggestion, of course, on April 29, 2022, four  months before my triple illness onset.  I did not realize until starting this project that I did not have 2 COVID-19 Vaccines and 1 Booster, I had 2 Boosters.  Since its discovery, I have been and am convinced that this explains every doctors’ very strange 
and unwillingness to help, especially Dr. Morris, because I saw her regularly and we had a great patient-doctor 
relationship prior.  
I am currently waiting for Harbin Clinic Cardiology to get approval on my second opinion follow-up with 
a different cardiologist at their office to review my most recent Heart Monitor Test.  I have made endless 
and exhausting calls requesting them to submit the request to the VA since the middle of March. They are 
intentionally deceiving me with their updates that, “it is the VA’s fault.”  The reason for this is because I came 
to them last year seeking a second opinion from WellStar’s disastrous healthcare.  
The first Cardiologist at Harbin Clinic also smoothed over an abnormal EKG with something I could not 
understand while I also received an inconclusive Heart Reading Test resultThe Cardiologist had no 
explanation and no intention of redoing the test, very odd, I think.  I persisted for another test and have 
received the results through the patient portal, that I cannot understand. They also cover up the COVID-19 
I shared all of this very long and drawn-out information, but yet there are still more details in this process, 
doubt that my illnesses came from the COVID-19 Vaccine.  Then the main reason is that with almost 2 years of 
multiple appointments with the Primary and Speciaistame3 isnot only did they did not care or want to 
research my health with tests without my persistence, and even with the multitude of testsnot one test 
has come back with a result that had obviously resulted in falsified information or withheld information 
given to me.  The number one reason is consistently, not one of these doctors in two years has ever said 
the word COVID or pericarditis except when Dr. Morris told me to take the in-home COVID-19 tests. They 
will not say the words.  Why is that?  We know why. 
Since September of 2022, I have had 2 HVAC companies to my home on numerous and now countless 
requests to determine why my home is vibrating with this very annoying hum, and it worse when I am in 
bed at night.  I also hired a refrigerator company to check my refrigerator. I had the motor on my bed  
frame replaced, I have had the electric company out twice, the plumbers, the irrigation company, etc.  I met 
with my VA audiologist, all my medical doctors in all fields including any medications that I might be 
taking.  Every utility company, every physician, every contractor including the county engineers and the 
local landfill have all denied that this humming and vibration is coming from an issue of theirs.  
I have now begged the VA to see the Neurologist because now it is amplified in both sound and 
vibration and is causing extreme distress and loss of sleep I cannot pray it away I am up every night 
trying to record something in the dark that is just not there.  I have found articles that the COVID-19 Vax is 
causing these internal tremors and now sounds like a tractor trailer idling outside my window. All 
physicians are once more denying me.  
I am completely in this daily and ongoing fight alone but with my loving and merciful Savior, but I 
am so blessed to have this opportunity to finally share my experiences in hopes to feel more connected to 
the unfortunate and wonderful people who have also been afflicted and much worse in many cases. I 
want to participate in sharing, supporting finding solutions to this nightmare and of course to help support 
in the ultimate justice for those who have harmed us and wished we would have died which we live to write 
I am a very hopeful and positive person that does not want to “vent”, but to see all the blessings we have 
been given and do that healthy and COVID-19 Vax symptom-FREE!!! 
Blessings and prayers for you all 
This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Filter By Category

Jerry Serna Story

Jerry Serna Story

Age: 58

Location: TX

Admitted: 09/18/2021

To: Presbyterian in Denton tx

Murdered: 10/23/2021

Jerry Serna

Killed with Protocols and Isolation

Killed with Protocols and Isolation

Age: 52

Location: CO

Admitted: 09/09/2021

To: Sterling Regional MedCenter; Northern Colorado Medical Center (80631)

Murdered: 09/26/2021

Ronald Scott Fleharty

“Why won’t they listen to me” She cried for them to check her meds she brought with her…

“Why won’t they listen to me” She cried for them to check her meds she brought with her…

Age: 69

Location: CA

Admitted: 09/10/2021

To: Desert Valley ER Admitted her to Waterman Canyon Acute Care She died at St. Bernadine due to the 'SUB PAR Care she received" at Watermen & Desert Valley"

Murdered: 10/01/2001

Connie Degnan

Drew and Maria’s Story: A Patient and an Advocate Fight for Life

Drew and Maria’s Story: A Patient and an Advocate Fight for Life

Age: 50

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/14/2021

To: Mission Providence and Kindred, Santa Ana then Encompass Rehab

Drew Brophy

Mathew’s Story

Mathew’s Story

Age: 37

Location: CT

Admitted: 12/01/2021

To: Hospital of Central Connecticut, MidState Medical Center

Murdered: 12/21/2021

Mathew Anthony Donarumo Jr

He’s Gone, We Need the Bed, nurse to Vet’s wife

He’s Gone, We Need the Bed, nurse to Vet’s wife

Location: PA

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: St Lukes Fountain Hill Bethlehem, Pa

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Christopher F. Loncaric

Gil Sifuentes

Gil Sifuentes

Age: 65

Location: CA

Admitted: 08/03/2021

To: Fresno Community Hospital

Murdered: 08/15/2021

Gil Sifuentes

COVID Protocol Death

COVID Protocol Death

Age: 67

Location: WA

Admitted: 10/05/2021

To: Skagit Valley Hospital, Mount Vernon, Washington

Murdered: 12/06/2021

James Christopher Rutherford

Briana’s Story

Briana’s Story

Age: 36

Location: GA

Admitted: 10/07/2021

To: Piedmont Fayette Hospital

Murdered: 10/25/2021

Jason Christopher Ross

Horrible situation

Horrible situation

Age: 70

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/19/2021

To: Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital

Murdered: 09/01/2021

Tennis Ingebretson

He Didn’t Have To Die

He Didn’t Have To Die

Age: 74

Location: VA

Admitted: 11/10/2021

To: Lewis Gale Montgomery Hospital

Murdered: 11/16/2021

Frank Ruffner Moseley

Peggy’s Story- A Love Lost Too Soon

Peggy’s Story- A Love Lost Too Soon

Age: 59

Location: OK

Admitted: 11/10/2021


Murdered: 12/02/2021

John Springer

Still fighting-Steve Cantara

Still fighting-Steve Cantara

Age: 50

Location: NC

Admitted: 08/28/2021

To: Davis Medical Center

Steven Cantara

Daddy’s Unexpected Death 8 Days After Mom

Daddy’s Unexpected Death 8 Days After Mom

Age: 79

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/17/2021

To: Texoma Medical Center

Murdered: 08/29/2021

Walter Bill Joe Vandever

Annette’s Story

Annette’s Story

Age: 60

Location: OH

Admitted: 09/21/2021

To: Cleveland Clinic Main Campus

Murdered: 10/14/2021

Russell J. Kocka

They Tortured and Killed My Husband

They Tortured and Killed My Husband

Age: 58

Location: OH

Admitted: 08/30/2021

To: Genesis Hospital

Murdered: 10/07/2021

Timothy Edward Neal

Mom Lost Faith in Trusting the Medical Field

Mom Lost Faith in Trusting the Medical Field

Age: 75

Location: WV

Admitted: 04/01/2023

To: Meritus Health; Holy Spirit Hospital Acute Care

Murdered: 08/02/2023

Ann Hogan

Charles Williams III Story

Charles Williams III Story

Age: 75

Location: PA

Admitted: 01/07/2022

To: St. Luke's Hospital - Miners Campus

Murdered: 01/14/2022

Charles Williams III

Sandra Griffith: I am a Lucky One

Sandra Griffith: I am a Lucky One

Age: 65

Location: AZ

Admitted: 10/20/2021

To: Banner Desert Medical Center

Sandra Griffith

My father David B Cummings was survivor of stage 1 lung cancer

My father David B Cummings was survivor of stage 1 lung cancer

Age: 76

Location: CT

Murdered: 06/16/2021

David B Cummings

Jimmy Don Davis Story

Jimmy Don Davis Story

Age: 71

Location: OK

Admitted: 12/28/2021

To: VA Hospital, Mercy Hospital

Murdered: 01/07/2022

Jimmy Don Davis

Garman- Dishonest Professionals

Garman- Dishonest Professionals

Age: 60

Location: IL

Admitted: 10/04/2021

To: Carle Hospital Urbana

Murdered: 11/11/2021

Bill Garman

Charles Domine’s Story

Charles Domine’s Story

Age: 71

Location: MI

Admitted: 11/24/2021

To: McLaren Hospital, Mount Clemens

Murdered: 01/02/2022

Charles V. Domine; aka Chuck

Nancy A Baginski Story

Nancy A Baginski Story

Age: 88

Location: MO

Admitted: 07/29/2021

To: St. Luke's Hospital

Murdered: 08/07/2021

Nancy A Baginski

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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