June R Ritter

Location: Virginia

Hospital: Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC

Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: no

Asked to sign DNR: yes

Asked if vaccinated: yes

Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: idk

My experience was horrific abuse, willful negligence, if not attempted murder!

Name of Victim: June R Ritter

Age: 65 years old

Admitted to hospital: 05/26/2022

Treatment received at hospital: Treated poorly

Experience in hospital:

1) Surgery ar 4::30 pm changed that week.
2) Spouse told by administrator to depart hospital by 7 pm while I was in surgery
3) In recovery nurse removed radial artery line, patted it, walked away closing bed curtains. I passed out again.
4) Awoke with nobody around blood spurting from artery all over my face, hair, body, bed, floor. Yelled, “I’m bleeding!” Passed out again.
5) Awoke in room alone cleaned up, but with arm bruised solid wrist to elbow.
6) Day 3 Ketamine induced hypertensive crisis BP 178/148, chest pain, nearly stroked out. Upon removing IV Ketamine returned to normal. Hospital denied it stating dosage given could not cause it.
7) Surgery registrar, Hazel, tried to get me to reschedule 6 weeks later upon hearing I had to be moved to 4:30 pm & was a MediCare patient. What sinister concern did she sense or know, but could not say via phone?

Medications given: antibiotics, blood pressure meds, dexamethasone, fentynal, morphine, pain killers, paralytic drugs, propofol, IV Ketamine pushed; required, Amitriptyline

Date victim was placed on a ventilator: 05/26/2022

Pursuing legal action?: no

Engaging in activism: yes

What types of activism: I want my mistreatment by hospital administrative staff told to the public and coercion to receive ketamine, and malfeasance re: an arterial bleed out. I believe they tried to kill me intentionally based on all circumstances for money or limit Medicare future healthcare payouts due to my medical disability.

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The Interview with June R Ritter

I can provide photo of my bruised arm taken the next day and a description of the nurse who pulled the artery line and walked away. Did they do checks? I doubt it the curtains were closed around my bed the staff could not view me under anesthesia. My surgery had been delayed from September 2021 due to a 90% LAD artery blockage found post COVID March 2021, antibodies tested May 2021 still present. Stent placed, all other arteries were 30% not 70% or higher blocked needing any treatment or concern for my age. A friend had exact same LAD blockage found 8-12 weeks post COVID. My mistreatment was the result of ongoing COVID profocols the isolation, negligence or attempted murder via unwatched artery bleed out & Ketamine I did not want to be given to me.

June R Ritter -Medical Malfeasance of COVID Continues
Written by June R Ritter

My neurosurgeon, Dr Faheem Sandhu, was not at fault. He was powerless to over rule hospital administrator protocol to send my spouse home while I was in surgeyy & recovery isolatiing me for 2 days. The unit nurses were great, the recovery room staff nearly killed me; the pain management team pushed Ketamine despite my concerns; the unit nurses were good, except for one black nurse who bitched when I sought help to get up & use the toilet due to being a high fall risk patient. I waited 45 minutes only calling for help one time. She claimed I asked multiple times, false! I have had 28 lifetime surgeries. I know what to expect & be cooperative. This experience was horrific abuse, willful negligence, if not attempted murder.

March 2020, the COVID pandemic was spreading across the world. At that time, I received a mental impression that the FDA would develop an inadequately tested vaccine and for no reason was I ever to take it. In December 2020, an actual vaccine was released under an emergency use authorization. I resolved that I would trust my life into the hands of God.
On March 25 of 2021, while returning from a southern states road trip, I came down with what I believe to be was COVID. After about three or four weeks, I went in to get tested at a local clinic. On May 8 of 2021, I was found to have positive antibodies IgG and IgA antibodies indicative that I in fact had COVID. After several weeks, I recovered from the virus using the Dr. Zelenko protocol.
In September 2021, I was scheduled for spine surgery but it was delayed because of a heart condition that they found that first needed correction.
 In March 2022, I called a surgical scheduler at Georgetown University Hospital. They scheduled my surgery initially for May 26 of 2022 at 1:30 PM later. I got a call back later that they changed the time to 4:30 PM. I wasn’t happy about this so I called the scheduler, Hazel. She said “Oh, honey, are you sure you want to have surgery scheduled that late in the day?” I replied,”No, because the surgeon will be tired. Is there another time?” She informed me that they could not reschedule the surgery for at least another six or eight weeks, so given the urgency of my condition, I relented to proceed with the surgery. My question is that time was,”Why is she so concerned about any danger to me of having surgery so late in the day at this hospital?” I let it go.
Upon my arrival at the hospital & despite the fact that I had already had COVID and still had active antibodies in my bloodstream, they insisted that they do a nasal swab upon my entering the hospital to check for COVID once again. I need to note that I am a retired person who has been on Medicare for disability for several years due to multiple spine fusions & deterioration. I believe this made me a target for the hospital administrative staff.
As I was being prepared to go to surgery, two female administrators came down from their offices to the surgical intake center and informed me that due to COVID protocols my husband was required to leave the hospital promptly at 7 PM, even if I was still in surgery and unconscious. I was extremely upset as this was not standard hospital procedure. I know this because I have undergone 28 surgeries in my lifetime.
I asked my neurosurgeon to intervene. He replied by “I am powerless to do anything.” A patient advocate came & the hospital still refused to allow my husband to stay beyond 7 pm to accompany me to my room post op. So, we proceeded with surgery.
 I woke later in the recovery room as a nurse was pulling a line out of my radial artery in my arm. She  patted it, did not apply any pressure or dressing, walked away and closed the fabric drapes around my bed at which time I passed out again.
I was awoken sometime later, because my bed was violently shaking. There were no humans in that area of the ICU recovery room. I became conscious enough to realize I had blood all over my face, hair, neck, chest, all over the bed & left my arm and it was flowing down onto the floor, I yelled,”Help, I’m bleeding!” at which time I heard of numerous staff come running like a buffalo herd, one pulled back the curtain and a large male nurse applied extreme pressure to my left arm forearm to stop the bleeding. I passed out again from weakness and pain.
It is my belief that this nurse was either new and did not realize she pulled an arterial line a potentially deadly error or it was done intentionally to hasten my potential death.
I awoke again a second time later in my room cleaned up. My husband was not allowed into the hospital for two days. My arm had a 4 inch gauze bandage, but was bruised from my wrist to my elbow joint.
Prior to surgery, the hospital pain management team insisted that I be given IV ketamine for pain control postop. I knew the drug was the rave party drug that killed many teens and young adults by causing dehydration, an irregular heartbeat and cardiac arrest. I was very uncomfortable they intended to administer IV ketamine. I felt coerced and I only agreed to it, because I was under hospital supervision. They told me ketamine causes mental disassociation or twilights patients mentally.
On day three, I began to have rapid heartbeat, tight pressure in my chest, difficulty catching my breath and dizziness. I told the nurse I didn’t feel well something was wrong. She checked my vital signs and my blood pressure was 178/148. The nurse informed me had a systolic pressure been two points higher she would be getting the crash cart and the hospital would be administering hypertensive crisis medication’s, However, this dangerous event resolved once the IV ketamine was disconnected, at my insistence.
So given all these circumstances I believe, I was targeted because I was an elderly Medicare patient and as a result of COVID hospital protocols that were still in place during this my stay. I nearly died twice due to medical negligence or intentional malfeasance. This is why I am sharing my story. Due to COVID, hospitals are still losing overworked experienced staff, are dangerous as a result, patients become hostages with no family visitation rights, they push dangerous drugs on patients, and implement dangerous procedures, there is outright negligence by staff and/or planned malfeasance.
I later found evidence this occurs to increase costs for each hospital stay or to collect financial kickbacks for elderly or disabled MediCare patients. Our medical system is broken and dangerous. Avoid or postpone all elective surgeries that are not for paralyzing, extreme pain or life threatening conditions.
This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Vietnam Veteran Murdered by VA Hospital

Vietnam Veteran Murdered by VA Hospital

Age: 70

Location: FL

Became sick: 08/14/2021

First sought care: 08/21/2021

Admitted: 08/21/2021

To: Lake City Florida VA Hospital (32055) and Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center Gainesville Florida (32608)(

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Steve Gregory

Lost my soulmate

Lost my soulmate

Age: 68

Location: GA

Became sick: 08/14/2021

First sought care: 08/17/2021

Admitted: 08/21/2021

To: Gwinnett Medical

Murdered: 08/31/2021

Steve Johnson

Renny’s Story

Renny’s Story

Age: 75

Location: MI

Became sick: 01/16/2022

First sought care: 01/27/2022

Admitted: 01/27/2022

To: Trinity Health, formerly known as: St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital of Pontiac

Murdered: 02/09/2022

Reynolds W. Grant, Jr.

Lost My Sweet Wife of 47 Years

Lost My Sweet Wife of 47 Years

Age: 64

Location: TX

Became sick: 07/29/2021

First sought care: 08/01/2021

Admitted: 08/03/2021

To: Texoma medical center / Texoma Med Center Bonham

Murdered: 08/09/2021

Gerrie Burr

State Sanctioned Murder Robbed My Family Of Our Papa

State Sanctioned Murder Robbed My Family Of Our Papa

Age: 71

Location: MI

Became sick: 12/21/2021

First sought care: 12/23/2021

Admitted: 12/30/2021

To: Troy Beaumont

Murdered: 01/20/2022

Paul Korff

Rob Succumbed To Remdesivir

Rob Succumbed To Remdesivir

Age: 62

Location: NC

Became sick: 10/02/2021

First sought care: 10/11/2021

Admitted: 10/12/2021

To: Novant Presbyterian Hospital

Murdered: 10/28/2021

Robert Dennis

Uriel Javier’s Story

Uriel Javier’s Story

Age: 54

Location: CA

Became sick: 07/08/2021

First sought care: 07/15/2021

Admitted: 07/16/2021

To: Saint John's Providence

Murdered: 08/17/2021

Victor Manuel Javier Ruiz

Justice for Randy Padilla

Justice for Randy Padilla

Age: 42

Location: CA

Became sick: 11/09/2021

First sought care: 11/10/2021

Admitted: 11/19/2021

To: Corona Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 12/03/2021

Randy Padilla

Bunny Swanson Story

Bunny Swanson Story

Age: 60

Location: CA

Became sick: 12/20/2020

First sought care: 12/20/2020

Admitted: 12/20/2020

To: Desert Valley Hospital

Murdered: 12/22/2020

Leah (Bunny) Swanson

Served his country only to have his country kill him! VA hospital in Oklahoma City killed my brother.

Served his country only to have his country kill him! VA hospital in Oklahoma City killed my brother.

Age: 59

Location: OK

Became sick: 09/07/2021

First sought care: 09/17/2021

Admitted: 09/22/2021

To: Oklahoma City VA hospital

Murdered: 09/26/2021

Michael Lee Hood

Sharon W.’s- They tried to kill me too!

Sharon W.’s- They tried to kill me too!

Age: 49

Location: UT

Became sick: 02/02/2022

First sought care: 02/02/2022

Admitted: 02/02/2022

To: Sanpete Valley Hospital ER

Sharon Wales

Murdered by FDA Protocols

Murdered by FDA Protocols

Age: 70

Location: CA

Became sick: 10/06/2021

First sought care: 10/09/2021

Admitted: 10/11/2021

To: Bakersfield Heart Hospital

Murdered: 10/26/2021

James Jackson, III (Sonny)

My Brother hear my prayer

My Brother hear my prayer

Age: 66

Location: NV

Became sick: 10/03/2021

First sought care: 10/03/2021

Admitted: 10/03/2021

To: Spring Valley Hospital

Murdered: 10/18/2021

David Grady

Frank S. Lascano

Frank S. Lascano

Age: 57

Location: CA

Became sick: 02/07/2022

First sought care: 02/07/2022

Admitted: 02/07/2022

To: Kern Medical Center and Memorial Hospital Bakersfield

Murdered: 03/06/2022

Frank S. Lascano

Fighting for Jen

Fighting for Jen

Age: 49

Location: MN

Became sick: 10/22/2021

First sought care: 11/25/2021

Admitted: 11/25/2021

To: Mercy, Bethesda, fairview rehab

Jennifer Nitz

James H Story

James H Story

Age: 78

Location: GA

Became sick: 12/15/2021

First sought care: 12/22/2021

Admitted: 01/01/2022

To: Newnan Hospital

Murdered: 01/17/2022


Unvaccinated and 85 equals automatic Death Sentence-Raisa Rabinovich

Unvaccinated and 85 equals automatic Death Sentence-Raisa Rabinovich

Age: 85

Location: FL

Became sick: 08/15/2021

First sought care: 08/22/2021

Admitted: 08/22/2021

To: Manatee Memorial Hospital

Murdered: 09/12/2021

Raisa Rabinovich

Julie A ‘s Story

Julie A ‘s Story

Age: 39

Location: OR

Became sick: 10/08/2021

First sought care: 10/20/2021

Admitted: 10/21/2021

To: Providence St Vincent

Murdered: 10/30/2021

Andrew Amparan

Not in Vain 21

Not in Vain 21

Age: 67

Location: Outside The US

Became sick: 12/16/2021

First sought care: 12/21/2021

Admitted: 12/23/2021

To: Chatham Kent Health Alliance N7L1B7

Murdered: 12/30/2021

Clare Wiersma

Janet H’s Story

Janet H’s Story

Age: 65

Location: CA

Became sick: 08/21/2021

First sought care: 08/22/2021

Admitted: 08/24/2021

To: Sutter Roseville

Murdered: 09/15/2021

Harold Hayward

Michelle Strassburg’s Story

Michelle Strassburg’s Story

Age: 66

Location: MI

Became sick: 11/05/2021

First sought care: 11/13/2021

Admitted: 11/13/2021

To: Henry Ford

Murdered: 12/05/2021

Richard Strassburg

Erin G’s Story

Erin G’s Story

Age: 51

Location: NJ

Became sick: 09/02/2021

First sought care: 09/05/2021

Admitted: 09/05/2021

To: Shores Memorial , NJ

Murdered: 09/09/2021

Chuck Hammel

I Survived

I Survived

Age: 64

Location: NV

Became sick: 10/08/2021

First sought care: 10/15/2021

Admitted: 10/15/2021

To: Mountain View Hospital and Pam Rehab

Regina Bell

Murder In Jefferson City Missouri

Murder In Jefferson City Missouri

Age: 60

Location: MO

Became sick: 09/04/2020

First sought care: 09/08/2020

Admitted: 09/11/2020

To: Capital Region Medical Center

Murdered: 10/06/2020

Bob Belknap

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.