Demanding Accountability and Reform

We’re working tirelessly to ensure that justice is served for those who have suffered from both COVID-related crimes against humanity and the ongoing injustices faced by January 6th detainees. From the beginning, we’ve championed accountability, fighting to expose the truth and advocate for the dignity and rights of those affected by harmful policies and governmental overreach. Our mission is clear: to shed light on the suffering endured by these individuals and to push for concrete changes that protect their fundamental rights.

But we can’t achieve this alone. Your support is vital in helping us provide resources, advocacy, and educational outreach that will empower these efforts and keep the spotlight on those responsible. Together, we can uphold justice and ensure that the stories and struggles of these victims aren’t forgotten. Please join us in this critical fight—donate today to help us secure accountability, restore justice, and bring about meaningful reform.

FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation Missions

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is focused on achieving justice for victims of COVID-19-related crimes against humanity and on broader issues affecting individual freedoms. In addition to documenting and seeking accountability for the systemic abuses in service of the national public health, FFFF is dedicated to several other key missions:

  • Restoring Constitutional Protections: FFFF works to defend and restore the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, particularly those eroded during the COVID-19 crisis and attempted “Great Reset” of Western nations.
  • Opposition to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): FFFF opposes CBDCs, viewing them as a threat to financial privacy and individual freedom due to the potential for government surveillance and control over personal finances.
  • Defense of Constitutionally Protected Speech: The foundation supports individuals targeted for their advocacy during the COVID fiasco and for involvement in the January 6 events, advocating for their fundamental rights to free speech and to protest in person and on digital platforms.
  • Advocacy and Public Awareness: FFFF raises awareness about the dangers of international control over national governance and promotes policy reforms to prevent future injustices.

Through these and other missions (below), FFFF aims to protect individual liberties, promote justice, and ensure accountability for actions that undermine human rights and freedoms.

CHBMP (COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project) is a FFFF mission that documents and seeks justice for victims of COVID-19-related crimes against humanity. It collects testimonies from those harmed by COVID policies, hospital protocols, and mandates, especially the use of EUA drugs like Remdesivir and mRNA, denial of alternative treatments, and forced medical experimentation. CHBMP aims to expose pandemic-driven violations of human rights and advocate for accountability and justice for those affected.

Eric’s Covid Journey

Eric’s Covid Journey

Age: 51

Location: OH

Admitted: 11/14/2020

To: Fisher Titus

Ventilated: 11/28/2020

Eric Seitz

Philip’s Story

Philip’s Story

Age: 52

Location: OH

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Fisher Titus Medical Center

Ventilated: 09/13/2021

Murdered: 09/25/2021

Philip Booth

Fentanyl, the Other Killer in ICU

Fentanyl, the Other Killer in ICU

Age: 67

Location: KY

Admitted: 12/20/2021

To: Baptist Health LaGrange

Ventilated: 12/20/2021

Murdered: 01/05/2022

Steven Mark Sprague

Remdesivir and Ventilator Kills 85-Year-Old Mother/Grandmother

Remdesivir and Ventilator Kills 85-Year-Old Mother/Grandmother

Age: 85

Location: CA

Admitted: 09/08/2021

To: 9/8/21 admitted to Arcadia Methodist Hospital - later released at 9:30 pm approximately; 9/11/21 admitted to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, CA 91105

Ventilated: 09/11/2021

Murdered: 09/28/2021

Bertha Bruno

James H Story

James H Story

Age: 78

Location: GA

Admitted: 01/01/2022

To: Newnan Hospital

Ventilated: 01/14/2022

Murdered: 01/17/2022


They tried to kill me but I made it out alive

They tried to kill me but I made it out alive

Age: 64

Location: FL

Admitted: 07/08/2021

To: Blake Medical Center

Joseph Leo

Too Young To Die, Cristi Miles’ Story

Too Young To Die, Cristi Miles’ Story

Age: 40

Location: FL

Admitted: 07/21/2021

To: Baptist South

Murdered: 08/04/2021

Austin Miles

One In Whom There was NO Guile

One In Whom There was NO Guile

Age: 74

Location: TX

Admitted: 07/05/2021

To: Baylor, Scott and White, College Station

Ventilated: 07/15/2021

Murdered: 08/01/2021

Carolyn Carroll

Halt Hospital Homicide (HHH) Rallies are a movement organized by the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation and the Freedom Foundation Citizens Task Force to expose and demand accountability for the deadly COVID-19 hospital protocols. The rally honors victims, advocates for legislation to protect patients’ rights, and fosters community support among those affected. The event features speakers, eyewitness testimonies, and efforts to pressure hospitals to prioritize patient care over profits. It serves as a powerful platform for raising awareness and driving change to prevent future tragedies.

The driving force behind FFFF and all of our missions, the Freedom Foundation Citizens Task Force (FFCTF) is composed largely of individuals harmed by the erosion of constitutional protections during the COVID-19 crisis. FFCTF is dedicated to documenting COVID-related crimes against humanity, supporting victims, advocating for legal and policy reforms, and opposing threats like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the unjust targeting of individuals involved in expressing constitutionally protected speech. The task force champions individual dignity, justice, and the restoration of freedoms through collective action and shared experiences.

The Freedom Foundation Citizens Task Force, like all of our missions, is powered by people like you. Please join us today and help make a difference right away.

Help Raise Awareness: Get one of these as a free gift with a donation of $25 or more. Your support helps us make a difference!