Disability is a Covid death sentence
Pamela Cardenas Story
MaryAnne’s Story
Love of my Life
My Dad
Murdered by FDA Death Protocol
Fred Vagt Story
Surviving the Battlefield
April B’s Story
“Forced Remdesivir”
Garman- Dishonest Professionals
Ginny’s Story
Dr. Stephen Guffanti’s Story
Betrayal of Paul G. Corsten by the hospital
Marie M’s Story
The ( Death Center of Beaver County)
Another Hospital Murder Using Remdesivir
Hardworking Family Man Killed by Remdesivir Hospital Protocol
Cyndee’s Story
This protocol took both my sister and brother-in-law, Crystal’s Story
The Love of my Life Gone too Soon
The Kenneth Slaughter Story
Eleazar Padilla
My Husband’s Death Should Never Happened- Esther’s Story
Heather Mayden’s Story
Shari’s Story
Protocols Killed My Father, Not Covid
Jerry Serna Story
Betrayal of Bud: Karen B’s Story
Be Aware, Our Mom Connie’s Story
Christine Asher Story
Missing my son Deavin Veach only 21
Sara Heagle Story
Tracy Bird’s Story
Cynthia S.’s Story
I’ll Be Right Back Honey… Robert Best
This never should have happened
Cindy’s Simmons Story
Killed by Covid protocol
Justice for James Clouser
David Smith: husband, father, Pawpaw, brother, and son
Ric’s Story
Tammy G’s Story
Murdered by Hospital Protocol
Moderna Murdered my Daughter
Kimberlee Wood’s Heartbreaking Story
Murdered in the Hospital
Imagine sending a loved one to the hospital for treatment, only for them to be murdered at the hands of a corrupt system.
Now imagine this has happened to hundreds of thousands of people like you. These stories are being erased from history. Together, we can preserve them.
There are thousands of stories yet to be archived. Can you help with this monumental task? Please click here to volunteer.