Annette Alves Survivor Story
Age: 54
Location: CA
Admitted: 10/11/2021
To: Adventist Hospital Selma
Annette Alves
I am not sure in her case as I was never allowed to see her. I know I went to the hospital the same time and I was treated very poorly. So I would say she was treated the same.
I called her Lisa Ree or just Ree cause it was short for Lisa Marie. Lisa and I started dating at 14 years old and were dating for 41 years. Married almost 38. I joked that we were still Virgins cause we just swapped. In all our years together I never thought about another woman. To me she was perfect in every way. I named our first boat Lisa Ree and our current boat Lisa Ree II. We did everything together. She made everything around her better. Her smile would light up a room. She is missed by so many.
This is about her hospital visit.
Lisa’s mom called on Friday November 19 saying she was not feeling well and could she come up. Lisa said fine and went to her mom’s house. Sunday November 21. We (Her mom, Her aunt ,Myself and Lisa) all tested Positive for Covid using the Walgreens home test. None of us Vaccinated. Lisa’s Mom called on Nov. 23 saying she did not feel well so we went to her house and decided to call 911 and have her transported to the local Hospital. Lisa and I went home. Over the next few days Lisa got weaker and more tired. As a kid Lisa was prone to pneumonia So I decided to take her in and get some fluids and oxygen. I dropped her off at the Emergency room and went to park the car. I got back to the Emergency room and Lisa was gone. I asked where she was and they said due to Covid protocols I had to go to a separate room. When the nurse asked if I was Vaccinated and I said NO. She looked at me like I should not be alive. Lisa was admitted and I was sent home. I think Lisa not being vaccinated put a big target on her back. I talked to her when I could. I admitted myself on Nov 25 because I could not breathe and they put me on fluids and gave me a clot shot. I was treated horrible. After 23 hours I asked if I go pee and they said I could use a porta urinal, Not the toilet across the hall.
I texted her often and still have all the texts from her. The hospital asked about Remdesivir and we said we were not sure because we had never had time to research it. Lisa’s Mom supposedly got the five shot course and she was fine. They pushed it again on the 27th and we said OK. The Doctor saying it will fix her up and she would be fine. Not knowing what I know now. On the 29th the Doctor was checking me out to leave and said (Miss Lisa is not doing so good and I do not expect her to survive). How did he know that and why would you say that to a patient or their loved one. He said this on the 29th of November and she passed on Dec 19. I then said If Lisa dies there will be a really big bang. Bad choice of words. Acadia hospital was called I was put on Suicide watch. I proved that I would not do anything like that and was allowed to go home. I mentioned what the Doc had said and she asked the nurse why the doc said she was dying and the nurse told her I misunderstood what the Doctor said. How do you misunderstand something like that? She had texted me why she was such a bad patient . The nurses were mad because they had mentioned the vent and we said we did not want to go that way. We did a Zoom call on Nov.30 and Lisa’s throat was very swollen. They were taking her to be ventilated. We did not want this BUT, that did not matter. I have a document saying they were messing with her power of attorney. The board of doctors said that it was strange that THEY DID A VERBAL CONSENT WHEN Lisa was very active at that time. She could have had her sign it but did not. The board said We do not feel this is legal but where she is going to die I doesn’t really matter. They took her and we ended the zoom call I noticed her throat was very swollen like she was having an allergic reaction to something. It said in the Dr’s notes they tried three times to intubate and the third try went in, It made her throat bleed. That Zoom call was the last time I saw her alive. The nurse told me Lisa was asked how you are able to be with someone for 41 years and Lisa said (I found the right one) We found each other and we were a perfect fit.
I made it a point to call her two or three times a day. I asked a nurse about having a phone in her room and she said we do not have a phone that they can put in her room. I told them to use her cell phone I will call You answer put it on speaker and walk away. I did that for 21 days. I asked the Dr’s about Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and antibodies. They did not want to hear it. I asked dozens of times only to get it is not FDA approved.
Remdesivir was only approved under EUA. None of the Covid jabs are FDA approved. Only EUA.
I begged to see her and it was always no (Covid protocols). Or “you can’t see her until she tests negative.” They called me on Friday Dec. 17 and said she had improved but “just don’t get too excited.”
Sunday Dec.19 the Doc calls me and said they were going to break Covid protocols and let me see her. I knew what was up… They wanted me to take her off life support. I go down there and get all gowned up. I go into the room and she had the tubes and stuff all connected. She was still as beautiful as I had remembered. I was there with her over six hours and I made it a point to call everyone she and I knew to let them say GOODBYE. Over 70 calls. When done I asked the nurse what her chances were and she said 0. She had stopped producing red blood cells. I then asked if this was your loved one what would you do. She said I would let her go.
I decided to remove the vent. I asked the nurse how long can she go without the vent and she said 20 to 30 minutes. I leaned down to give her a kiss and she kind of spit up a little and got me on the cheek. I said YOU HAD TO GET LAST ONE IN DIDN’T YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT.
I gave her our last kiss placed my head on her chest and heard her last heartbeat. After about 3 minutes the nurse said the most gut wrenching words I ever heard.. SHE’S GONE. About 3 or so minutes later Lisa shook for just a second and I asked the nurse what that was and she said it is her spinal cord looking for something to talk to and there is nothing.. I stayed with her for a little while longer and said my final goodbye to the most precious person I have ever known.
So now I am alone in a 9 room house with 2 cats. One is diabetic but that is no big deal. The other cat is 18 years old and misses his mom. Even after almost 4 months he still wanders the house crying looking for her. I am convinced they killed my Precious Lisa for profit. I heard the hospital gets 38,000.00 for the person dying on the vent, So much for a positive Covid test 3100.00 for giving Remdesivir and a 20% mark up on the whole bill for giving Remdesivir. How many others have lost their loved one that way. I see a lot just on this site. Nuremberg Trials need to come and hold these murderous bastards accountable. If we can sue them that is fine. I just do not want anyone else in her Mother and My shoes. This is a nightmare you cannot wake up from. It is always there. Hopefully we as a group can raise awareness to this murderous situation and have those responsible held accountable.
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Age: 54
Location: CA
Admitted: 10/11/2021
To: Adventist Hospital Selma
Annette Alves
Age: 74
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/23/2021
To: High Desert Medical Center, Joshua Tree, California
Murdered: 12/31/2021
James (Jim) Martin
Age: 67
Location: TN
Admitted: 01/15/2022
To: TriStar Hendersonville
Murdered: 02/03/2022
Pamela M. Smith
Age: 43
Location: CA
Admitted: 07/16/2021
To: Natividad Medical Center
Narciso Serra
Age: 62
Location: NJ
Admitted: 12/14/2021
To: Community Medical Center
Murdered: 01/11/2022
Scott N Keith
Age: 82
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/11/2021
To: The Villages Hospital -the Villages Fl
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John J Murphy Sr.
Age: 68
Location: TN
Admitted: 11/10/2021
To: Hardin County Medical Center
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Charlotte Ulmer
Age: 54
Location: AL
Admitted: 08/16/2021
To: Walker Baptist Hospital, Jasper, AL
Murdered: 08/29/2021
Allen McFerrin
Age: 23
Location: Outside The US
Murdered: 02/08/2022
Ruth Kelso
Age: 43
Location: WI
Admitted: 09/03/2021
To: Bellin Memorial Hospital, Green Bay, WI
Murdered: 10/10/2021
Doug Roatch
Age: 47
Location: SC
Admitted: 08/07/2021
To: Waccamaw Hospital
Murdered: 08/16/2021
William J. Davis
Age: 50
Location: ID
Admitted: 09/05/2021
To: St. Alphonsus
Laura L. Baker
Age: 49
Location: VA
Admitted: 12/07/2021
To: Lewis Gayle
Teresia Whisnant
Age: 78
Location: CO
Admitted: 11/28/2021
To: Lutheran Medical Center, Wheatridge CO
Murdered: 12/08/2021
Helen Johnson
Age: 60
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/02/2021
To: Wellington Regional Medical Center
Murdered: 08/30/2021
Michael Elliott
Age: 62
Location: OH
Admitted: 11/04/2021
Murdered: 12/04/2021
David Stambaugh
Age: 43
Location: AL
Admitted: 08/25/2021
Murdered: 09/26/2021
Shannon Marie Jordan McDonald
Age: 61
Location: FL
Admitted: 06/23/2020
To: Delray Medical Center
Murdered: 07/29/2020
Jacob Bertman
Age: 55
Location: WI
Admitted: 12/15/2021
To: Aurora Medical Center Summit
Murdered: 01/05/2022
Michelle Jean Smith
Age: 55
Location: VA
Admitted: 01/05/2022
To: INOVA Loudoun
Anne Miller
Age: 68
Location: IL
Admitted: 09/15/2021
To: NW Memorial Delnor, Geneva, IL
Murdered: 10/24/2021
Charles Madeira
Age: 63
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/18/2020
To: Fresno Community
Murdered: 01/11/2020
Barbara James
Age: 41
Location: PA
Alia Renee Capodici
Age: 44
Location: TX
Admitted: 06/17/2021
To: Cedar Park Regional Hospital
Nicholas Aaron Passe
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.