Cyndee Ellis

Hospital: St Vincent’s Portland OR

Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: no

Asked to sign DNR: yes

Asked if vaccinated: yes

Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: idk

"Doctors... hospitals rewarded for patients dying? We used to get paid to save people. This isn't medicine anymore." - Dr. David Ellis

Name of Victim: Cyndee Ellis

Age: 72 years old

Date of onset of symptoms: 12/23/2021

First sought medical attention: 01/02/2022

Admitted to hospital: 01/03/2022

Treatment received at hospital: Treated poorly

Experience in hospital:

There were some caring medical personnel however there was no deviation from protocols or the government's established computer generated standard of care. Patient is not diabetic but given insulin which about killed her. Drug combination administered cut off circulation to the feet resulting in gangrene of the entire both feet. Patient was left in a state of paralysis for 60+ days post discharge to a rehab center. Patient's feet are slowly healing but is unable to bare weight or walk. Scabs on feet must be kept dry so unable to shower. Requires continuous care

Medications given: antibiotics, anxiety meds, blood thinner, blood pressure meds, dexamethasone, Decadron, diuretic, fentynal, insulin, lasix, midazolam, Oxygen, precedex, propofol, sedatives, Steroids, vassopressin

Date victim was placed on a ventilator: 01/03/2022

Days on a ventilator: : 52 days

Pursuing legal action?: no

Engaging in activism: yes

What types of activism: Sharing Cyndee's story and educating

Watch & Share The Interview

The Interview with Cyndee Ellis
Cyndee’s Story
Written by Testimonial by Cyndee and Dr. David Ellis

I am a medical office manager. My husband is a Family physician. Just prior to Christmas 2021 I came down with cold like symptoms. I was preparing for a large family gathering and had to cancel. I did not have a fever but I did have a cough. I had good days and bad days. On the evening of Jan 2nd I started to feel worse. I got up from bed to go to the bathroom. I passed out in the bathroom. My husband and daughter began CPR and called 911. I have a few memories after that but not many until Feb.22. I do remember being alone a lot and not being allowed to communicate with my husband.

on Feb 22 2022, a RT named “Sharon” came into my room. She said, “I do not believe she needs to be intubated. She said I was being over medicated. She wanted me weened off of all drugs and transitioned to room air. She came in frequently to check on me. She said “Cyndee, do you trust me.” I quickly transitioned to room air and came out of my coma. Feb 22nd 2022. The attending physician asked me the date. He asked me if I knew where I was. I answered yes. No deficiencies, no memory issues, no brain damage.

My feet were evaluated by several podiatrists. I had a cardiovascular consult. The suggestion was made that I should have my feet amputated. One cardiovascular surgeon said she has great circulation why amputate her feet will heal. While at St Vincent’s nothing was done to help my feet.

On March 3rd I was moved to a skilled nursing facility. I was paralyzed from the neck down and needed help with all personal care including eating. The admitting PA at the nursing home never did a H and P upon admission. I’ve read the nursing home notes which are filled with lies and inaccuracies. Items were charted that ever occurred all for the sake of turning a profit. Lies about my health including saying I’m diabetic which I am not continue to affect my post accuse care. Our Medical system is seriously flawed. People are not herd animals. We are all unique. Not even “One size fits most” applies.

I still face the possibility of having some toes removed and not being able to walk again. I take baby steps everyday with the help of several para professionals. Facing new challenges everyday. My family documented everything. I can provide ICU pictures and pictures of my damaged feet

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Dariann Van Holton

Dariann Van Holton

Age: 48

Location: IA

Became sick: 12/19/2021

First sought care: 12/20/2021

Admitted: 12/28/2021

To: Mercy Westlake

Murdered: 02/28/2022

Darryl Van Holton

David Polanco’s Story

David Polanco’s Story

Age: 75

Location: NV

Became sick: 08/16/2021

First sought care: 08/24/2021

Admitted: 08/24/2021

To: St. Rose

Murdered: 09/12/2021

Carol Evans

Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon

Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon

Age: 56

Location: SC

Became sick: 08/21/2021

First sought care: 09/01/2021

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Self Regional Hospital

Murdered: 09/24/2021

Anthony Payne (Tony) Whatley

Murder by remdeathsver

Murder by remdeathsver

Age: 54

Location: MI

Became sick: 09/12/2021

First sought care: 09/14/2021

Admitted: 09/14/2021

To: Henryford

Murdered: 09/29/2021

Michael Norman

Stanley Czarnecki Survivor Story

Stanley Czarnecki Survivor Story

Age: 59

Location: NY

Became sick: 09/24/2021

First sought care: 09/27/2021

Admitted: 10/02/2021

To: Saint Catherines

Stanley j. Czarnecki

Biggest Mistake of My Life, Trinna’s Story

Biggest Mistake of My Life, Trinna’s Story

Age: 48

Location: FL

Became sick: 11/08/2021

First sought care: 11/13/2021

Trinna Patterson

My Husband’s Death Should Never Happened- Esther’s Story

My Husband’s Death Should Never Happened- Esther’s Story

Age: 54

Location: CA

Became sick: 03/13/2021

First sought care: 03/18/2021

Admitted: 03/20/2021

To: Huntington Beach Hospital

Murdered: 04/16/2021

Pete Abraham Acosta

The Timothy Parton Story

The Timothy Parton Story

Age: 60

Location: TN

Became sick: 09/05/2020

First sought care: 09/12/2020

Admitted: 09/12/2020

To: Holston Valley Medical Center

Murdered: 10/15/2020

Timothy Elmer Parton

Joyce’s Story

Joyce’s Story

Age: 78

Location: PA

Became sick: 08/15/2021

First sought care: 08/17/2021

Admitted: 08/17/2021

To: Jefferson Regional

Murdered: 08/31/2021

Nelson L Windsor

Mother and Baby Miracles

Mother and Baby Miracles

Age: 31

Location: CA

Became sick: 10/31/2021

First sought care: 11/05/2021

Admitted: 11/05/2021

To: Kiaser

Donna Pena

Terminated Over Illegal Mandates

Terminated Over Illegal Mandates

Age: 44

Location: CO

Jody Davison

Wrongful Death of a Loved-One Experimental Vaccine

Wrongful Death of a Loved-One Experimental Vaccine

Age: 68

Location: IN

Became sick: 08/13/2021

First sought care: 12/13/2022

Admitted: 12/13/2022

To: Kosciusko Community Health Care

Murdered: 01/25/2022

Judith lee Dulworth (Roberts)

Sarah H.’s Story

Sarah H.’s Story

Age: 51

Location: FL

Became sick: 01/18/2022

First sought care: 01/18/2022

Admitted: 01/27/2022

To: St. Joseph's Hospital - North

Murdered: 02/03/2022

Paul Haberski

Drew and Maria’s Story: A Patient and an Advocate Fight for Life

Drew and Maria’s Story: A Patient and an Advocate Fight for Life

Age: 50

Location: CA

Became sick: 11/04/2021

First sought care: 11/11/2021

Admitted: 11/14/2021

To: Mission Providence and Kindred, Santa Ana then Encompass Rehab

Drew Brophy

Thomas Joe Suggs

Thomas Joe Suggs

Age: 76

Location: CA

Became sick: 12/14/2022

First sought care: 12/26/2022

Admitted: 12/26/2022

To: Clovis Community Hospital

Murdered: 12/30/2022

Thomas Joe Suggs

“Why won’t they listen to me” She cried for them to check her meds she brought with her…

“Why won’t they listen to me” She cried for them to check her meds she brought with her…

Age: 69

Location: CA

Became sick: 09/10/2021

First sought care: 09/10/2021

Admitted: 09/10/2021

To: Desert Valley ER Admitted her to Waterman Canyon Acute Care She died at St. Bernadine due to the 'SUB PAR Care she received" at Watermen & Desert Valley"

Murdered: 10/01/2001

Connie Degnan

Colleen’s Story

Colleen’s Story

Age: 77

Location: AZ

Became sick: 01/06/2021

First sought care: 01/09/2021

Admitted: 01/16/2021

To: Honors in Scottsdale

Murdered: 01/30/2021

Donald McKenzie

Only Survivor in My ICU

Only Survivor in My ICU

Age: 61

Location: FL

Became sick: 07/16/2021

First sought care: 07/20/2021

Admitted: 07/22/2021

To: Port Orange, Florida Halifax

Ginae Lee Karoub

Charles Vanasse Story

Charles Vanasse Story

Age: 62

Location: UT

Became sick: 08/25/2021

First sought care: 09/03/2021

Admitted: 09/03/2021

To: St George Intermountain Regional

Murdered: 09/19/2021

Charles Vanasse

Hospital Protocol Went Against His Wishes and Remdesavir Killed Him

Hospital Protocol Went Against His Wishes and Remdesavir Killed Him

Age: 69

Location: TX

Became sick: 11/02/2020

First sought care: 11/03/2020

Admitted: 11/12/2020

To: Baylor Scott and White, Rowlett, Texas

Murdered: 11/24/2020

Jim Thiehoff

Death By Remdesivir

Death By Remdesivir

Age: 63

Location: LA

Became sick: 08/06/2021

First sought care: 08/07/2021

Admitted: 08/10/2021

To: Franciscan Missionaries Of Our Lady Health System

Murdered: 09/18/2021

Ronnie Lane Quebedeaux

Glenn Mahan story – Updated to Murder

Glenn Mahan story – Updated to Murder

Age: 67

Location: OK

Became sick: 02/19/2021

Murdered: 05/14/2023

Glenn Mahan

Unbelievable but True

Unbelievable but True

Age: 63

Location: NY

Became sick: 11/01/2021

First sought care: 12/10/2021

Admitted: 11/10/2021

To: Kenmore Mercy

Cheryl Moran

Kevin Tyykila Survival Experience

Kevin Tyykila Survival Experience

Age: 26

Location: TX

Became sick: 08/10/2021

First sought care: 08/11/2021

Admitted: 08/15/2021

To: Baylor Scott and White - Grapevine

Kevin Tyykila

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.