Gerald Lee Shirar
Honor Flag
Name of Victim: Gerald Lee Shirar
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: Veteran
Branch of Service: Air Force
Location: CA
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: NorthBay Health Medical Center
County: Solano
Date of Admission to Hospital: 08/22/2021
Date of Death: 09/16/2021
Isolated, dehydrated, and starved for 26 days; called her for end of life visit then made her stand across the hall and watch through the glass; she stood there and prayed; he didn't die, so they threw her out...
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 26
Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

He was not allowed to get out of bed. He could not use the restroom and was berated when he had an accident on the bedpan. Nurses refused to tell him how to get better when he would ask. They kept reiterating the entire time: AGE, VAX STATUS, LENGTH OF STAY IN ICU...... i kept begging them to treat his pneumonia; no remdesivir, no vax and he got both

Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, from the moment they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Ativan/Lorazepam, Antibiotics, Blood Thinners, Dexamethasone, Fentanyl, Morphine, Pain killers, Paralytics, Precedex, Sedatives, Narcopine drip, protonix injections for reflux
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Actemra, Convalescent Plasma, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Monoclonal antibodies
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Refused treatment, Isolated, Neglected, Deprived of food, Deprived of water, Gaslighted, Derided
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: I was told they don’t feed them-they need oxygen more than food and besides they didn’t have staff available to feed them. I was lied to and told they... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: On the day Gerald was to get his tracheostomy, a new dr came in, cancelled everything; turned the vent back up to 100% from 50%; added 4 heavy-duty an... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Tracy Lombardi Shirar

On the day Gerald was to get his tracheostomy, a new dr came in, cancelled everything; turned the vent back up to 100% from 50%; added 4 heavy-duty antibiotics before the blood tests returned negative, screamed at her when she asked why; said HE was the one in charge; and she knew then, she would lose him...

Gerald Lee Shirar Murdered by COViD Hospital Protocol
Written by Tracy Lombardi Shirar(Wife )

I was denied hospital entry.I told the nurses and doctors no Remdesivir and no Ventilator. I continually requested transfers to UC Davis hospital-denied. Jerry was not given any food. I was told by the nurse they don’t feed them-they need oxygen more than food besides they didn’t have the staff to help them eat. I contacted a supervisor-was told they were short staffed but would see what she could do. I requested entry continually-denied!

Every doctor I talked to stated Jerry’s age, his vaccine status and his time in their ICU. Jerry said the nurses would not allow him out of bed and would not tell him how to get better. I asked if they were giving him food. He said they shove a bite in your mouth and the oxygen tube without allowing him to chew or swallow. The nurses told him he could not use the restroom and could use the bedpan only and berated him when he had an accident on it.

They told me they were moving Jerry to ICU to drain the fluid off his lungs and the doctor promised me no ventilation. The next call I got he was fully ventilated. Some Nurses yelled and screamed at me for calling to much and questioning their treatment. It was an unbelievable horrific nightmare and my husband was used as a pawn in their evil death protocol.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Remdesivir Killed My Husband, Sarah Mitchell’s Story

Remdesivir Killed My Husband, Sarah Mitchell’s Story

Age: 39

Location: MI

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak

Murdered: 01/08/2022

Kyle Mitchell

Father of 5 Killed by Hospital Protocol

Father of 5 Killed by Hospital Protocol

Age: 43

Location: AL

Admitted: 08/15/2021

To: Baptist South

Murdered: 08/25/2021

Ragan Barkhurst

Nancy A. Dobson Story

Nancy A. Dobson Story

Age: 73

Location: MI

Admitted: 10/14/2021

To: Mid-Michigan Hospital in Clare, Michigan and Mid-Michigan hospital in Gratiot, Michigan

Murdered: 10/17/2021

Nancy A. Dobson

Jeff D’s Story :MY Father was Murdered by a Hospital

Jeff D’s Story :MY Father was Murdered by a Hospital

Age: 77

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/25/2021

To: Ascension St Vincent

Murdered: 09/02/2021

Samuel William Dunkle

Garold Shoemaker Story

Garold Shoemaker Story

Age: 76

Location: IL

Admitted: 10/20/2020

To: Blessing Hospital

Murdered: 11/06/2020

Garold Shoemaker

I lost the love of my life Timothy Alan Meyers

I lost the love of my life Timothy Alan Meyers

Age: 59

Location: MO

Admitted: 09/02/2021

To: Lee’s Summit Medical Center

Murdered: 10/04/2021

Timothy Alan Meyers

Dawn Mobley’s Story

Dawn Mobley’s Story

Age: 57

Location: IL

Admitted: 10/29/2022

To: St Marys

Murdered: 11/19/2021

Dawn Mobley

Kevin Hite’s Story of Survival

Kevin Hite’s Story of Survival

Age: 62

Location: AK

Admitted: 09/09/2021

To: Mat Su Regional

Kevin Hite

James A. Evans shouldn’t have died.  Covid and the hospital killed him

James A. Evans shouldn’t have died. Covid and the hospital killed him

Age: 63

Location: IL

Admitted: 03/28/2021

To: Delnor Hospital

Murdered: 05/15/2021

James A Evans

My brother got vaccinated and then got cancer

My brother got vaccinated and then got cancer

Age: 58

Location: TX

Admitted: 02/01/2022

To: St. David Medical Center

Murdered: 04/12/2022

James David Springer

LIES from the very beginning.

LIES from the very beginning.

Age: 48

Location: OH

Admitted: 11/21/2020

To: It was terrible...I had to call the squad because Bob's oxygen level had dipped to the 70's. 911 to Warren County Ohio/Clearcreek Township. They weren't concerned at all about Bob. They wanted to know how many people were in our house and had we all been tested. They said Bob had to meet them at the door. When they pulled up to our house, they only parked in the street. Not the driveway. They wanted Bob to WALK to the ambulance. Insisted they put him on a gurney. They didn't turn on lights or sirens. Bob texted when he got to Sycamore and said they didnt give him oxygen in the squad. He was taken to Sycamore and they said their covid floor was full. I had to choose between Fort HAmilton or Grandview Hospital...neither have good reputations. I chose Grandview. While he was there, I spoke to a nurse once and had to take his c-pap machine to the hospital. I parked in the physicians was empty. I never had 1 call from a doctor his whole time at Grandview. He was intubated without my consent. I was able to get him transferred to Christ hospital in Cinci and he was put on an ecmo machine there. He lasted almost 2 months. The treatment at Christ was vastly different than Grandview. NEVER spoke to a dr once at Grandview. Why didnt they give him oxygen in the squad?

Murdered: 01/24/2021

Robert "Bob" Hamm

Philip’s Story

Philip’s Story

Age: 52

Location: OH

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Fisher Titus Medical Center

Murdered: 09/25/2021

Philip Booth

Remdesivir and C19 Protocol Killed My Father

Remdesivir and C19 Protocol Killed My Father

Age: 55

Location: NV

Admitted: 08/30/2021

To: Centennial Hills Hospital

Murdered: 09/23/2021

Ricardo L. Fimbres

Heather E.’s Story

Heather E.’s Story

Age: 51

Location: FL

Admitted: 09/13/2021

To: Advent Health Fish Memorial

Murdered: 09/29/2021

Jerry (Joe) Ellixson

Thomas Joe Suggs

Thomas Joe Suggs

Age: 76

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/26/2022

To: Clovis Community Hospital

Murdered: 12/30/2022

Thomas Joe Suggs

Little Sis

Little Sis

Age: 59

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/05/2021

To: Memorial Herman

Murdered: 08/17/2021

Nancy Porter

They Murdered my Father!

They Murdered my Father!

Age: 68

Location: AZ

Admitted: 11/20/2021

To: Banner Del E Webb Medical Center in Sun City West Arizona

Murdered: 11/26/2021

Martyn T Schenck

Harmed by the Jab- Sheila’s Story

Harmed by the Jab- Sheila’s Story

Age: 64

Location: FL

Sheila Bath

Patriot & Veteran

Patriot & Veteran

Age: 57

Location: TX

Admitted: 07/01/2021

To: Mansfield Methodist Medical Center

Murdered: 08/11/2021

Michael Peterson

Sherman Herritt’s Story

Sherman Herritt’s Story

Age: 69

Location: VA

Admitted: 10/06/2021

To: Santara Martha Jefferson

Murdered: 10/20/2021

Sherman Herritt

Bernie’s Story

Bernie’s Story

Age: 79

Location: WI

Admitted: 12/03/2021

To: Aspirus Medford Hospital

Murdered: 12/09/2021

Bernard Joseph Scholz

Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon

Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon

Age: 56

Location: SC

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Self Regional Hospital

Murdered: 09/24/2021

Anthony Payne (Tony) Whatley

The Robert Smith Story

The Robert Smith Story

Age: 70

Location: WA

Admitted: 11/10/2021

To: Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital

Murdered: 12/18/2021

Robert Smith

Mike’s Plight

Mike’s Plight

Age: 66

Location: FL

Admitted: 07/15/2021

To: Palms West Hospital in Loxahatchee, Florida (Palm Beach County)

Murdered: 08/01/2021

Michael H. McVan

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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