Robert Best

Location: New Jersey


Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: no

Asked to sign DNR: no

Asked if vaccinated: yes

Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: yes

How victim was treated differently after disclosing vax status:

The person doing the intake immediately wanted to know why he was not vaxed. And then told me to step out because I was not vaxed.

I begged them to give him ivermectin, they thought it every attempt I hat I asked them to give them to give him hydroxychloroquine a higher dose of vitamin C zinc. The pulmonologist fought me on every level. A friend has a doctor friend at the hospital she called him and asked to look in on my husband he did so. He asked the pulmonologist to please give him ivermectin she fought with him.Then she gave him one dose of 25 mg of ivermectin and said she will never give him another dose. I was grateful that doctor went into look in on him. I never had words with that doctor that was trying to be so helpful but I have his name. And the doctor said nothing but we are following the NIH protocol and that is all we’re going to do for your husband. She was brutal and cruel.

Name of Victim: Robert Best

Age: 78 years old

Date of onset of symptoms: 04/08/2021

First sought medical attention: 04/12/2021

Admitted to hospital: 04/12/2021

Treatment received at hospital: Cruelly mistreated

Experience in hospital:

Very hard to say I had no contact. in there. I spoke with them over the phone on a video phone and he was crying saying honey you have to get me out of here and they’re going to kill me. Mind you he’s had no water and no food the phone call was made on Wednesday of that week.

Medications given: Remdesivir, blood pressure meds, dexamethasone, dexametomidine, Decadron, fentynal, Oxygen, tocilzumab, vit c

How long was the victim on remdesivir?: 5 days

Was the victim informed about remdesivir's EUA status?: idr

Informed of RMV side effects?: no

Was there consent for the use of remdesivir?: no

Date victim was placed on a ventilator: 04/15/2021

Days on a ventilator: : 5 days

Person being interviewed: Nancy Best

Relationship To Victim: Spouse

Pursuing legal action?: no

Engaging in activism: no

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The Interview with Nancy Best

"Security was called into the waiting room trying to scare the family."

I’ll Be Right Back Honey… Robert Best
Written by Nancy Best(Spouse)

My husband Bob was not feeling good late Thursday, 8 April 2021.  I asked if he wanted to go to the doctors, he said no. I said OK. Got through the weekend by late Saturday he was having trouble breathing. I made him eggs and he went back to sleep and he had told me that he had very loose bowels. I said, let’s go to the doctors, he said no he was afraid of the hospital or doctors. At this point we get to the hospital on the 12th Monday morning. He was having very labored breathing. He could barely walk into the hospital. Waited for 10 minutes or so, they took us in and asked if he was vaccinated, he said no and they asked if I was vaccinated, I said no. I could stay for only a minute and then they told me I really had to leave because I wasn’t vaccinated. They proceeded to ask a million questions.

They put him on the BiPAP and his oxygen was at 80. I drive a school bus and I knew I had to get back to the bus yard so I could be replaced for the afternoon. I stayed with him for about two hours. He still hadn’t seen a doctor. I then told him I was coming right back,  I had to bring the bus to the yard and I would be back as soon as I can. I called the hospital an hour later to see how he was doing because I was heading back to the hospital. They told me that I was not allowed to come into the hospital. I was told that they would not let me in at all. They told me to stay home and that they’ll keep me posted about what was going on. I spoke with nurse Jessica and she said he was stable and on the BiPAP. His blood pressure was good, his heart rate was good and his oxygen was now up to 90 to 93.

I asked if they would give him ivermectin and  they said no. The pulmonologist, Dr. Weiner, said we will not give him ivermectin it is not an approved medicine from there NIH. That’s not part of the hospital protocol. I begged them to give him that medicine. She said to me,  “I don’t even know how much to give, him how do you know what to give him, we don’t know about that medicine”  That’s when she told me she put him on remdesivir. I asked if I have a choice on that and that I do not want him on that medication.  She said no, it is part of the protocol that we follow. I asked her to put him on higher dosages of vitamin C and zinc. I asked her to please give him water, that he was a very big water drinker and drinks probably 3 quarts of water a day. She said we cannot give him any water, he’s on the BiPAP. I said please give him water and give him food, give him something, she said they’re feeding him through a tube. I asked what are they giving him? She said they were giving him nutrients and that they’re giving him vitamin C vitamin D, and something else, it was not any kind of nutrition. He went without water for eight days. My friend, a new doctor named Dr. Constantinople’s, a vein doctor – asked him if he would look in on Bob to see how he was doing. He told my friend he went into see him and spoke with him. I got the word back  that his breathing was labored, and had 80 oxygen saturation. He had asked Dr. Weiner to please give him ivermectin that his wife would like him to have ivermectin and she told him no, she wouldn’t do it but she did eventually give him one dose later after he left. When I spoke with the nurse later in the day she told me his breathing was much better after getting the medicine and that they asked my husband if he knew that doctor. Bob said no and the nurse said to me how do you know that doctor,  I said it’s none of your business. The nurse said your husband did not know him and I said my husband does not know all of my associates just like I don’t know all of his associates. It’s none of your business. They were grilling him  about this doctor because they didn’t want him there and asking questions to see how Bob was doing.

Later that day toward the evening when I was allowed to use the video phone before I spoke with Bob, the nurse said to me his breathing is so much better after he got the medicine. I’m in constant contact making phone calls trying to speak to an advocate. I left messages trying to speak to an advocate she never got back to me. I left five messages and her office. The 19th at 3:44 she finally calls me but she did absolutely nothing. Some of the names of the nurses Melissa, Joanne, Rosario, Jessica, and one nurse was very nasty with me and very rude when I started getting upset. She was Asian. Every time I try to speak with the pulmonologist who seem to be the one in control, Dr. Weiner she said she’s not going to give him any more ivermectin, that that was all. He got one dose and that’s all he gets, her exact words. Before I left the hospital that day I said you are not to do any procedures on him, nothing is to be done unless you talk to me first. He is not to make any decisions for himself because he’s not getting enough oxygen to have a clear mind. They said we will make sure you get abreast of everything that’s going on but that was a lie from hell. Begging and crying every day for them to give them ivermectin had to give them a higher dose of steroids they would not. He was going for a scan to see if he had blood clots,  he had no blood clots, everything looked very good in that department.

I got a phone call at 4:30am in the morning on Friday the 15th. I’m told Mrs. Best we’re asking if we can put Bob on a ventilator because he’s having a trouble breathing and I said is he already on a ventilator she said yes I said I don’t want him on a ventilator you didn’t call me first you had no right to put them on a ventilator and you did it anyway. I was furious I rushed down to the hospital thinking that they would let me in but they did not I got a phone call from another doctor telling me they have to put a port in his chest so they could treat him easier with Meds . Once they said that I know that things were going bad. That weekend we had a doctor leave her niece LIBERNASE and he was adamant he said he would never use ivermectin and that if it were him he would not have given any Ivermectin. That was Sunday I believe. So I downloaded 30 pages of the protocols that Dr. Kory And Dr. Merrick was using. I brought that to him Tuesday morning a group packet of 30 pages and 20 pages listing the protocols that were used Mexico City and in India. From what I understand they did bring it upstairs to him they would not let me in to see him but I’m sure he didn’t even look at it. I had another meeting in the hallway with another but I don’t know the name of the attending I don’t know who he was and he’s telling me that he had to give Bob some Pepcid because of the acid in his stomach. I said try giving him water to dilute the acid it down a little bit but he didn’t do that Because he was on a vent. This is a list of medicines REMDISIVIR Decadron Interleukin love annex aspirin Pepcid zinc 500 mg of C fentanyl versus Nimbex Which is a paralytic, and Nitroxide bicarb -fever reducer I did get a complete list on the medicines when I got his medical records which I don’t believe as a full accounting because it seems awfully short. And my husband never had blood pressure problems we left the cardiologist April 6 both of us with an excellent report everything was fine. We go yearly for cardiac check up.

On Sunday the 18th they said that I could come up and see him now that he was properly ventilated and couldn’t talk and couldn’t speak he was absolutely unconscious and they didn’t want me there long you’ve got 10 minutes they said to me. So I looked around and I took pictures as best I could and I took a picture of the picture of my grandson made for him on the wall. And when I got out of there and into that desk area they asked if I took pictures I said only of the wall so my grandson would know that the picture he made for his papa was there. They were very nasty to me that day and I told them that I knew what they were doing and that they would be hearing from me. I also told them that he was my property when we got married I gave myself to him and he gave himself to me we belong to each other he’s my property and I’m his property and that you’ll be held accountable for what they were doing to my beloved property.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Tom Coronado – Interview with with Kathy

Tom Coronado – Interview with with Kathy

Age: 73

Location: IL

Became sick: 12/24/2021

First sought care: 12/26/2021

Admitted: 12/30/2021

To: Advocate Sherman Hospital

Murdered: 01/27/2022

Tom Coronado 2

My Sister was Put in a Morgue Truck- Emeralda’s Story

My Sister was Put in a Morgue Truck- Emeralda’s Story

Age: 45

Location: NY

Became sick: 03/27/2020

First sought care: 03/31/2020

Admitted: 03/31/2020

To: Queens hospital in Jamiaca NY

Murdered: 04/04/2020

Mariathi Gianoumis

Denny’s Journey Though Hospital Covid Hell.

Denny’s Journey Though Hospital Covid Hell.

Age: 73

Location: IA

Became sick: 11/10/2021

First sought care: 11/10/2021

Admitted: 11/19/2021

To: Unity Point St. Luke's Hospital, University of Iowa Hospital

Murdered: 02/04/2022

Denny B

Fight for Truth, Ares’ Story Told by his Father

Fight for Truth, Ares’ Story Told by his Father

Age: 13

Location: GA

Became sick: 12/01/2021

First sought care: 12/03/2021

Admitted: 12/04/2021

To: Scottish Rite

Murdered: 12/08/2021

Ares Dobson

Husband Harmed by Remdesivir

Husband Harmed by Remdesivir

Age: 43

Location: CA

Became sick: 07/12/2021

First sought care: 07/14/2021

Admitted: 07/16/2021

To: Natividad Medical Center

Narciso Serra

Brad Dixon Story

Brad Dixon Story

Age: 58

Location: OH

Became sick: 09/14/2021

First sought care: 09/14/2021

Admitted: 09/21/2021

To: Riverside Methodist

Murdered: 10/22/2021

Bradley W. Dixon

You Should  Be Here- Sarah Cheney

You Should Be Here- Sarah Cheney

Age: 44

Location: UT

Became sick: 07/10/2021

First sought care: 07/18/2021

Admitted: 07/18/2021

To: Ogden Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 07/31/2021

Jason Cheney

Renny’s Story

Renny’s Story

Age: 75

Location: MI

Became sick: 01/16/2022

First sought care: 01/27/2022

Admitted: 01/27/2022

To: Trinity Health, formerly known as: St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital of Pontiac

Murdered: 02/09/2022

Reynolds W. Grant, Jr.

Cyndee’s Story

Cyndee’s Story

Age: 72

Location: WA

Became sick: 12/23/2021

First sought care: 01/02/2022

Admitted: 01/03/2022

To: St Vincent’s Portland OR

Cyndee Ellis

Nicole R.’s Story

Nicole R.’s Story

Age: 70

Location: MN

Became sick: 08/15/2021

First sought care: 08/20/2021

Admitted: 08/23/2021

To: Abbott North Western

Murdered: 09/07/2021

Ralph Marxen Jr

Self Defense from Medical Professionals

Self Defense from Medical Professionals

Age: 53

Location: TX

Became sick: 07/03/2020

First sought care: 07/20/2020

Admitted: 07/20/2020

To: Medical City Denton

Stephen Allphin

My Cousin and Best Friend was Murdered

My Cousin and Best Friend was Murdered

Age: 56

Location: MD

Became sick: 09/23/2021

First sought care: 09/27/2021

Admitted: 09/27/2021

To: Kaiser Permanente in Maryland (Silver Springs)

Murdered: 11/07/2021

Sue Cibula

Annette’s Story

Annette’s Story

Age: 60

Location: OH

Became sick: 09/15/2021

First sought care: 09/21/2021

Admitted: 09/21/2021

To: Cleveland Clinic Main Campus

Murdered: 10/14/2021

Russell J. Kocka

Altoona hospital killed my Dad

Altoona hospital killed my Dad

Age: 74

Location: PA

Became sick: 12/29/2021

First sought care: 12/31/2021

Admitted: 01/07/2022

To: UPMC Altoona

Murdered: 01/12/2022

Ruthford Fredrick Penrod

Phillip Tanner Story

Phillip Tanner Story

Age: 56

Location: OK

Became sick: 12/02/2020

First sought care: 12/16/2020

Admitted: 12/16/2020

To: Duncan Regional

Murdered: 12/28/2020

Phillip Tanner

Hell – Yancy Rae Thompson Story

Hell – Yancy Rae Thompson Story

Age: 48

Location: CO

Became sick: 10/08/2021

First sought care: 10/12/2021

Admitted: 11/22/2021

To: Sterling Regional medical center

Murdered: 12/21/2021

Yancy Rae Thompson

Life is my misfortune

Life is my misfortune

Age: 43

Location: CA

Became sick: 03/29/2021

First sought care: 04/13/2021

Admitted: 04/20/2021

To: I went to the hospital after 2 or 3 weeks. When I started having more paresthesia in my legs

S.H. (anonymous)

My, Husband, Christopher, Died Due to the Protocol

My, Husband, Christopher, Died Due to the Protocol

Age: 49

Location: NY

Became sick: 12/24/2021

First sought care: 12/29/2021

Admitted: 12/29/2021

To: Garnet Health Medical Center

Murdered: 01/16/2022

Christopher Kolasa

The Criminal Medical Establishment

The Criminal Medical Establishment

Age: 63

Location: UT

Became sick: 12/28/2021

First sought care: 12/29/2021

Admitted: 01/08/2022

To: St. Marks Salt Lake City and University of Utah Salt Lake City

Steven Martinez, jr.

Baptist Hospital of Boca Raton, Fl.  killed my Mom on June 11 , 2022 with Remdesivir

Baptist Hospital of Boca Raton, Fl. killed my Mom on June 11 , 2022 with Remdesivir

Age: 97

Location: FL

Became sick: 06/07/2022

First sought care: 06/07/2022

Admitted: 06/07/2022

To: Baptist Regional Boca Raton

Murdered: 06/11/2022

Janice A. Wallach

Death by Covid Protocols

Death by Covid Protocols

Age: 48

Location: MT

Became sick: 10/16/2021

First sought care: 10/25/2021

Admitted: 10/25/2021

To: Holy Rosary Hospital

Murdered: 11/25/2021

Donavon Ray McCall

Love of my Life

Love of my Life

Age: 68

Location: MO

Became sick: 07/09/2021

First sought care: 07/13/2021

Admitted: 07/17/2021

To: Liberty Hospital

Murdered: 07/28/2021

James Freed

Bruno’s Story- I miss my Angel

Bruno’s Story- I miss my Angel

Age: 71

Location: FL

Became sick: 08/02/2021

First sought care: 08/03/2021

Admitted: 08/08/2021

To: Broward healt Medical center in Fort Lauderdale

Murdered: 08/26/2021

(Wendy) Chay Koon Lim-Ferrero

David Garza Story

David Garza Story

Age: 44

Location: CA

Became sick: 12/13/2021

First sought care: 12/23/2021

Admitted: 12/23/2021

To: Doctors Hospital of Manteca

Murdered: 01/05/2022

David Garza

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.