Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon
Age: 56
Location: SC
Admitted: 09/01/2021
To: Self Regional Hospital
Murdered: 09/24/2021
Anthony Payne (Tony) Whatley
She wasn't given food, no bathroom help. N urses refused to help her with the bi-pap mask. Forgot to give her the respiratory treatments 2 times that we knew of. Doctor told us everything we asked for was fake news, including monoclonal antibodies. They never gave her plasma, even after asking for it the whole time. Found out it was protocol, but was never given.
When she first entered the hospital, she was told it wasn’t bad at all. She could go home in 3 days. After she refused the vaccine, we got the call about filling out the living will and the paperwork for who’s in charge of what. They also asked about hospice. We were shocked. They scared her. We went to fill out the paperwork, and they let us suit up and go in the room.
She was on the Bi-pap mask and slumped down in the fetal position. There was a tray of cold food sitting to the side. She was so excited to see us. We visited for awhile, and got the papers filled out. Her oxygen was in the mid 80s. I asked her why she wasn’t sitting up so her lungs could stretch out so she could breathe. She answered, “I don’t know.”
I had to get the nurse (who fussed about helping) to help me sit mom up, and her oxygen level went up to high 90s. She asked the nurse why she didn’t know to sit her up. She said she knew, but she just didn’t do it. I asked her about eating, and she said she hadn’t gotten to eat because she couldn’t remove the mask by herself. Then nurse even told me, it’s easy to do, but since she can’t do it, she doesn’t eat.
We complained to her worker and advocate and the hospital head. Also, while we there we had to help her with the bed pan. The nurse came in 45 minutes after we called and told her she needed to pee. We told her we already took care of it, but her colostomy bag was getting full and needed changing. I went over and looked at the computer and saw she had a respiratory treatment scheduled. I asked about it. The nurse said they hadn’t done them earlier because they forgot, but they would make sure that one got done.
We spoke with the doctor and asked for plasma to be given because we knew it hadn’t been given yet. We asked for Hydroxychloroquine, monoclonal antibodies, and Ivermectin. The doctor told us none of it was scientifically proven and was all fake news. I told him we knew differently. We have friends that were saved by those drugs. He said this hospital doesn’t give them. (We have since found out, it was actually the protocol to give the plasma and that other doctors at that hospital gave monoclonal antibodies to people we’ve met.)
We ordered her some soup for dinner and went home. They called and said they were moving her to PCU on a different floor so she would have better care. I called that night and talked to her and the nurse. They never brought her soup or did the treatment. From then on through the rest of the time she was there, we were on the phone with the transfer team, head of the hospital, the COVID-19 research team at Vanderbilt hospital, her advocate, every day – 2 to 3 times a day.
She ate breakfast the first day in PCU because a nurse helped her with the mask. After that, no more food. We brought her Sprites to drink, so she would get to drink something. The head of the hospital gave us special permission to go see her because we were complaining daily about everything.
One of the nurses spilt water on her phone and ruined it, so we bought her another one. I went there and visited with her, and transferred everything over to her new phone. While I was doing that, I spoke with the nurse who told me that the doctor who told us it was fake news, had his own agenda and that it was hospital protocol to give the plasma. He put in the computer that we asked for it again.
We got a mobile notary a couple days later to come up and mom signed the POA turning everything over to Kurt because she sold her house, and he needed to sign the papers. Her oxygen was in the 80s. She was cutting up and talking to us and said she felt better, but the tests showed she was worse.
We were still having problems with nurses. This is when Kurt said, “I demand you do something different because whatever you’re doing doesn’t seem to be working. We are trying to move her to a different hospital because of it.” The nurse told him she could call security if he continued to talk like that. This was July 29th. Right after that, they moved her to ICU stating she was good, and it would be 4 or 5 days before her oxygen would go up or down. The rest is in an earlier answer.
I will add that the doctor who put her on the vent was very rude and bullied all of us even flexed up over Kurt like he was gonna hit him when Kurt told him that he wasn’t happy with how things had been done…
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Age: 56
Location: SC
Admitted: 09/01/2021
To: Self Regional Hospital
Murdered: 09/24/2021
Anthony Payne (Tony) Whatley
Age: 48
Location: OH
Admitted: 11/21/2020
To: It was terrible...I had to call the squad because Bob's oxygen level had dipped to the 70's. 911 to Warren County Ohio/Clearcreek Township. They weren't concerned at all about Bob. They wanted to know how many people were in our house and had we all been tested. They said Bob had to meet them at the door. When they pulled up to our house, they only parked in the street. Not the driveway. They wanted Bob to WALK to the ambulance. Insisted they put him on a gurney. They didn't turn on lights or sirens. Bob texted when he got to Sycamore and said they didnt give him oxygen in the squad. He was taken to Sycamore and they said their covid floor was full. I had to choose between Fort HAmilton or Grandview Hospital...neither have good reputations. I chose Grandview. While he was there, I spoke to a nurse once and had to take his c-pap machine to the hospital. I parked in the physicians lot...it was empty. I never had 1 call from a doctor his whole time at Grandview. He was intubated without my consent. I was able to get him transferred to Christ hospital in Cinci and he was put on an ecmo machine there. He lasted almost 2 months. The treatment at Christ was vastly different than Grandview. NEVER spoke to a dr once at Grandview. Why didnt they give him oxygen in the squad?
Murdered: 01/24/2021
Robert "Bob" Hamm
Age: 76
Location: NY
Admitted: 12/26/2020
To: Montefiore St Lukes Cornwall
Murdered: 01/15/2021
Mr. Matos
Age: 79
Location: WI
Admitted: 12/03/2021
To: Aspirus Medford Hospital
Murdered: 12/09/2021
Bernard Joseph Scholz
Age: 50
Location: SC
Admitted: 12/19/2020
To: McLeod Hospital
Murdered: 12/29/2020
Victor Brunson
Age: 70
Location: GA
Admitted: 09/27/2021
To: Piedmont - Newton
Murdered: 10/06/2021
Stanley D Brooks
Age: 40
Location: AL
Admitted: 08/13/2021
To: Ozark Med Center, Prattville Hospital, Winfield Med Center
Murdered: 09/05/2021
Latasha Hillary
Age: 63
Location: NY
Admitted: 11/10/2021
To: Kenmore Mercy
Cheryl Moran
Age: 59
Location: TX
Admitted: 07/27/2021
To: Baylor Scott and White College Station
Murdered: 08/12/2021
Ricky Patterson
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/22/2021
To: NorthBay Health Medical Center
Murdered: 09/16/2021
Gerald Lee Shirar
Age: 56
Location: CA
Julie Williamson Threet
Age: 74
Location: NJ
Admitted: 09/06/2021
To: Atlantic Health System, Morristown NJ
Murdered: 09/10/2021
Diane P. Bates
Age: 64
Location: MI
Admitted: 10/06/2023
To: St Joseph’s hospital (Trinity health) Pontiac, MI.
Murdered: 10/16/2023
Ken Hamilton
Age: 59
Location: MD
Admitted: 01/22/2022
To: Meritus Medical Center
Sharyn Dupont-Morehead
Age: 68
Location: CA
Admitted: 06/05/2020
To: Kaweah Delta Hospital
Murdered: 06/16/2020
Nellie Fernandez
Age: 37
Location: CT
Admitted: 12/01/2021
To: Hospital of Central Connecticut, MidState Medical Center
Murdered: 12/21/2021
Mathew Anthony Donarumo Jr
Age: 59
Location: CA
Admitted: 11/09/2021
To: San Dimas Community
Murdered: 11/20/2021
Mathew Simpkins
Age: 68
Location: GA
Admitted: 08/21/2021
To: Gwinnett Medical
Murdered: 08/31/2021
Steve Johnson
Age: 66
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/14/2021
To: Lake City VA Hospital and Malcolm Randal VA Medical Center
Murdered: 09/02/2021
John W Shannon
Age: 69
Location: PA
Admitted: 11/25/2020
To: Jefferson Hospital
Murdered: 12/09/2020
Mark Lang
Age: 51
Location: TX
Admitted: 01/12/2022
To: Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital, Cleburne TX
Murdered: 02/06/2022
Vickie Lynn Schneppenheim
Age: 64
Location: NJ
Admitted: 08/21/2021
To: Virtua Hospital, Marlton , NJ
Murdered: 09/08/2021
Richard Eaton
Age: 49
Location: NC
Admitted: 04/21/2021
To: Wake Med Center, Cary, NC
Misty Batten
Age: 62
Location: NJ
Admitted: 12/14/2021
To: Community Medical Center
Murdered: 01/11/2022
Scott N Keith
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.