The Remdesivir Survivors and Victims Support Group and Action Committee 

Monday Nights at 9pm Eastern


November 3, 2021 – The drug remdesivir or Veklury, sold by Gilead Sciences, has become the standard of care for most hospitals nationwide, regardless of the many safety concerns and adverse effects that it has shown in thousands of patients. The drug is supposed to be an anti-viral but is turning out to be more like an anti-kidney drug afterall. The treatment is usually 5 days and cost $3100 and up. Not to mention, under the CTAP program, hospitals are being financially incentivized for administering RMV to patients. By law, since RMV is unapproved and issued under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), the provider is required to go over the drug’s fact sheet with the patient or patient’s advocate and give them a choice whether they want to receive it or not. Since RMV has not gone through the regular safety testing or enough studies to show a definite efficacy against COVID-19, having a choice is imperative to the patients’ rights to protect his or her health. There have been clear complications with RMV, some being minor, but most have been major side effects, and many have been fatal. RMV has shown over and over to cause liver and kidney failure, sepsis, multiorgan failure, cardiac arrest, among others. What we are seeing, is that patients’ rights are being overlooked and they are not given the fact sheet, told of the risks associated with RMV or been able to give consent on whether they choose to receive this experimental treatment. Hospitals are just treating patients with it without advising the patient or their family even when the patient or their caregiver explicitly states they do not want RMV in their treatment protocol. Hospitals are often misusing it and giving it to patients at the wrong time in the illness or when the patient already has a history of elevated liver enzymes or kidney issues, which is stated specifically in the provider’s fact sheet, do not use in that situation.

The Former Feds Freedom Foundation is currently investigating remdesivir and the deadly results it has had on many patients. We have a support group meeting every Monday where victims of RMV’s loved ones call in and tell their story. It’s almost always the same, heartbreaking, and consistent in states throughout the nation. “The patient or their family requests Ivermectin, gets denied by hospital administration, pushed into, or often not even told they are going to use RMV, patient worsens, they have to get vented and then they die of renal failure, pulmonary edema, sepsis, liver failure, multi-organ failure and cardiac arrest. It’s the same story over and over and over. “

If you have personally survived a death match with remdesivir or if you have a loved one who has been subjected to the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir, please join us this Monday at 9:00 pm for a video conference by sending an email to: FDAdeathProtocol@FormerFedsGroup.Org. Meet others who understand what you have been through. We are devising strategies to prevent any more people from being victimized by this terrible drug and also ensuring that there is accountability for the harm caused by this drug.

We will share common experiences and continue to devise strategies to protect unnecessary victims of this terrible drug by informing and educating others about how to avoid getting trapped into poisoning their bodies with this killer drug. You can not trust hospitals in this regard. The protocols they are incentivized to use will kill you. See Victim Witness Accounts of Crimes Against Humanity here​​.

Jennifer Bridges Joins the FormerFedsGroup Team

 March 15, 2022, as of the 15th of March, Registered Nurse Jennifer Bridges has joined the FormerFedsGroup 501c3 team as a Director and Medical Consultant.

Jennifer brings nine years of medical experience and has been on the front lines of the Covid19 pandemic. She worked for Houston Methodist Hospital until the hospital forced their employees to take the experimental vaccine, which she refused. Jennifer has a filed a state and federal lawsuit and her case has reached the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is excited to have Jennifer’s experience and passion for fighting vaccine mandates which will help to further our multinational alliance to combat pandemic abuses & mandates via every available legal route.

First and foremost, The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is making available consultations for legal direction amidst a broadly integrative strategy aimed toward cessation of all pandemic-related mandates. If you are facing any manner of mandate, please reach out to us ASAP for help. The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is also pursuing a broad range of highly impactful initiatives to act against the pandemic abuses and crimes being wantonly committed across our world today.

Many of our initiatives cannot be publicly disclosed, for a variety of reasons. The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is able to disclose some:

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is providing support for a number of leading independent initiatives to prevent mandated EUA medical experimentation, and to seek remediation against improperly provided or waived informed consent.

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is supporting parents, at the forefront of efforts against school boards that are effectively using our children as pandemic-theater political props and combatting the heinous civil rights deprivations being imposed.

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is developing a strategy whitepaper to provide safe haven for whistleblowers, to identify & market opportunities for amnesty for medical professionals blowing the whistle on crimes against humanity & to remedy the underserving of elected officials by misleading official data.

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is constructing multinational alliances to tap interested international expertise, and to expand our wide-ranging host of offensive and defensive measures across the world at a breakneck a pace as The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is able to manage.

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is working on a number of other, potentially very highly impactful legal strategies that unfortunately cannot be disclosed at this time, which variously include task force investigative & law enforcement partnership efforts.

Our efforts are incredibly broad, and pursuant to nothing less than the furtherance of all humanity, in all corners of the world The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is able to reach. Our efforts for the cause rely heavily on two invaluable resources: volunteers and donations.

Funding is always a limiting factor in what The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is able to achieve. Our operations and goals are expansive, ambitious, and only made possible by generous donations of all sizes. If you would like to contribute, we can accept tax-deductible donations here:

If you would like to volunteer your time to support our operations, legal, medical, or related research, writing and media, or any of a number of other roles, please reach out to us either personally or via the website contact form.


Fundraiser to Support Litigation versus Facebook’s Deprivations of Constitutional Rights

September 12, 2021 – The sudden COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately delayed our continuing programs in Vietnam. Areas of public health and safety have taken a back seat so we could focus the time efficiently and build a coalition to help Americans reclaim ownership of the public square. Working with other law firms, we have helped develop a vanilla complaint for a potential filing by another law firm, on behalf of a group of Facebook users. These Facebook users, used their platform to try and save lives by getting truthful life saving public health information out on early treatments for Covid19. Their posts, which mentioned hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other effective treatment solutions, were solely intended to help educate their followers and the public with information that could save their lives. Their efforts were interrupted by unduly burdensome censorship of Facebook’s moderation policies. Although the constitutional issues at stake affect all Americans, and it is conceivable that the pending suit can be used as a vehicle to represent a broader class of victims, for display purposes to show the negative consequences that flow from Facebook’s monopoly, the vanilla suit is framed around the experiences of one particular Facebook group: Hydroxychloroquine Access Now. The challenges encountered by its users are common to many, perhaps all Facebook users. Due to this issue being a threat to national security, a violate of the 2nd amendment and a matter of life or death we will continue our efforts on this case. We do hope someday soon to resume our missions in Vietnam when  time and resources allow.

Helmet Giveaway in Vietnam

June 24, 2019 – In June 2019 we completed our first pilot helmet giveaway program with Vinh My School in Binh Duong, Vietnam. The program was designed by students at Moorestown Friends School in Moorestown, NJ.

FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is a New Jersey based 501(c)(3) organization comprised of former federal agents, prosecutors, lawyers, medical professionals, researchers, and volunteers from around the United States and all over the world. Our mission is to preserve, protect, and, where needed, restore our constitutional rights and God-given unalienable freedoms. If you would like to help support this mission, please make a contribution or volunteer today. If you have any questions, please contact us. For media inquiries, please contact Carolyn Blakeman.


Media Contact

Media Contact: Carolyn Blakeman
Phone: (713) 540-6332

If you would like more information, please call Carolyn Blakeman at (713) 540-6332 or email

Read More About Our Initiatives

FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Petitioners Lang, Fischer, and Miller in Landmark 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2) Case

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit primarily manned by volunteers impacted by COVID-related crimes against humanity, has filed an amicus curiae brief in a landmark legal case concerning Principal Edward Lang and co-petitioners, Joseph W. Fischer and Garrett Miller. The crux of the case revolves around the interpretation of the term “corruptly” in the federal statute 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). Thomas Renz, Esq. of Renz Law, LLC, has led this legal charge, emphasizing the ambiguous nature of the statute, which could have implications on First Amendment rights. The Foundation’s brief points to potential inconsistencies in the statute’s application and its potential misuse.

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Class Action Complaint Filed Against Gilead Sciences, Inc. Over Remdesivir Alleges False Advertising And Negligence

Today, two people who suffered injuries from the drug Remdesivir (a/k/a “Veklury”), filed a class-action complaint against Gilead Sciences, Inc. for alleged violations of consumer protection laws, false advertising, deceptive promotion, negligent misrepresentation, and other charges related to the marketing and administration of the drug. The complaint seeks damages, injunctive relief, and disgorgement for personal injuries and wrongful death.

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New Addition To The FFFF Team

Houston, Texas – The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (the “FFFF”, a 501c3 corporation) is pleased to announce that, as of March 24, 2020, Jennifer Bridges, R.N., has joined our team as a Director and Medical Consultant. Ms....

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Helmet Giveaway in Vietnam

June 24, 2019 – In June 2019 we completed our first pilot helmet giveaway program with Vinh My School in Binh Duong, Vietnam. The program was designed by students at Moorestown Friends School in Moorestown,...

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