Ronnie Keith Brock

Day of death: 09/22/2021

Location: Ohio

Hospital: Avita Hospital in Ontario Ohio

Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: no

Asked to sign DNR: idr

Asked if vaccinated: yes

Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: idk

No one called to tell me they put Ronnie on the vent.

Name of Victim: Ronnie Keith Brock

Age: 64 years old

Date of onset of symptoms: 09/02/2021

First sought medical attention: 09/09/2021

Admitted to hospital: 09/09/2021

Treatment received at hospital: Treated adequately

Experience in hospital:

My husband wasn’t one to complain. He believed in the medical system, however, I begged him to not take Remdesivir. My husband could not comprehend much because his oxygen was so low that they should have never gotten any type of consent from him. Both his son and I were his emergency contact, and they did not reach out to us until we got the call that he was dying.
My husband called me, I believe on September 14 at about 1 o’clock, and told me that they were going to step him down. At 1:30 he called me back and said two doctors were in his room wanting to intubate him. I asked him what was he going to do. He said I don’t know. "I’m scared to death, I’m going to call the kids."
I hung up with my husband, and immediately called the Nurses' station. I told the nurse that my husband was an agent orange victim, had fatty liver disease, and he had no business being on Remdesivir because of his condition. I repeated myself twice, and the nurse told me she would have a doctor to call me but it would be 2 to 3 hours because they were busy with so many cases. I waited until after 9 PM and called again to find out that they had placed my husband on the ventilator 15 minutes after I spoke to him. No one notified me or his son that they had done this. I can say this, when we were finally allowed to go in and watch him die, the entire hospital floor was frantic.

Medications given: Remdesivir, antibiotics, anxiety meds, blood thinner, blood pressure meds, fentynal, heparin, insulin, midazolam, propofol, Vancomycin, My husband had about 12-15 bags of meds on his IV tree not sure what the gave him

How long was the victim on remdesivir?: 5 days

Was the victim informed about remdesivir's EUA status?: no

Informed of RMV side effects?: no

Date victim was placed on a ventilator: 09/14/2021

Days on a ventilator: : 8 days

Person being interviewed: Diann Sayre-Brock

Relationship To Victim: Spouse

Pursuing legal action?: would

Engaging in activism: yes

What types of activism: Roland Sena started a pod cast trying to help those of us who are seeking justice. Where I live the government signed immunity. Not sure what to do.

Watch & Share The Interview

The Interview with Diann Sayre-Brock

At the same time my son was in Doublin Methodist fighting for his life. He was placed on a vent just after my husband passed. My son was on vent 40 days and 94 days in hospital, but he survived with extremely scared lungs. I had Covid at the same time and life was a whirlwind. I had to keep my husband' death quiet because I didn’t want my daughter-in-law law to give up on my son. Where my son was hospitalized, my daughter-in-law could go everyday. She had input on medications, and no Remdesvir was given to him. I’ve never seen anyone fight so hard to live as my son. He also had a trache because he was on the vent so long. He had both lungs to collapse and one collapsed 2 times. My son lost his job and insurance because he was out of work over 90 days. When he was released, he had over 1000 dollars a month in medications. I had to stay strong to help him. My son had to learn all life skills again. It was like watching him go from a baby to an adult. He pushed himself hard, even with his scarred lungs he had to go back to work within month three in order to provide for his family. My son's oxygen still drops down in the 80s, and they fear that his heart may explode. He has no other option but to work because we have been told there’s no help for people. Because of all of this, what I have is medical records, phone messages just little chats from my husband, and a fob that is supposed to have his medical records on it. I haven’t opened it up because my heart doesn’t know if I can stand to see what I’m going to look at. I told the hospital that I needed them [the records] for the VA. I did try to get him moved to VA, but because he was on a ventilator they said it would take seven days and chances are he wouldn’t make it.

A Trusting Heart Betrayed And Murdered By Hospital Protocol
Written by Diann Sayre-Brock(Spouse)

My husband and I had our anniversary September 7, 2021.  It being a holiday, he made plans for us to take the RV to a campsite on September 4.  On September 5, our grandson tested positive for Covid, and on September 6, my husband tested positive for Covid.

On our 2nd anniversary, September 7, 2021, knowing they both had Covid, I scheduled a doctor’s  appointment and tested positive September 8.

I work out of town, and had a house I had been working on to put up for sale, so I kissed my husband goodbye on our anniversary, thinking, I would get treatment and come back home.

My doctor scheduled me for an antibody infusion on the 9th of September. Before I could get back home, my husband was taken to the emergency room and admitted to the hospital. While my husband was talking to me on the phone, a text came through my phone from my daughter-in-law that my son had been admitted to ICU with Covid pneumonia.

At that moment, my whole world fell apart. I was completely quarantined from my loved ones. The hospital where my husband was at said I could not come, and I could not call them, they would call me. My husband and I texted and talked on the phone for four days. He sounded like he was getting better, and he actually called me on September 14th and told me he was going to be step-down. That was about 1 o’clock.  By 1:30,  he called me back and said he had two doctors in his room wanting to intubate him. I said, “I thought you told me they were going to step you down.  What are you going to do?’

He said, “I don’t know, but I’m scared to death.”  The doctors told him his oxygen was tanking.  He said he was going to call his children. I told him I loved him, and I hung up the phone.

I immediately called the nurses’ station, and I repeated myself twice letting the nurse know that my husband was not a good candidate for Remdesivir, and then I found out that he was on it. I needed a doctor to call me immediately. “My husband has agent orange,” I told her. “He also has nodules all over his organs, and suffers from fatty liver disease.  He should not be taking Remdesivir.  It will kill him!” To appease me, she told me she would have a doctor to call me, however, it would be 2 to 3 hours or so before a doctor could call me, because they are extremely busy with their patients.

I sat there for hours and finally called back after 9 p.m., trying to get an update on my husband.  The nurse that answered the phone was the actual nurse I had talked to earlier. She was aware that my husband told me he was going to get step down  She said, “I heard him tell you that, but I don’t know why he told you that.”

She said, “Your husband was placed on a vent fifteen minutes after our earlier conversation. In fact, it was seven (7) hours earlier.  I was upside down in my emotions. No one called to notify us that he was placed on a ventilator.  Also during his days on the ventilator, I had no idea that he was failing. I did know that he had a fever, and at one point he wasn’t as ticklish he first was. (The nurse asked if he had any other ticklish spots.)

I asked her why he had a fever, and she said, “Well, this happens sometimes when they are on a ventilator.”

On September 22 I was sleeping and the phone woke me up.  A male nurse was on the other line explaining to me that I needed to get there immediately, that my husband had taken a turn for the worse.  I was able to see my husband.  He had become septic, so I only had a few minutes that I could be in the room. Other than that, I stood outside a glass window watching them work on him.

My husband had about 15 bags of medication on his IV tree. His eyes were rolled back in his head, and I could see where they had him tied down.  He appeared clean, I didn’t see blood all over him, so I am thankful for that.

The nurse was crying when she started to talk to me, telling me what a nice man my husband was, and how bad it was breaking her heart. I stood there outside the glass watching them shake my husband telling him, “Come on, Ronnie, come on!” as his heart beats went to nothing.  I left and went back three other times. They would call us in, just to see the same thing over and over again.

On the first trip to the hospital they told us they couldn’t do kidney dialysis because it would kill him.  The second trip, sure enough, they were doing kidney dialysis at bedside. We couldn’t stand in the hallway a real long time, that’s why we had to leave and come back.  Due to Covid, you just couldn’t hang out in the hospital.

It’s incredibly sad to know that I kissed my husband for the last time on our anniversary, believing that everything was going to be okay.  We were going to get treated and we were going to survive.

My doctor chose a different route, and I had very little trouble. With my husband and my son both admitted at the same time, my son was definitely worse than my husband at first. They had to double mask my son on a BiPap, and he was ventilated hoping to save his life. No Remdesivir was given to my son.  My son exhausted himself, and I knew he was getting worse and worse by the day. I had so much hope that my husband was getting better, so it was a big jolt to hear my husband was going to be intubated. I didn’t find out that he was on Remdesivir until the day he was intubated.

I am a 61 year-old woman. My husband was the first boyfriend I ever had in my early teens. He was sent off to Vietnam at age 17, I did not see him for 47 years. We reconnected as if there wasn’t a day between us, got married at the very place he gave me my first kiss. It was a dream come true – until Covid.

It’s so hard for me to believe that our anniversary would be the last time I saw him alive and he was able to speak to me. I am grateful that my son survived, however, I have seen him struggle so hard. I have watched him re-learn to walk and take every step that I watched him take when he was born. He had to learn how to breathe again on his own, how to swallow, how to talk, how to use his hands and legs and feet. He lost 50 pounds, all muscle tone was gone. He had horrific issues coming off the medications they had him on from the coma. He lost his job, he lost his insurance, with a wife and six (6) kids at home. I’ve never seen anyone struggle so hard just to get back up, get back to work.

By the grace of God the company he worked for loved him.  When they saw his 90 days were up and he woke up on the 94th day, the workers pulled together and decided to rehire hm.  When he was able to come back, they gave him six months to return to work. My son went back in three months because he had no other way to survive, financially.

Unfortunately there is no help for those in his case, or if there is, I’ve been told there’s none. My son‘s oxygen drops in the 80s, a year later. He still goes to work although he should’ve been allowed the rights to recover or some type of insurance to cover him.  He was denied respiratory therapy in the hospital because his job lapsed which also included his insurance. This is so unfair!

My boys and everybody else’s family out there deserves justice! Who would ever dream that our own government would do this?  It needs to be held accountable. There should be something put in place to take care of the Covid survivors.

The doctors are afraid with my son‘s oxygen dropping in the 80s that his heart is going to explode. In his mind, my son doesn’t have any choice. I made sure he had medications when he was released. He needs $1000 a month, actually a little more to pay for his medications. Our family has seen that he was taken care of, and I’m grateful for that, but I can never explain to you the pain I’ve had to feel going through this.  I listen to other people’s stories and it absolutely breaks my heart because I know how they feel. Innocent victims deserve help. Thank you.


This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Tina Richardson Story

Tina Richardson Story

Age: 57

Location: KY

Became sick: 05/14/2021

First sought care: 05/18/2021

Admitted: 05/17/2021

To: St Elizabeth Edgewood

Murdered: 05/19/2021

Tina Richardson

Mike’s Plight

Mike’s Plight

Age: 66

Location: FL

Became sick: 07/08/2021

First sought care: 07/10/2021

Admitted: 07/15/2021

To: Palms West Hospital in Loxahatchee, Florida (Palm Beach County)

Murdered: 08/01/2021

Michael H. McVan

Vision & hearing lost because of Moderna

Vision & hearing lost because of Moderna

Age: 39

Location: IA

Became sick: 06/01/2021

First sought care: 06/19/2021

Erica Jo

Covid Hospital Protocol  Killed My Son

Covid Hospital Protocol Killed My Son

Age: 40

Location: AL

Became sick: 12/28/2020

First sought care: 01/02/2021

Admitted: 01/02/2021

To: Prattville Baptist hospital

Murdered: 01/08/2021

William Donald Judah

Thank God I Survived

Thank God I Survived

Age: 66

Location: LA

Became sick: 01/18/2022

First sought care: 01/20/2022

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: Slidell Memorial Hospital

Scott Taylor

Death by hospital protocol

Death by hospital protocol

Age: 43

Location: TX

Became sick: 08/02/2021

First sought care: 08/03/2021

Admitted: 08/07/2021

To: HCA Houston Healthcare Tomball

Murdered: 08/23/2021

Earl C Butler IV

Lori T’s Story

Lori T’s Story

Age: 79

Location: IL

Became sick: 12/07/2021

First sought care: 12/09/2021

Admitted: 12/15/2021

To: Silver Cross Hospital

Murdered: 01/01/2022

Michael John Perkovich

The hospital injustice committed against my Veteran husband

The hospital injustice committed against my Veteran husband

Age: 71

Location: TX

Became sick: 12/21/2020

First sought care: 12/21/2020

Admitted: 12/27/2020

To: Ascension Providence Waco, Texas

Murdered: 01/09/2021

Roger D. Bullard

My dad

My dad

Age: 80

Location: IA

Became sick: 11/08/2021

First sought care: 11/08/2021

Admitted: 11/08/2021

To: Mercy One

Murdered: 12/03/2021

Donald Muessigmann

Mentally & Financially Harmed by Mandates

Mentally & Financially Harmed by Mandates

Age: 54

Location: Outside The US

Became sick: 01/10/2022

Judy Kumor

Death By Remdesivir – My Dad Deserved Better

Death By Remdesivir – My Dad Deserved Better

Age: 78

Location: TN

Became sick: 12/26/2020

First sought care: 12/29/2020

Admitted: 12/29/2020

To: Southern Hills

Murdered: 02/04/2021

Jim Rhodes

Cindy’s Simmons Story

Cindy’s Simmons Story

Age: 65

Location: TX

Became sick: 11/16/2020

First sought care: 11/27/2020

Admitted: 11/27/2020

To: Shannon Medical Center

Murdered: 01/14/2021

Danny Ray Simmons

COVID Protocol Death

COVID Protocol Death

Age: 67

Location: WA

Became sick: 10/01/2021

First sought care: 10/05/2021

Admitted: 10/05/2021

To: Skagit Valley Hospital, Mount Vernon, Washington

Murdered: 12/06/2021

James Christopher Rutherford

My Wife, and Dear Mother Linda Died Due to the Hospital Protocol and Abuse

My Wife, and Dear Mother Linda Died Due to the Hospital Protocol and Abuse

Age: 57

Location: CA

Became sick: 08/22/2021

First sought care: 08/29/2021

Admitted: 08/31/2021

To: Temecula Valley Hospital

Murdered: 09/12/2021

Linda Ann Chappell

Bugzie’s Story – Fighting Until Death

Bugzie’s Story – Fighting Until Death

Age: 49

Location: LA

Became sick: 07/25/2021

First sought care: 07/26/2021

Admitted: 07/26/2021

To: Thibodeaux Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 08/28/2021

Pauline "Bugzie" Barrilleaux

Lisa’s Story, Another Remdesivir Tragedy

Lisa’s Story, Another Remdesivir Tragedy

Age: 44

Location: FL

Became sick: 02/09/2021

First sought care: 02/09/2021

Admitted: 02/09/2021

To: Central Florida Regional Hospital

Murdered: 09/08/2021

Lenny Mendez

It Was Not Larry Andrews’ Time

It Was Not Larry Andrews’ Time

Age: 75

Location: AL

Became sick: 02/28/2021

First sought care: 03/03/2021

Admitted: 03/06/2021

To: Mobile Infirmary Medical Center - MIMC

Murdered: 03/26/2021

Larry Andrews

David Chidester Story

David Chidester Story

Age: 61

Location: IA

Became sick: 11/08/2020

First sought care: 11/12/2020

Admitted: 11/12/2020

To: Iowa Methodist

Murdered: 12/02/2020

David Chidester

Mark Kingsley Story

Mark Kingsley Story

Age: 83

Location: FL

Became sick: 08/17/2021

First sought care: 08/20/2021

Admitted: 08/22/2021

To: Florida Hospital Altamonte Springs

Murdered: 08/29/2021

Mark P. Kingsley

Injured by the Shot

Injured by the Shot

Age: 48

Location: LA

Became sick: 08/01/2022

First sought care: 08/01/2022

Kim Michael Rivet

Frank S. Lascano

Frank S. Lascano

Age: 57

Location: CA

Became sick: 02/07/2022

First sought care: 02/07/2022

Admitted: 02/07/2022

To: Kern Medical Center and Memorial Hospital Bakersfield

Murdered: 03/06/2022

Frank S. Lascano

An Unforgettable Man

An Unforgettable Man

Age: 53

Location: CA

Became sick: 10/23/2021

First sought care: 11/01/2021

Admitted: 11/01/2021

To: Los Alamitos Regional Medical Center (90720); Kaiser Permanente, Downey (90242)

Murdered: 11/16/2021

Juan De La Cruz

Marie M’s Story

Marie M’s Story

Age: 64

Location: IL

Became sick: 11/09/2021

First sought care: 11/13/2021

Admitted: 11/14/2021

To: Saint Joseph Medical Center-Joliet

Murdered: 12/10/2021

Randy McMahel

Nick’s Story

Nick’s Story

Age: 44

Location: TX

Became sick: 06/11/2021

First sought care: 06/17/2021

Admitted: 06/17/2021

To: Cedar Park Regional Hospital

Nicholas Aaron Passe

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.