Kimberlee Wood’s Heartbreaking Story
Age: 48
Location: NC
Admitted: 08/03/2021
To: Wesley Long in Greensboro
Murdered: 09/23/2021
Steve Wood
My life has been absolutely destroyed, physically and financially. The following is a timeline of events that have completely destroyed my life thanks to the fraud that was perpetuated by Big Pharma, in my case Moderna, and everyone who forced vaccines to maintain employment and covered up the adverse reactions. I am pleading for help from anyone that can or is willing to do so.
I am a mother of 3 boys. I work as a legal compliance specialist. I received my first dose of Moderna on 05/19/2021. I did not want to get the shots and was very vocal about my fear and resistance, but since the government was mandating them, my employer decided to mandate it for us too. I live in a very small town with a population less than 5k. Finding another job like I have currently, would have been impossible.
At the time this all happened, my two year old son had been suffering from a medical condition causing him to go into literal comas repeatedly. I could NOT risk losing my job and my health insurance that was keeping him alive. I was forced to choose his life over mine. I was forced to comply. I am a mother…so that was not a choice. My kids come first.
On top of not being able to risk losing health insurance, my employer also did the following to ensure that every single employee MUST BE jabbed. Mind you this was before I even KNEW that immunity from liability was a thing. There was ZERO informed consent.
I have lost vision in my right eye, partial hearing in both ears, my brain is swollen with lesions, I have to wear a heart monitor and lose feeling in my hands and feet. There are a million other things, but I do not want to waste your time. I just want a plan. Someone to help. Someone to help ME get help from the state officials so we can fight back like Florida and Texas are doing. I have spoken with RFK attorneys, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron Desantis regarding this horrific situation. They all are working diligently on this problem and violation of rights. Dennis Guth is on board with me also. A detailed version of events follows below if you care to read. I look forward to connecting with you.
So…May 2021….
Almost immediately I noticed adverse reactions. Within a couple of weeks, I developed a significant loss of vision. I could not see things that were directly in front of me. It is terrifying. I went to my local eye doctor who then noted the issue was too severe for him to manage, so he referred me to a Retina specialist. This was just after one dose.
On 6/21/2021, I met with the Retina Specialist who took photographs of my eyes and began treatment. I at this point did not correlate the issues being connected to my Moderna vaccine because I was not informed of ANY potential side effects besides a sore arm and possibly being tired for a day or two. I was repeatedly told these vaccines were 100% safe and effective. There was no informed consent. I have the paperwork they gave me. There is NOTHING about any additional side effects at all.
I received my second dose of Moderna as scheduled on 06/24/2021. Immediately after that, symptoms in my eye flared up horribly. I could not hardly see out of my right eye whatsoever. I could not see color either. The photos that were taken show how drastically and quickly the inflammation occurred after receiving my second dose. It was then I realized….I had been lied to. I was in trouble. I was terrified. I had to come to terms with knowing that every single night when I fall asleep, I do not know if I will wake up at all, and if I do, will I even be able to see the faces of my three beautiful sons? My world is forever destroyed but it gets worse.
My doctors wanted to figure out the cause of the vision loss so I was referred to Mercy One Neurology to see if there was anything going on in my brain that would be affecting my ocular nerves. They did blood work, which we then found out another new side effect I was experiencing was passing out from blood draws. That is not something that has ever happened to me before. My blood pressure was also high which again was something that I have never had an issue with. I had hot flashes daily. My shoulder was in constant pain. I had ringing in my ears that seemed to never stop. I had daily hot flashes that were extremely hard to deal with as well as being embarrassing. It was all becoming so overwhelming and scary.
On 08/07/2021, I also had to undergo an MRI and they found swelling in my brain along with lesions that had developed. I then had to undergo a lumbar puncture to check spinal fluid pressure and any irregularities in my spinal fluid. The lumbar puncture was extremely painful and traumatic for me as I had to undergo a very serious spinal surgery when I was in my teens that included 3 months in a body cast and learning to walk again. Any touch to my spine is excruciating. My opening pressure was high and I began treatment for that additionally.
During all of this I began noticing that my hearing was deteriorating as well. I was sent to an audiologist who confirmed that I had now developed hearing loss bilaterally in both ears. I had to try and figure out a way to cope with going blind, going deaf and my brain being swollen all at once. I felt like I was going to die at any moment because my body was just attacking itself.
I was referred to Mayo Clinic in Rochester on 02/15/2022. I spent days up there being put through every test possible. I had to suffer through more needles in my spine. 4+ tubes of spinal fluid collected that left me with spinal headaches for weeks that were unbearable. I had multiple IVs placed in both hands. Both eyes dilated as strongly as possible so I could not see for over 48 hours. They placed a catheter in my artery for Angiograms. I spent well over 6 hours having to lay in an MRI machine for brain and spine imaging while being forced to wear a paper mask as well as a plastic mask. I could not move or I would have to start the test over again. It all felt like torture.
In the end, it was all for nothing. They could not find any other cause for my injuries. I was perfectly healthy prior to getting the Moderna vaccinations. I should have been informed of the risks. I should have had the opportunity to know that there were side effects beyond just a sore arm for a couple days. I should have been told that the concoction is not even a vaccine by definition and it does not even work to prevent Covid! I should have been given the choice to decide if the risks outweigh the benefits for me! I should not have been able to be forced and mandated to get the vaccine by my employer. I should not have been forced to choose between getting extra money to get the shots and having to pay more if I did not. All of this coercion, bribery and force at the same time the risks and data were hidden from us. How is that legal?
I have since been suffering. The CICP has been holding on to my claim FOR TWO YEARS NOW and it is only labeled “in queue”. I cannot file against the PREP ACT without “exhausting all administrative remedies” so them stonewalling my CICP claim also puts my life on hold.
I am now wearing a heart monitor because I am having heart issues. I still have to go for brain scans every 6 months, eye injections every month, and a multitude of specialist appointments. Every single hour of time off from work has to go to medical appointments. I cannot even take a day off for leisure. I cannot vacation, risk flying to try and talk to politicians or lawyers to get help. I’m stuck in this endless nightmare.
So I am coming to you as a mother, a citizen, a person who has done the right thing her whole entire life to ask for help. My medical bills alone are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I must get shots in my eyeball every 4 weeks. I am on around 30 pills a day to survive. I have been on heavy doses of steroids for over two and a half years and that alone is extremely difficult and causes additional complications
What are we supposed to do? I will not be able to work much longer at this rate. Is there any remedy available for us? Is there anyone who can help? I do not know how much longer I have as my body is attacking itself daily nonstop so I cannot afford to sit and wait while people ignore our suffering and hope someone else will deal with the problem.
My spike protein levels are over 15,000 after 3 years almost post vax! That’s inexcusable and deadly!
I had a perfect life before I was used as a human Guinea pig. The after photos I have to deal with every single month with my injections. We are human beings. We are real. We are not just statistics and numbers that billion-dollar corporations can hide and pretend like we do not exist. We exist. I exist! Help us please. I have attached some photos for proof of injury. Vax injured get the cruelest hate from both sides of the argument.
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Age: 48
Location: NC
Admitted: 08/03/2021
To: Wesley Long in Greensboro
Murdered: 09/23/2021
Steve Wood
Age: 63
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/21/2020
To: Kaiser West LA
Murdered: 01/21/2021
Samuel Cruz
Age: 52
Location: OH
Admitted: 09/01/2021
To: Fisher Titus Medical Center
Murdered: 09/25/2021
Philip Booth
Age: 66
Location: PA
Admitted: 11/09/2021
To: Doyelstown
Murdered: 11/22/2021
John Kramer
Age: 55
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/15/2021
To: Orlando Health
Murdered: 09/09/2021
Tony Myers
Age: 55
Location: AK
Admitted: 08/23/2021
To: Matsu Regional
Murdered: 09/08/2021
Edward "Donnie" Wilson
Age: 60
Location: TN
Admitted: 09/10/2021
Murdered: 09/16/2021
James Bradford McDonald
Age: 79
Location: WI
Admitted: 12/03/2021
To: Aspirus Medford Hospital
Murdered: 12/09/2021
Bernard Joseph Scholz
Age: 68
Location: CA
Admitted: 07/23/2021
To: Sharp Memorial Hospital
Murdered: 08/08/2021
David Charles Coleman
Age: 34
Location: OH
Admitted: 10/27/2021
To: Tiffin mercy and St Vincents
Murdered: 11/15/2021
Brent Lucius
Age: 60
Location: CA
Admitted: 10/05/2021
To: Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital
Gregory Gandrud
Age: 50
Location: MI
Admitted: 12/08/2021
To: Chelsea hospital/Allegiance
Murdered: 12/21/2021
Shawn Norman
Age: 71
Location: NE
Admitted: 09/12/2021
To: Methodist Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska
Murdered: 09/29/2021
Tyler Smith
Age: 44
Location: KY
Admitted: 09/05/2021
To: Mercy Health Lourdes Paducah
Murdered: 10/16/2021
Jason Parks
Age: 68
Location: FL
Admitted: 09/04/2021
To: Voca Regional Hospital
Murdered: 10/02/2021
Curtis K. Elrod
Age: 59
Location: OH
Admitted: 12/16/2021
To: Fairfield Medical Center-Lancaster OH, OSU Medical Center-Columbus OH
Murdered: 01/17/2022
Ruth McGill
Age: 83
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/22/2021
To: Florida Hospital Altamonte Springs
Murdered: 08/29/2021
Mark P. Kingsley
Age: 62
Location: TN
Admitted: 09/06/2021
To: Tri Star Southern Hills
Murdered: 09/22/2021
Calvin Lester Jones
Age: 81
Location: TX
Admitted: 08/12/2021
To: Texas Health Harris Methodist Southwest
Murdered: 08/24/2021
Thomas Hill
Age: 48
Location: CO
Admitted: 11/22/2021
To: Sterling Regional medical center
Murdered: 12/21/2021
Yancy Rae Thompson
Age: 51
Location: OH
Admitted: 07/15/2021
To: UC West Chester
Murdered: 09/25/2021
Jeffrey Smith
Age: 59
Location: NY
Admitted: 10/02/2021
To: Saint Catherines
Stanley j. Czarnecki
Age: 47
Location: NM
Admitted: 08/26/2021
To: Mercy Medical Center Durango, CO
Murdered: 09/27/2021
Suzanne Moore
Age: 73
Location: TX
Admitted: 12/02/2021
To: Baylor Scott and White
Murdered: 01/16/2022
Sammie Hosch
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.