Ronald F McPhilimy Jr.
Name of Victim: Ronald F McPhilimy Jr.
Age of Victim: 54
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: MI
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: McLaren Flint
County: Genesse
Date of Admission to Hospital: 04/24/2020
Date of Death: 06/10/2020
When the family was finally allowed in after Ron had passed, he was unrecognizable and there was blood everywhere.
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 52
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Victim or family does not recall / not applicable
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Xanax
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Antibiotics, Blood Pressure Medications
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital:

Not sure. Wasn’t allowed to see him

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: My husband left my home April 21, 2020 and I never saw him again. He died June 10, 2020. Two weeks later, I got him back in a little box! I lost eve... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Lana McPhilimy

My husband left my home April 21, 2020 and I never saw him again. He died June 10, 2020. Two weeks later, I got him back in a little box! I lost everything the day he was murdered. I love him. He was a husband, father, and grandfather.

Ronald F McPhilimy Jr. Story
Written by Lana McPhilimy(Wife)

Ron was the love of my life! I need justice for him because he had a life insurance policy that I was denied because he died from Covid.  He was murdered!  He was put on a ventilator, sedated, his eyeball fell out, he developed sores on his body, given a tracheostomy which fell out. He coded and was brought back.  He fought for 52 days.  I miss my husband and I have no closure from this nightmare.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Altoona hospital killed my Dad

Altoona hospital killed my Dad

Age: 74

Location: PA

Admitted: 01/07/2022

To: UPMC Altoona

Murdered: 01/12/2022

Ruthford Fredrick Penrod

Thank God I Survived

Thank God I Survived

Age: 66

Location: LA

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: Slidell Memorial Hospital

Scott Taylor

The story of Steven Traini

The story of Steven Traini

Age: 58

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/29/2021

To: Enloe Hospital, Chico California

Murdered: 12/12/2021

Steven R Traini

Steve Hix – He Didn’t Want To Go

Steve Hix – He Didn’t Want To Go

Age: 54

Location: MT

Admitted: 10/09/2021

To: Great Falls Clinic Hospital

Murdered: 10/12/2021

Steven Hix

Murdered by hospital protocols

Murdered by hospital protocols

Age: 48

Location: AZ

Admitted: 12/06/2021

To: Abrazo west campus

Murdered: 12/13/2021

Tim baker

They stole our mom from us

They stole our mom from us

Age: 69

Location: PA

Admitted: 01/08/2022

To: Bryn Mawr

Murdered: 02/19/2022

Jeannette Ricciardi

Sharon Kaufman Story – Unnecessary killing

Sharon Kaufman Story – Unnecessary killing

Age: 79

Location: NE

Admitted: 12/27/2021

To: Western Nebraska Regional Hospital Scottsbluff, NE

Murdered: 12/27/2021

Sharon Kaufman

I Promised Her Justice!!!

I Promised Her Justice!!!

Age: 66

Location: TX

Admitted: 09/26/2021

To: CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Hospital

Murdered: 11/17/2021

Sylvia Rodriguez

Harmed Forever

Harmed Forever

Age: 70

Location: CO

Admitted: 11/17/2020

To: Poudre Valley Hospital, Fort Collins, CO

Hunter Harms

Death by Remdesivir, Laura’s Story

Death by Remdesivir, Laura’s Story

Age: 83

Location: OH

Admitted: 01/15/2022

To: Miami Valley Hospital

Murdered: 01/29/2022

Harry V. Snyder

Nancy A Baginski Story

Nancy A Baginski Story

Age: 88

Location: MO

Admitted: 07/29/2021

To: St. Luke's Hospital

Murdered: 08/07/2021

Nancy A Baginski

I am Alive By The Grace Of God

I am Alive By The Grace Of God

Age: 53

Location: TX

Admitted: 09/07/2021

To: Hugely Hospital

James Stuer, Jr.

Jose W Gonzalez jr Story

Jose W Gonzalez jr Story

Age: 52

Location: NJ

Admitted: 11/09/2021

To: Hunterdon Medical Center

Murdered: 02/16/2022

Jose W Gonzalez jr

Steve Montoya’s Story

Steve Montoya’s Story

Age: 67

Location: CO

Admitted: 11/11/2021

To: St. Anthony North Campus

Murdered: 11/26/2021

Steve Montoya

My Mom was Murdered

My Mom was Murdered

Age: 82

Location: CT

Admitted: 10/09/2021

To: Hartford Hospital

Murdered: 10/22/2021

Elizabeth Mary Rugen

Jimmy Don Davis Story

Jimmy Don Davis Story

Age: 71

Location: OK

Admitted: 12/28/2021

To: VA Hospital, Mercy Hospital

Murdered: 01/07/2022

Jimmy Don Davis

my family was murdered by hospital protocol

my family was murdered by hospital protocol

Age: 32

Location: MI

Admitted: 11/29/2021

To: Munson medical center

Murdered: 12/17/2021

Emily Scott

Killed by “care”

Killed by “care”

Age: 56

Location: TX

Admitted: 12/25/2020

To: Baylor Scott and White All Saints Medical Center

Murdered: 02/03/2021

Ed Hodges

My Sweet Husband Was Murdered

My Sweet Husband Was Murdered

Age: 74

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/23/2021

To: High Desert Medical Center, Joshua Tree, California

Murdered: 12/31/2021

James (Jim) Martin

Fred Vagt Story

Fred Vagt Story

Age: 73

Location: IL

Admitted: 12/10/2021

To: Riverside Medical Center

Murdered: 12/29/2021

Fred Vagt

Colleen’s Story

Colleen’s Story

Age: 77

Location: AZ

Admitted: 01/16/2021

To: Honors in Scottsdale

Murdered: 01/30/2021

Donald McKenzie

April B’s Story

April B’s Story

Age: 50

Location: TN

Admitted: 08/22/2021

To: Sumner Regional Medical

Murdered: 09/15/2021

Kristie Davis

Served his country only to have his country kill him! VA hospital in Oklahoma City killed my brother.

Served his country only to have his country kill him! VA hospital in Oklahoma City killed my brother.

Age: 59

Location: OK

Admitted: 09/22/2021

To: Oklahoma City VA hospital

Murdered: 09/26/2021

Michael Lee Hood

My Dad

My Dad

Age: 64

Location: TX

Admitted: 09/11/2021

To: John Peter Smith Hospital and THR Arlington Memorial

Murdered: 09/27/2021

Michael Weedman

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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