Donald Kale Lloyd

Day of death: 09/28/2021

Hospital: Lady Of Lourdes Hospital. Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital.

Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: yes_both

Asked to sign DNR: doc-dnr

Asked if vaccinated: yes

Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: yes

How victim was treated differently after disclosing vax status:

Yes I overheard nurse to me at Yakima Valley Hospital said to other nurses that all the vaccinated are going to live and all the unvaccinated are going to die. At Lady of Lourdes Hospital they denied my dad food. My dad said they wouldn't feed him. He lost 10 pounds in the hospital. At Lady of Lourdes they asked my dad multiple times about the vaccine and he said no he doesn't want it or got the vaccine. They were more concerned about that then my dads health or care.

Yes I overheard nurse to me at Yakima Valley Hospital said to other nurses that all the vaccinated are going to live and all the unvaccinated are going to die.

Name of Victim: Donald Kale Lloyd

Age: 59 years old

Date of onset of symptoms: 09/01/2021

First sought medical attention: 09/11/2021

Admitted to hospital: 09/11/2021

Treatment received at hospital: Cruelly mistreated

Experience in hospital:

My father was abused, tortured, and his rights were stripped from him. The hospital did not respect his wishes. They broke every law by the book and led to my fathers death. They violated and went against his rights. He was hungry and they didn't give him food or water. They gave him Remdesivir without his knowledge and poisoned him. My father was sedated and restrained he was terrified he tried to escape the hospital they would not let him go home, we he wanted too. He was terrified to being intubated. My dad suffered an extremely painful and terrifying death. The hospital wouldnt let me go in the room to see my father and he died without his oldest daughter by his side. His experience from these American doctors was brutal, they had no agenda but to kill my dad.

Medications given: Remdesivir, ativan, antibiotics, antifungal, adrenaline, Azithromycin, anxiety meds, baricitinib, blood thinner, blood pressure meds, dexamethasone, fentynal, lovenox, morphine, nimbex, Oxygen, pain killers, paralytic drugs, propofol, sedatives, sodium chloride, Steroids, Vancomycin, vassopressin, vit c, Methyprednisone. Vancomycin

How long was the victim on remdesivir?: 15 days

Was the victim informed about remdesivir's EUA status?: no

Informed of RMV side effects?: no

Was there consent for the use of remdesivir?: no

Date victim was placed on a ventilator: 09/13/2021

Days on a ventilator: : 16 days

Person being interviewed: Kristina Lloyd

Relationship To Victim: Daughter

Pursuing legal action?: yes

Engaging in activism: no

Watch & Share The Interview

The Interview with Kristina Lloyd

Innocent people were butchered for money. My father did not deserve to die. I lost my dad at 26 years. My father and I trusted the doctors and my sister and we were betrayed. My sister helped killed my dad for his assets. The hospital broke every single law regarding my fathers life. My dad was my best friend. And I did not know how evil this world could be. I'm fighting for my dad I want peace and justice for him. I will never stop being my fathers voice. I love and miss you dad.

Murdered By Blood. Covid Scam
Written by Kristina Lloyd(Daughter)

My name is Kristina Grace Lloyd. My father was Donald Kale Lloyd. He was murdered on September 28th 2021 at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital. My dad grew up in Washington State where he raised his daughters Kristina(27) and Brooke(23) Lloyd. My father was divorced in 2018. My dad was 59 years old didn’t even make it 60 before he was killed. He was a good man who took care, provided and loved his family. He worked at Energy Northwest as a Nuclear Specialist. He was very smart and worked hard everyday. He was the funniest man alive always cracking jokes and making everyone around him happy. My dad loved his two cats Surefire and Cowboy and my dog Beau(mini aussie).It breaks my heart every single day because my dad never got the chance to find his soulmate he wanted to find love so badly. He deserved to find his true love.

This story I’m about to tell is not an easy one. I never imagined in my life I would lose my father to murder at 27. My dad will never get to see his baby girl grow up, watch her be loved by another man, see her get married, see his grandbabies. He didn’t even get to become a grandpa. I will never be able to see my dad fall in love, retire in Mexico, go on trips together. We used to call each other every single day I miss his voice. He was my protector in this evil scary world. Now I’m alone with no mother or sister. Dad you were my best friend in the entire world.

Now I will tell you about my dad’s story. Murdered by Blood, Covid Scam. My father Donald Kale Lloyd walked into the hospital on September 11th 2021 not knowing he was walking into his death sentence. Dad was born with asthma, had Covid Pneumonia and shortness of breath so he walked into Lady of Lourdes Hospital seeking medical help. He was a perfectly healthy 59 year old man. They immediately started him on Remdesivir without his informed consent or knowledge.

He wanted antibiotics and oxygen which they gave him. He was alert and communicated his wishes and needs with doctors. The doctors pushed there Covid Protocol on my dad and he declined. They said unless my dad followed the CDC Protocol they was not much they could do to treat or help him. They told him there was no beds at the hospital for him unless he decided to be intubated. They did not give him a breakfast tray till the next morning and had him go sit in the waiting area to be transferred. He was improving at Lady of Lourdes with the oxygen but the Remdesivir was hurting him. Once he found out about it he put a stop to Remdesivir and Dexamethasone.

Leslie my dad’s fiancé was trying to save his life and stopped the nurses giving him the drugs too. At Lady of Lourdes my dad requested Vitamin C and D, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermection which he was then told those were not approved by the CDC for Covid. Since Lady of Lourdes did not want to help him he was then transferred Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital. Which the staff lied to my dads fiancé that this was not a Covid Unit. He initially wanted to go to a Sacred Heart Hospital. Dad was transferred to Yakima by helicopter. Yakima received his records from Lady of Lourdes and knew he wishes that he did not want be intubated or follow there protocol. At Yakima they started back on Remdesivir and sedated him, gave him drugs so that he was not able to communicate verbally and had delirium.

By the morning on 09/13/2021 my Uncle Bob who my dad made patient representative and Leslie arrived. The staff said they tried to contact them on arrive the night before but they could not be reached which was a lie. They told Leslie that she was no longer allowed in the hospital. They decided against my dads wishes to make my sister patient representative and only she was allowed to make decisions regarding dad’s life which I did not know of. The doctors then once again knowing my fathers wishes suggested intubation. And my sister was warned by Leslie to not allow them to do this as it will kill him. She then got a nurse and intubated my father.

My father was terrified before hand he was trying to escape pulling at the IV’s and removing his BIPAP mask he wanted to leave and they would not let him just go home. Put him on restraints sedated and then ventilated. My dad became a prisoner of the hospital. My sister then suggested to put my dad back on Remdesivir. I visited the hospital and followed Brooke up to the room they knew exactly who I was I sat in the meeting and they talked about care for my dad. I stood at his window for 4 hours because they would not allow me to be in the room with my father. The biggest mistake of my life was walking out of the hospital and telling my dad I love you. I couldn’t save him. Not once was my name mentioned in my dads medical records I didn’t exist at all.

My father then got Sepsis and it went downhill from there. They finally gave him some antibiotics when he was practically dying but refused early on in the treatment. He died a week later from Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. SARS COV2 Pneumonia. SARS COV2 Infection. Other conditions were Acute Kidney Injury, Sepsis and Septic Shock, Acute Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response. Manner of death was natural and no autopsy was done because of Covid.

I tried for a year and half to get these records from the Yakima Hospital they called me his niece and denied me rights. I will be forever traumatized for the loss of my father. I’ve lost respect for the doctors and my sister who betrayed my dad and I when you should be able to trust your own blood. Shame on the doctors who took my dads life and broke every law. I will always be my dads voice and will bring justice and peace to my father. I love you dad forever and always.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Murdered by Hospital Protocol

Murdered by Hospital Protocol

Age: 64

Location: TX

Became sick: 08/01/2021

First sought care: 08/12/2021

Admitted: 08/12/2021

To: HCA Houston Healthcare Conroe

Murdered: 08/22/2021

Mark Franklin Parkin

Denny’s Journey Though Hospital Covid Hell.

Denny’s Journey Though Hospital Covid Hell.

Age: 73

Location: IA

Became sick: 11/10/2021

First sought care: 11/10/2021

Admitted: 11/19/2021

To: Unity Point St. Luke's Hospital, University of Iowa Hospital

Murdered: 02/04/2022

Denny B

Justice for Perry James Ryan Traw (PJ)

Justice for Perry James Ryan Traw (PJ)

Age: 42

Location: AR

Became sick: 01/17/2022

First sought care: 01/17/2022

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: Conway Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 01/24/2022

Perry James Ryan Traw

Harmed by the Jab- Sheila’s Story

Harmed by the Jab- Sheila’s Story

Age: 64

Location: FL

Became sick: 04/11/2021

First sought care: 04/17/2021

Sheila Bath

Dino DiVincezno’s Story

Dino DiVincezno’s Story

Age: 64

Location: CA

Became sick: 11/28/2021

First sought care: 12/02/2021

Admitted: 12/02/2021

To: Desert Valley Hospital

Murdered: 01/02/2022

Dino DiVincezno

Kenny’s Covid Experience

Kenny’s Covid Experience

Age: 29

Location: TN

Became sick: 05/04/2021

First sought care: 05/05/2021

Admitted: 05/08/2021

To: Leconte medical center and Vanderbilt university medical center

Murdered: 07/23/2021

Kenneth James Anderson Jr

Seeking Justice for the most loving mother, grandmother sister and friend anyone could ever hope for.

Seeking Justice for the most loving mother, grandmother sister and friend anyone could ever hope for.

Age: 67

Location: MI

Became sick: 07/13/2020

First sought care: 07/13/2020

Admitted: 07/17/2020

To: Beaumont Hospital Troy Michigan

Murdered: 08/07/2020

Shirley Rowe

Justice for my dad.

Justice for my dad.

Age: 66

Location: IL

Became sick: 12/11/2021

First sought care: 12/20/2021

Admitted: 12/20/2021

To: Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Carle Foundation Hospital

Murdered: 01/01/2022

Richard Nunn

I Have Chosen You To Live!

I Have Chosen You To Live!

Age: 64

Location: MN

First sought care: 07/26/2021

Admitted: 07/26/2021

To: Woodwinds, U of MN, Bethesda LTAC in St Joe's bldg

Estelle Senopole

Death by hospital protocol

Death by hospital protocol

Age: 43

Location: TX

Became sick: 08/02/2021

First sought care: 08/03/2021

Admitted: 08/07/2021

To: HCA Houston Healthcare Tomball

Murdered: 08/23/2021

Earl C Butler IV

Douglas Mellema

Douglas Mellema

Age: 67

Location: FL

Became sick: 07/19/2021

First sought care: 07/21/2021

Admitted: 07/25/2021

To: Halifax Medical Center

Murdered: 08/08/2021

Douglas Mellema

My mother’s sacrifice

My mother’s sacrifice

Age: 65

Location: CA

Became sick: 11/07/2021

First sought care: 11/15/2021

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: St. Agnes Medical center

Murdered: 11/29/2021

Christine Johnson

My, Husband, Christopher, Died Due to the Protocol

My, Husband, Christopher, Died Due to the Protocol

Age: 49

Location: NY

Became sick: 12/24/2021

First sought care: 12/29/2021

Admitted: 12/29/2021

To: Garnet Health Medical Center

Murdered: 01/16/2022

Christopher Kolasa

The Story of Barbara James

The Story of Barbara James

Age: 63

Location: CA

Became sick: 12/17/2020

First sought care: 12/17/2020

Admitted: 12/18/2020

To: Fresno Community

Murdered: 01/11/2020

Barbara James

Daniel Vandermillen Story

Daniel Vandermillen Story

Age: 55

Location: IA

Became sick: 11/22/2021

First sought care: 11/28/2021

Admitted: 11/28/2021

To: MercyOne

Murdered: 12/28/2021

Dan Vandermillen

1 shot is all it took and Remdesivir sealed his fate

1 shot is all it took and Remdesivir sealed his fate

Age: 77

Location: NY

Became sick: 03/24/2021

First sought care: 03/24/2021

Admitted: 04/04/2021

To: White Plains Hospital

Murdered: 04/15/2021

Richard Bonfiglio

Keith’s Story

Keith’s Story

Age: 65

Location: PA

Became sick: 10/30/2021

First sought care: 11/03/2021

Admitted: 11/03/2021

To: St. Luke's Fountain Hill Bethlehem PA

Murdered: 11/18/2021

Keith Anthony DelPrete

Steve Tomasi – Murder by COVID Protocols

Steve Tomasi – Murder by COVID Protocols

Age: 62

Location: NM

Became sick: 11/01/2021

First sought care: 11/02/2021

Admitted: 11/08/2021

To: Lovelace Hospital

Murdered: 11/18/2021

Steven Anthony Tomasi

Kat’s Story

Kat’s Story

Age: 58

Location: WA

Became sick: 10/04/2021

First sought care: 10/20/2021

Admitted: 10/21/2021

To: St. John Medical Center

Murdered: 11/05/2021

Richard Crum

You Should  Be Here- Sarah Cheney

You Should Be Here- Sarah Cheney

Age: 44

Location: UT

Became sick: 07/10/2021

First sought care: 07/18/2021

Admitted: 07/18/2021

To: Ogden Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 07/31/2021

Jason Cheney

Clark Evans: Barely Survives Remdesivir

Clark Evans: Barely Survives Remdesivir

Age: 53

Location: FL

Became sick: 07/28/2021

First sought care: 07/08/2021

Admitted: 08/07/2021

To: Orlando Health South Seminole

Clark Evans

Me and My Friend Nearly Died

Me and My Friend Nearly Died

Age: 28

Location: TN

Became sick: 09/21/2021

First sought care: 09/25/2021

Admitted: 09/25/2021

To: Tennova

Samantha CB

The Love of My life is Gone!

The Love of My life is Gone!

Age: 71

Location: OK

To: Undisclosed

Murdered: 02/25/2022

Lloyd William Blansett

Mr. Matos Loses His Battle with Remdesivir

Mr. Matos Loses His Battle with Remdesivir

Age: 76

Location: NY

Became sick: 12/26/2020

First sought care: 12/26/2020

Admitted: 12/26/2020

To: Montefiore St Lukes Cornwall

Murdered: 01/15/2021

Mr. Matos

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.