Carl Roger Van Horn
Name of Victim: Carl Roger Van Horn
Age of Victim: 78
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: MN
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Lake Region Healthcare, Fergus Falls, MN and Sanford Hospital ICU in Fargo, ND
County: Otter Tail
Date of Admission to Hospital: 10/21/2021
Date of Death: 12/11/2021
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: Yes

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Victim or family does not recall / not applicable
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Fentanyl, Monoclonal antibodies, Steroids
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Ivermectin
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Refused treatment

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Yes
Types of Activism: I wrote a letter and sent it to family, friends, and my local community.
Additional Information: The hospital told son Mike that ivermectin was for horses, and wouldnt consider giving it to his father; his wife is a PT, and she saw a patient in th... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Mike Van Horn

The hospital told son Mike that ivermectin was for horses, and wouldnt consider giving it to his father; his wife is a PT, and she saw a patient in the same hospital, who told her she had been given ivermectin for scabies!

Van Horn-Dad’s Ordeal
Written by Mike Van Horn(Son)

Carl Van Horn, my dad, went to the Lake Region Hospital emergency room on Thursday, Oct. 21, because he was short of breath.

Dad was admitted to the hospital ICU that day. Friday, Dad told me that Dr. Samson was administering a drug that had risks but might help.

Saturday morning I spoke to Dr. Samson about treatment. I asked what medication Dad had been given. Samson said remdesivir. I was surprised and asked if that was the drug that killed all the patients in New York the previous year. Dr. Samson said it was, but he was monitoring Dad’s organs closely. I asked for ivermectin or monoclonal antibodies. Samson said he cannot get ivermectin, and monoclonal antibodies have risks too. Samson said he is using the CDC protocol that specifies remdesivir. I brought the The MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 to the ICU, and Samson read it, and said it was interesting, but he did not implement it.

Sunday morning Dad’s condition had worsened dramatically. Samson asked if he could give Dad monoclonal antibodies. I said yes, then Samson said he had to see if he had a dose.

Samson administered the monoclonal antibodies, and Dad spoke with family for half an hour. He appeared to be recovering.

Monday, Dad’s condition worsened, and Monday evening he was sedated and put on a ventilator. I called and asked why he couldn’t get monoclonal antibodies again or ivermectin, and the ICU nurse said, “The state (MN) is restricting the monoclonal antibody treatment; Samson had to request permission from the state for the first dose. Ivermectin is for horses, I have patients to treat, GOODBYE.”

Two weeks later, my wife visited a patient that had been prescribed ivermectin by a doctor at Lake Region Hospital to treat scabies.

Dad never regained consciousness and passed away 7 weeks after being placed on the ventilator.

A friend’s dad was admitted to Lake Region Hospital two weeks after my dad, 4 years older, with similar comorbidities. He was given a shot of remdesivir, then a family member who is a nurse got involved and stopped the remdesivir. He recovered in two weeks. He does have lung damage, and needs oxygen, but he lived.

I am not going to make assumptions about why Lake Region Hospital is pushing remdesivir and preventing the use of ivermectin, but I do not leave family members alone in that place anymore.

Facts to consider:

This site analyzes and links to 140 studies on treating COVID with ivermectin:

Ivermectin is an FDA approved, Nobel Prize winning antiviral drug. It is used successfully in many countries to treat COVID. I obtained ivermectin from the FLCCC doctors to protect my family after my Dad’s poor treatment.

Remdesivir was just recently approved, despite failure in studies, has a list of negative side effects, and the WHO has recommended against its use.

All the nurses working the ICU ward at Sanford in Fargo are taking vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C. The nurse that had been on the COVID ICU ward throughout 2020-2021 said the COVID vaccine “doesn’t seem to make any difference” on patients he has seen.

Feel free to share this letter. My intention is to compel improved treatment of COVID patients.
~Mike Van Horn 01/21/2022

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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