Hospital: Mid-Michigan Hospital in Clare, Michigan and Mid-Michigan hospital in Gratiot, Michigan
Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: yes_fam
Asked to sign DNR: idr
Asked if vaccinated: yes
Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: yes
How victim was treated differently after disclosing vax status:
The doctors indicated that perhaps she wouldn't have been as sick if she had received the vaccine. (like, sick to the point of death apparently).
When Danielle's stepfather questioned the contents of the IV bag, he was told it was the Covid medicine which he thought was ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine!
Name of Victim: Nancy A. Dobson
Age: 73 years old
Admitted to hospital: 10/14/2021
Treatment received at hospital: Cruelly mistreated
Experience in hospital:
My mom went to Mid Michigan Hospital on 10/14/2021 for weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, and diarrhea. She was isolated, denied food and water, denied proper treatment and given Remdesivir (veklury - possibly from the contaminated lot). Which was known to be contraindicated for persons with cardiac distress. Between 10/14 and 10/16 she was losing consciousness and slipping more and more away. By the end of the day on the 17th, my beautiful mother was dead.
My Stepdad, who slept in the same bed with her, never tested positive for Covid. When family insisted that the test be rerun for verification, the physicians we spoke to refused to re-test. After they pronounced my mother dead, we were informed by the staff that there was no further need for masks or any other type of precaution.
Nancy A. Dobson Story
Written by Danielle Gillespie(daughter)
On October 14, 2021 my mother called and texted me to let me know she was going to the ER. She said she felt weak and had shortness of breath. She arrived at the ER in Clare at MidMichigan Medical Center shortly before noon. My mother was a known diabetic with a cardiac history. They did not bring her back into the ER exam rooms for nearly 5 hours and the staff refused her food and water from the time she checked in at registration until almost 6 am the following morning. The hospital actually ran the Covid Swab for testing before she was even brought back to an exam room or an EKG was obtained. At any rate, as soon as her nasal swab tested positive for Covid, she was separated from her husband. They had been together for 36 years and during that time they never spent a night apart. When we were told she was Covid positive, we immediately asked for Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine. We also asked that the Covid test be repeated for verification. My stepfather tried and tried to get information on my mother’s status, if there had been any changes, and if they had started either of the two drugs we had requested.
The next day, we were still trying to get information. My stepfather, Clarence, finally barged back. When they tried to remove him, he told them that if she has Covid, so does he. However, he had gone home and taken a home test. His test was negative. They still refused to verify their results or treat with our requested medications. On the 15th, my mom was put on a Bipap. Also, her cardiac enzymes began to elevate and her blood gases began to show significant changes. It was determined that she had an MI….and she was going into ketoacidosis. They were controlling both conditions adequately with medications at that point. The physicians determined that she should be admitted, but that there were no beds available in all of the Midmichigan Hospital System for a cardiac patient that was also Covid positive.
On October 16th, my mother was administered Remdesivir. Her kidneys began to shut down and her liver enzymes elevated. She became increasingly lethargic to the point of unresponsiveness. She also became increasingly acidotic. Late on the 16th, my mother was moved from the Clare location of the hospital system to the Gratiot location. She coded just as she arrived. Staff later informed us, that they worked that code for 2 hours. Our family wasn’t notified until after she was “stabilized”. So, they thumped on the chest of this frail 73 year old woman for 2 hours. By the time we arrived, mom was already on a vent. I never got to speak with her again. She was swollen and bruised. Her location within the hospital was in an isolation ward and her room was a negative pressure room. The family again asked for the repeat testing and for the hospital to administer ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. We were treated like we were stupid. The pulmonologist asked me if I thought she should have the IgG or IgM antibody test. He was truly condescending. Well, since she had been feeling sick for going on for 2 weeks, both would be appropriate.
Around 9 pm on the 17th, she coded for the last time and I lost my mom, my supporter, my confidant, my best friend….just gone. Immediately after the physician called her time of death, the doors to the negative pressure room were opened and we were allowed to see her with no masks or gloves; no precautions necessary.
This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.