Douglas Mellema
Age: 67
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/25/2021
To: Halifax Medical Center
Murdered: 08/08/2021
Douglas Mellema
See details of the narrative story regarding treatment by the admitting emergency room doctor. She essentially berated the spouse for "bringing him to the hospital this sick" rather than talk about helping him get well. Spouse was told to call him immediately because it was "day to day" . In other words, he was about to die and you better talk with him now while you can.
Steve, my dear husband of 41 years, was murdered with Remdesivir at NCH Baker Hospital in downtown Naples, FL. My husband and I were highly suspicious of the “pandemic” and had never been vaccinated. We were aware of the horrendously high percentage of deaths of those placed on a ventilator. My husband was a lung cancer survivor and also had a heart condition so I knew he was quite vulnerable to COVID. I had previously found a doctor through the Front Line Physicians online (FLCCC) who would prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. When my husband got COVID in the last few days of July 2021, it was nearly impossible to get an appointment quickly because the demand was so tremendously high. By the time he got the prescription, he had been sick for at least a week and was declining rapidly. His heart medications prohibited him from taking Hydroxychloroquine, but he was able to start taking Ivermectin.
On the evening of August 7th, his oxygen levels had dropped to the mid-80’s. We called the doctor who had prescribed the Ivermectin (Dr. Nields of Jacksonville, FL) and he said the hospital was the only place we’d get access to any sort of oxygen therapy on a Saturday night. Although terrified, we headed to the hospital. I went in with him and demanded that he not be put on a ventilator. They seemed to accept that request, but as expected, they forced me to leave the hospital immediately and admitted him. Within an hour or two, I received a call from an Emergency Room doctor who said her name was “Dr. Jen”. She immediately started ranting to me over the phone, obviously upset that we were un-vaccinated, and said he had double pneumonia. She said, “you bring him in here THIS SICK and sternly told me to face-time him right away because it was day-to-day and implied he was going to die. She kept telling me “you’re going to get it, you’re going to get it!” I told her I already had COVID and had recovered quickly by taking Ivermectin. She continued to berate me and told me they had given him Remdesivir. I had not consented to that treatment, and at the time I was unaware of its track record.
Over the next 2 days while in the hospital, Steve’s condition continued to decline. After he spoke to his personal Pulmonologist, he decided he would try a bi-pap mask to attempt recovery from the pneumonia, but was still refusing a ventilator. The mask was administered to him sometime late that same day on August 10th (3rd day in the hospital). After midnight that night, a COVID ICU nurse called me and was absolutely hysterical. She said they couldn’t control Steve, that he was trying to get out of bed, was trying to jerk the mask off his face, and was jerking his head from side to side. I told them to remove the mask! She said they didn’t know what would happen if they did that. At some point, she told me they were going to have to “restrain him”. I became hysterical so I called my pastor and my sister. Within a few minutes, the same nurse called me back and said “he’s calm now. You can come see him if you want.”
My sister and I went to the hospital and was led to his room. They “mummified” us with plastic gowns, gloves, masks and face shields. My husband was only momentarily conscious, but briefly opened his eyes and saw that I was there. He looked down to his arms and said “untie me!” At that point, I saw he had a strap across his chest and each wrist was tied tightly to the bed. I untied him and stayed for the next few hours until he took his last breath around 7:30 a.m. Shortly before or about the time he passed, hospital staff were arriving for the day and Steve’s pulmonologist (Dr. Bruce Roy) came to his room. He looked around and saw what was happening, looked toward the nurses station with a furious expression on his face and said “no one called me!”. He gave me an exasperated hug and left the room. It was only about a week later when I began hearing of the horrific track record of Remdesivir, the money paid to the hospitals for each patient put on a ventilator, given Remdesivir or was recorded as a “COVID-related death”. I pray for the souls of those who knowingly participated in taking my precious husband’s life because even my worst enemy, I must forgive and I pray that they come to know Jesus before they take their own last breath.
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Age: 67
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/25/2021
To: Halifax Medical Center
Murdered: 08/08/2021
Douglas Mellema
Age: 58
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/15/2021
To: Cleveland Clinic Martin North
Murdered: 08/27/2021
Doreen Tyson
Age: 84
Location: PA
Admitted: 12/26/2020
To: Holy Redeemer Hospital
Murdered: 01/11/2021
Margaret(Peg) Rybas
Age: 87
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/12/2020
To: San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Banning CA
Murdered: 12/27/2020
Barbara Ann Roberts
Age: 64
Location: CA
Admitted: 01/02/2022
To: Redlands Community
Murdered: 01/15/2022
David Hale
Age: 53
Location: TX
Admitted: 11/30/2021
To: Peterson Kerrville and Methodist
Murdered: 01/25/2022
Todd Snyder
Age: 55
Location: AK
Admitted: 08/23/2021
To: Matsu Regional
Murdered: 09/08/2021
Edward "Donnie" Wilson
Age: 45
Location: NY
Admitted: 03/31/2020
To: Queens hospital in Jamiaca NY
Murdered: 04/04/2020
Mariathi Gianoumis
Age: 57
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/24/2021
To: Sarasota Memorial
Murdered: 09/14/2021
Eric Schrock
Age: 42
Location: LA
Carolina Bourque
Age: 94
Location: NY
Admitted: 01/13/2022
To: Good Samaritan Hospital
Murdered: 01/19/2022
Sarafina Narciso
Age: 65
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/24/2021
To: Sutter Roseville
Murdered: 09/15/2021
Harold Hayward
Age: 74
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/13/2021
To: Clovis Community Medical Center
Murdered: 09/16/2021
Judith Lee Kneeland
Age: 84
Location: MI
Admitted: 12/29/2021
To: Bronson Methodist
Murdered: 01/08/2022
Andrew Columbus Campbell Sr
Age: 61
Location: PA
Admitted: 08/20/2021
To: Hamot Erie, Pennsylvania
Murdered: 09/05/2021
Edward Passamonte
Age: 50
Location: UT
Admitted: 12/26/2021
To: Bear River Valley Hospital (Tremonton, Utah 84337), and Intermountain Medical Center (Murray, Utah)
Murdered: 01/19/2022
Kip Don B.
Age: 61
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/22/2021
To: Port Orange, Florida Halifax
Ginae Lee Karoub
Age: 57
Location: MI
Admitted: 08/10/2021
To: Ascension Genesys Grand Blanc, Michigan
Murdered: 08/15/2021
Robert Duffy - Bob
Age: 50
Location: MI
Admitted: 11/18/2021
To: Beaumont Hospital
Murdered: 11/28/2021
Age: 63
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/18/2020
To: Fresno Community
Murdered: 01/11/2020
Barbara James
Age: 75
Location: IL
Admitted: 04/23/2023
To: She was in ER 3 days then moved to ICU
Murdered: 04/25/2023
Pamela Cardenas
Age: 77
Location: TN
Admitted: 07/15/2021
To: Summit Medical Center
Murdered: 07/31/2021
Carol Olson
Age: 70
Location: NY
Admitted: 02/22/2021
To: Peconic Bay Northwell
Murdered: 04/03/2021
John Russel Cole
Age: 67
Location: CA
Admitted: 07/28/2021
To: Clovis Community Hospital
Murdered: 08/31/2021
Angie Murrieta
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.