Kenneth Mehalic
Name of Victim: Kenneth Mehalic
Age of Victim: 57
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: OH
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Aultman
County: Stark
Date of Admission to Hospital: 12/17/2021
Date of Death: 12/27/2021
The hospital told Catherine that her husband said to not call her, which was a LIE and kept his cell phone out of reach so he could not call her!
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 10
Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

They tried to get him to get the vaccine and he refused. There also was a day that the Dr never went into his room because they were saving on PPE!

Was the Victim Restrained?: Yes
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Victim or family does not recall / not applicable
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Ativan/Lorazepam, Antibiotics, Anxiety meds, Baricitinib, Benzonatate, Blood Thinners, Blood Pressure Medications, Dexamethasone, Diuretics, Enoxaparin, Famotidine, Fentanyl, Haldor, Heparin, Insulin, Lasix, Lovenox, Morphine, Midazolam, Oxygen, Pain killers, Paralytics, Propofol, Sedatives, Steroids
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Isolated, Neglected, Gaslighted, Euthanized
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: He was not allowed any family. They kept his phone where he could not reach it. There was a day they never went into his room they were saving on PPE.... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Yes
Types of Activism: I speak out to everyone and anyone about the dangerous protocols. I am on a FB page for cov-19 widow and widowers, on Protocol kills website. Wrote letters to hospital telling them they were nothing but a glorified concentration camp. Did speak to a lawyer but wanted quite a bit of money to start the process. This hospital and every hospital that used these deadly protocols should be brought to justice. They should have to inform every person what kick backs they received by the genocide of their loved ones. Have a nurse practitioner who reached out and has documentation of the genocides.
Additional Information: That many hospitals and Doctors are on the take. There oath they took to not harm went out the door when they refused to do their own research and fo... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Catherine Mehalic

That many hospitals and Doctors are on the take. There oath they took to not harm went out the door when they refused to do their own research and follow along all for the almighty dollar and fear of losing their job

Medical murdered of my husband
Written by Catherine Mehalic(Wife)

My husband started symptoms on Dec 11th 2021. I got sick Dec 13th 2021. I got better within a few days and he was having a hard time breathing and couldn’t stop coughing. Was advised by a friend after taking his oxygen level that he needed to go to hospital. That was on Dec 17th 2021. Got him in wheel chair and wheeled him in. They made me leave. Sat in parking lot for 3 hours until they informed me he tested positive for Covid and they were deciding whether to transfer him to main hospital in which they did that night.

I dropped off phone charger and personals at the door of hospital next morning. Wouldn’t let me see him. They started him on the Dexamethasone. He started going down hill. Prior to him being sick my husband was a man that called me 5 times a day. He wasn’t calling much and sounded so weak when he did. They put him on breathing machine and the cocktail of poisons began. I called every day several times a day and even made nurse go in and give him his phone so I could talk to him. He said phone was to far for him to reach. They started him on antibiotics because they said he had infection and then they said he didn’t.

They gave him remdesivir on Dec 19th & 20th. When I found out they were giving him this poison, I called hospital. They said it was up to him, that he was still able to make decisions even though he was so weak. I tried to call him and I texted him and told him to not let them give that to him. He declined the remdesivir after that. Right after his first dose his kidneys started  failing and they started him on dialysis. Then his heart started racing. They had him on Fentanyl, morphine and tramadol.

They said he was trying to pull the oxygen mask off so they needed to restrain him. Then he was lucid and I had to make the decisions. I had not slept and couldn’t function. My son flew in after taking leave from the USCG. He called and asked since he was double vaxed and had not seen his dad in six months could he please come visit that he would even wear a hazmat suit and they said no.

One morning, I had a Dr. Call me and asked why the remdesivir was stopped and I told him because I know all about this drug. He informed me that remdesivir should be administered within five days of symptoms so why did they give it to him on the 11th day?  The morning of Dec 21st 2021 they called to say if we did not allow them to vent my husband he would die form heart failure. I told the Dr I knew it was a death sentence and he said a lot more people are coming off of it and surviving. My son and I made the hard choice. He continued to go down hill.

They kept saying they couldn’t get his blood pressure to regulate and had him on 4 different meds for it. On the morning of Dec. 27th 2021 they called to inform us we needed to come see him. They knew he was dying and now all of a sudden we were allowed up to see him. It was horrifying. They had him on his stomach and so many machines. His vitals kept dropping. We sat by his side from 10:00 am until 6:00 p.m. when we made the decision after we got a Priest to give him last rights to let them take him off life support. The nurse stated several times she had never seen anyone come back from how far my husband was.

As soon as they removed the death traps and flipped him over, his heart rate stopped. He was dead. My Best Friend. The Love of my Life. After a few days I started questioning everything. Things just didn’t make sense. I wrote the hospital a long letter about keeping us apart and how inhumane that was  and how they were nothing but a glorified concentration camp. I got a letter back with lies. How my husband informed them it was ok to not contact me about the remdesivir. How they tried to reach me and couldn’t. All lies. I have proof. I had a nurse practitioner whom I had never met reach out to me and tell me to get his records. She would show me he did not die from Covid but the protocols. And that she did. That is how a found out there was a day the Doctor never went into his room because they were saving on PPE.

He was treated differently because he did not get the vaccine and they wanted the narrative to keep going that it was the unvaccinated that were dying. I will never trust a hospital and very few Drs ever again. This nurse practitioner had been documenting deaths from the vaccinated and unvaccinated. She left her job because of it. She showed how everything they did and every drug they gave him suppressed and was the cause of his death. She even went to the lawyers office with me and blew it out of the park. The lawyers offices wanted $10,000. To start without any guarantees. A lot of money for Someone without a job and my husband was the bread winner. My youngest son begged me not to do it that he couldn’t support me if they dragged his dad through the mud and I lost that kind of money. He felt there would be no way this hospital would let me win ! I agreed to not take it on myself, but if a class action suit came I would be in it. My husband left behind so many friends and family that truly lived him. We had been raising our granddaughter for 11 years. He was her Best friend along with our sons. He did not deserve to be treated as a throw away human. He truly did make the world a better place.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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John Murphy- Dad just needed hydration- the hospital protocol killed him

John Murphy- Dad just needed hydration- the hospital protocol killed him

Age: 82

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/11/2021

To: The Villages Hospital -the Villages Fl

Murdered: 08/28/2021

John J Murphy Sr.

Allison Lakoskey Story

Allison Lakoskey Story

Age: 43

Location: MN

Admitted: 08/10/2022

To: First to Essentia Health in Virginia Minnesota. Then taken by ambulance to St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth Minnesota

Murdered: 08/29/2022

Allison (Lakoskey) Thompson

I’ll Be Right Back Honey… Robert Best

I’ll Be Right Back Honey… Robert Best

Age: 78

Location: NJ

Admitted: 04/12/2021


Robert Best

Daddy’s Unexpected Death 8 Days After Mom

Daddy’s Unexpected Death 8 Days After Mom

Age: 79

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/17/2021

To: Texoma Medical Center

Murdered: 08/29/2021

Walter Bill Joe Vandever

Greg “Denny” Adelmann: Killed by hospital protocols

Greg “Denny” Adelmann: Killed by hospital protocols

Age: 61

Location: MN

Admitted: 12/08/2021

To: Northfield Hospital

Murdered: 12/13/2021

Greg Adelmann (aka "Denny")

Mike Purkey Story

Mike Purkey Story

Age: 57

Location: VA

Admitted: 08/13/2021

To: Regional Memorial Medical Center

Murdered: 08/25/2021

Mike Purkey

The hospital did not know how to treat my husband

The hospital did not know how to treat my husband

Age: 62

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/03/2021

To: St. Cloud Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 09/30/2021

Samuel E. Perez

My Husband Died Because of Covid Policies and Vaccine Tainted Blood

My Husband Died Because of Covid Policies and Vaccine Tainted Blood

Age: 53

Location: MS

Admitted: 01/03/2022

To: Baptist Memorial and OCH Regional

Murdered: 06/12/2022

William (Bill) Heineck

Remdesivir killed both my parents!

Remdesivir killed both my parents!

Age: 63

Location: KY

Admitted: 08/04/2021

To: Norton Women and Childrens St. Matthew Hospital (formerly Suburban)

Murdered: 08/11/2021

Jeannie and William Hale

I Promised Her Justice!!!

I Promised Her Justice!!!

Age: 66

Location: TX

Admitted: 09/26/2021

To: CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Hospital

Murdered: 11/17/2021

Sylvia Rodriguez

Tina Richardson Story

Tina Richardson Story

Age: 57

Location: KY

Admitted: 05/17/2021

To: St Elizabeth Edgewood

Murdered: 05/19/2021

Tina Richardson

Killer Vaccine

Killer Vaccine

Age: 83

Location: NY

Admitted: 07/01/2021

To: Putnam Hospital

Murdered: 01/09/2022

Kathleen Barvinski

My Sweet Husband Was Murdered

My Sweet Husband Was Murdered

Age: 74

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/23/2021

To: High Desert Medical Center, Joshua Tree, California

Murdered: 12/31/2021

James (Jim) Martin

Another Hospital Murder Using Remdesivir

Another Hospital Murder Using Remdesivir

Age: 51

Location: TX

Admitted: 07/24/2021

To: 1. Shoreline in Corpus Christi, 2. Doctors Regional Corpus Christi

Murdered: 08/25/2021

Edward M. Garza

Roxanne’s Story

Roxanne’s Story

Age: 54

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/28/2021

To: Guadalupe Medical Center

Murdered: 09/11/2021

Doug MacKenzie

Tammy Bay’s Story

Tammy Bay’s Story

Age: 59

Location: AZ

Admitted: 01/05/2022

To: Baywood Hospital

Murdered: 01/20/2022

Tammy Bay

Scott Bedell’s Story

Scott Bedell’s Story

Age: 59

Location: TX

Admitted: 09/10/2021

To: Texahoma Medical Center in Dennison

Murdered: 10/01/2021

Scott Lee Bedell

Dwayne’s Story

Dwayne’s Story

Age: 53

Location: LA

Admitted: 08/08/2021

To: Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette, LA

Murdered: 08/27/2021

Dwayne Jude Latiolais

My Sister was Euthanized

My Sister was Euthanized

Age: 48

Location: WI

Admitted: 11/14/2021

To: St Vincent

Murdered: 11/21/2021

Jamie Krajewski Lotto

Death by protocol

Death by protocol

Age: 51

Location: IL

Admitted: 12/12/2021

To: Anderson Hospital

Murdered: 01/05/2022

John Eldridge Jr

Brent Lucius Story

Brent Lucius Story

Age: 34

Location: OH

Admitted: 10/27/2021

To: Tiffin mercy and St Vincents

Murdered: 11/15/2021

Brent Lucius

Believe it or not…..wake up!

Believe it or not…..wake up!

Age: 84

Location: OK

Admitted: 11/29/2021

To: St. Anthony in Shawnee, OK.

Murdered: 12/09/2021

Ronald A. Gillham SR.

God, What really happened to my husband behind the C19 Protocol scenes?

God, What really happened to my husband behind the C19 Protocol scenes?

Age: 67

Location: VA

Admitted: 01/08/2022

To: 1) Patient First Urgent Care, Chesapeake, VA (our decision); 2) ER at Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center; 3) ICU at Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center

Murdered: 01/15/2022

Malek Z. Majzoub

My little sister died alone.

My little sister died alone.

Age: 50

Location: TN

Admitted: 10/06/2021

To: Olive Branch Methodist, Regional One Medical Center

Murdered: 01/03/2022

Sandra Baker Sterling

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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