Healthy Mother, Wife, Grandmother Murdered by Hospital “Protocols”
Age: 59
Location: NY
Admitted: 11/08/2021
To: Buffalo General Medical Center
Murdered: 11/28/2021
Vivian Setlock
After reading his 2100+ pages of medical records they continued to document Patient Unvaccinated .
Crimes Against Humanity: John R. “Jack” Kramer’s Torturous Death at Doylestown Hospital
On November 22, 2021, we tragically lost our healthy 66-year-old husband of 40 years, father of four, and grandfather of five—with his sixth on the way. He had no preexisting health conditions/comorbidities aside from sleep issues here and there, evidenced by a clean bill of health from his annual physical just weeks prior to his hospitalization. Jack was healthy, vibrant, extraordinarily active for his age, remarkably strong, abstained from drug and alcohol use, and had an unbeatable executive and physical work ethic.
Jack was a very loving, incredibly dedicated, and loyal husband, father, and grandfather; his family was his life! He was just preparing to retire and enjoy his golden years spending time with our grandchildren and me. While at home sick, he rested, drank fluids, ate homemade chicken soup, moved about, and would even walk down our driveway for exercise. So after a few days of head cold symptoms, including a slight cough, he thought he might have COVID. So, on 10/31/21, he tested himself with a take-home PCR test kit and (apparently) tested positive. We had always been advised to stay home, drink lots of fluids, and rest. I actually treated him with ivermectin at home but apparently not a high-enough dose. I continued to check in on him and cared for him the best I could.
He then started to decline, and I called an ambulance; on 11/09/21, he was admitted to Doylestown Hospital. I spoke with his very condescending and rude doctor. The doctor’s unbridled rudeness upset me greatly, especially in light of my husband’s condition, that I had to set him straight. He started to argue with me about remdesivr vs. ivermectin, alleging false claims of dangers of ivermectin, and refused to administer it to my husband. (This directly violated my husband’s directive to follow all my wishes and instructions regarding his care.)
I now know once one is admitted into the COVID ward, one is trapped. I later read his records and learned of how they had tried all sorts of drugs—not really knowing which ones to give him. Essentially, he was their guinea pig and at their mercy! He spiked a fever, so they tried so many different meds (antibiotic(s), antifungal(s), pain medication(s), and sedative(s)—the list goes on), which I’m convinced destroyed his kidneys and liver. They even had the audacity to blame his organ failure on his having taken low doses of ivermectin days prior to being admitted! After seven days of being in the IMU on high-flow oxygen with no improvement, they moved him up to the ICU. They then continued to outright torture him with another, even more forceful oxygen mask (BiPAP) and then, within a few days, on 11/15/21, he was ventilated against his explicit will! We were still not permitted to see him until he was unconscious, in a medically induced coma, and on an even more toxic concoction of meds which included Nimbex, fentanyl, propofol, and heparin.
After his continued, rapid deterioration and kidney failure with the onset of multiple organ failure, we requested to speak with his panel of doctors about his grim prognosis. They told us it would be a miracle if he were to survive; his kidneys were rapidly deteriorating and he would need to be put on kidney dialysis. During these deliberations, we desperately reached out to our family friend, a board-certified critical-care pulmonologist also treating COVID patients. When told what the doctors had said, as well as all other relevant medical data, he vehemently urged us to not disconnect him from life support, and to demand the physicians immediately hydrate him with IV fluids. The attending physicians refused. We then, as as a family, decided to disconnect the ventilator on 11/22/21 and let him go in peace, believing that was the only humane solution left given the attending physicians’ assertions.
The nurse then asked us to leave the room while she would remove all of his tubes and prepare him to die in dignity, but then she issued an edict to my eldest son that only four of us would be permitted to say our goodbyes at his bedside! Jack had four children, a sister-in-law, son-in-law, and me, his wife, present. We, of course, were taken aback by this unnecessary, dictatorial, and cruel demand. My son informed her that would be abided by, to which the little tyrant remarked, “Okay, but no in-laws.” Given his four children and me, had we obsequiously complied, his spouse or one of his children would have been barred from being by his side during his final earthly moments. All five of us surrounded him with our love, playing his favorite songs and saying our last words to him as he passed away within approx. 45 protracted, heartrending minutes. It was agonizing to witness an otherwise healthy, relatively young, and strong man lie helpless, as he struggled to breathe. The images still haunt us to this day. He was savagely murdered by a concoction of pharmaceutical toxins, intentional administrative and attending-care protocols, actions, and inactions.
While we were praying over him during Last Rites, the same tyrannical nurse intruded to demand that my son lift his mask to completely cover his nose. Mind you, my son was legally protected (with documentation) from any mandate to do so, Jack could still hear everything, yet this nurse decided to interrupt our final, very private moments with him, simply to satisfy her ego. Later, we were told that he had been in the hospital morgue for days, just another disturbing piece of this nightmare.
Key take-aways: My husband was ventilated against his will. He and I both informed the hospital staff of our decision, but they still vented him! They also repeatedly noted (in capitalized font) that he was unvaccinated in his hospital medical records, attempting in bad faith to attribute causation to that.
From what I have since learned, he was not treated anywhere near appropriately, was rarely moved, was dehydrated and barely fed, and—this is paramount—proned an average of ~1.5 hours/day, while 16 hours daily were required for him to survive, according to his attending staff. While still conscious, he complained he was in too much pain to lie prone because he had suffered a lower back compression fracture(s) years prior, stating, “I can’t; my back is killing me.” That was present in his medical history. His nurse’s solution: Whisper encouragement into his ear how he must do it to survive—while the staff was only providing him with non-narcotic analgesia. My eldest daughter, naturally outraged upon hearing of this gross negligence, demanded they immediately provide him will sufficient, narcotic analgesia. The attending staff’s failure to sufficiently control his pain directly precluded his sufficient proning and is a chief contributory factor of his untimely death.
Reading the ~2100 pages of his hospital medical report is utterly heartrending, how much he was tortured. He couldn’t breathe; had diarrhea, an overgrowth of candida (a steroid-caused fungus) in his throat and mouth (sores on mouth, lips, and nose); and was incontinent. Disturbingly, his hands were also restrained to the bed most of the time with mitts on to prevent him from removing his mask. He did this in multiple desperate attempts to relieve the torture resultant to high-pressure oxygen—think having a leaf blower on your mouth and nose nonstop—and to attempt to wipe his dried-out, irritated, burning eyes from the excessive power of air blasting into his eyes! He actually told one nurse, “I feel like I’m going to die of thirst!” On Day 5 of his hospitalization, he asked a nurse
“When will I get better?” When I read that in his report, I feel so, so sad for him and guilty that I (unknowingly) left him there to be murdered! All of this occurred behind closed doors; we couldn’t be there as his advocates to comfort and intervene. My 87-year-old mother was also hospitalized one day prior to my husband’s admission due to a fall and resultant broken hip. According to the hospital, she tested positive for COVID one day after being admitted, yet they still performed her hip-replacement surgery. Tragically, she also ended up being murdered (11/20/21) in the very same ward, just three rooms down from my husband—and just two days prior to my husband’s passing. I will tell her heartbreaking story of torture separately.
We had a double funeral service for them on 12/12/22. So, I’ve lost my mother and husband within just two days. My life is destroyed. We will never be the same. I am wrought with guilt and sadness because of this truly evil hospital protocol and the actions and inactions of the hospital’s administration and attending staff.
Filter By Category
Age: 59
Location: NY
Admitted: 11/08/2021
To: Buffalo General Medical Center
Murdered: 11/28/2021
Vivian Setlock
Age: 56
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/06/2021
To: Grossmont Sharp
Murdered: 10/02/2021
Joe Martin Gaona
Age: 64
Location: MD
Admitted: 01/20/2022
To: Meritus Medical Center
Murdered: 02/02/2022
Mark W Morehead
Age: 55
Location: CA
Admitted: 11/28/2020
To: El Centro Regional Medical Center
Murdered: 12/15/2020
Tommy Dean Prater, Jr
Age: 50
Location: MO
Admitted: 08/01/2021
To: Nevada Reginal Medical Center Nevada, Missouri 64772 .......Citizens Memorial Hospital Bolivar Missouri 65613
Murdered: 08/08/2021
Brian Conroy
Age: 87
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/21/2021
To: Saddleback Memorial
Murdered: 01/10/2022
Donald Gandy
Age: 61
Location: MI
Admitted: 01/05/2022
To: South Bay hospital
Murdered: 01/16/2022
Cheryl Corsi
Age: 65
Location: AL
Admitted: 08/25/2021
To: Princeton Baptist
Murdered: 09/05/2021
Debra Sawyer
Age: 67
Location: MN
Admitted: 11/29/2021
To: Mercy Hospital
Murdered: 12/12/2021
Ray Evangelista
Age: 70
Location: WI
Admitted: 12/25/2021
To: Ascession All Saints
Murdered: 01/17/2022
Betty Damm
Age: 44
Location: FL
Admitted: 02/09/2021
To: Central Florida Regional Hospital
Murdered: 09/08/2021
Lenny Mendez
Age: 77
Location: MA
Admitted: 09/23/2021
To: Melrose/Wakefield Hospital
Murdered: 10/01/2021
Frank C. Bourgeois
Age: 54
Location: MI
Admitted: 09/14/2021
To: Henryford
Murdered: 09/29/2021
Michael Norman
Age: 55
Location: GA
Admitted: 12/17/2020
To: Northside Gwinnett
Murdered: 01/20/2021
Tony Dana
Age: 65
Location: TX
Admitted: 01/16/2022
To: Matagorda Regional (Bay City) and UMMC (Houston)
Murdered: 02/14/2022
Rick V Rios
Age: 44
Location: KY
Admitted: 09/05/2021
To: Mercy Health Lourdes Paducah
Murdered: 10/16/2021
Jason Parks
Age: 62
Location: NY
Admitted: 09/30/2021
To: UPMC Chautauqua, Jamestown NY
Murdered: 10/06/2021
Floyd Dalrymple
Age: 79
Location: AZ
Admitted: 01/06/2022
To: Honor Health Deer Valley
Murdered: 01/16/2022
Charles F. Shepherd
Age: 61
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/01/2021
To: Corona Regional and Kindred Rancho Cucamonga
Murdered: 08/17/2021
Edward H Hamlin III
Age: 61
Location: AL
Admitted: 01/20/2022
To: 1-Enterprise AL medical center, 2-Grandview hospital, Birmingham, AL 3-Brookdale Rehab facility, Birmingham
Tina Shoemaker
Age: 30
Location: AZ
Admitted: 12/11/2021
To: Scottsdale Osborn Honor Health
Murdered: 12/21/2021
Andrew E
Age: 49
Location: CA
Admitted: 01/24/2021
To: Kaiser
Murdered: 01/25/2021
Raymond Albert Martinez
Age: 78
Location: MN
Admitted: 10/21/2021
To: Lake Region Healthcare, Fergus Falls, MN and Sanford Hospital ICU in Fargo, ND
Murdered: 12/11/2021
Carl Roger Van Horn
Age: 49
Location: OR
Admitted: 01/02/2022
To: 1/2/22 Legacy Meridian transferred 1/5/22 to OHSU
Murdered: 02/24/2022
Patrick Perales
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.