Arthur Foth
Name of Victim: Arthur Foth
Age of Victim: 80
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: OH
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Medina General Hospital
County: Medina
Date of Admission to Hospital: 11/06/2021
Date of Death: 02/09/2022
Strong armed to sign DNR time and time again. Feeding port leaking fecal matter, large bedsore to the bone.
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: Yes

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

He was put in a Covid floor with no fluids. They never walked him around to keep him mobile. At the time he was admitted, his oxygen was great and no sign of pneumonia. He developed severe pneumonia from no activity when admitted to rehab.

Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, from the moment they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Ativan/Lorazepam, Antibiotics, Antifungals, Anxiety meds, Blood Thinners, Blood Pressure Medications, Convalescent Plasma, Dexamethasone, Fentanyl, Lovenox, Morphine, Midazolam, Oxygen, Pain killers, Paralytics, Sedatives, Seroquel, Steroids, Vitamin C
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Isolated, Neglected, Deprived of food, Deprived of water, Told she was going to die and they could help end her suffering, Asked to go home repeatedly and ignored
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: He was treated horribly. I felt they let him lie there and waited for his condition to worsen, which it did. They even released him to rehab with seve... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Colleen O’Brien
Colleen Obrien-The Protocol Killed my Dad
Written by Arthur Foth

My dad, Arthur Foth, was an extremely healthy 80 year old. He was an attorney still practicing law up until the day he got sick. On October 31,2021, he started feeling sick. Then was diagnosed with Covid on November 3, 2021. He was admitted to Medina General Hospital and was put in a Covid floor.

When I visited, he was just lying there, with no IV hook up for fluids. They never walked him around to keep him mobile. At the time he was admitted, his oxygen was great and no sign of pneumonia. At some point he developed severe pneumonia from no activity and then admitted to rehab.

In rehab they gave him breathing treatments. He was eating very little and not drinking. The rehab was short staffed and as a result he was completely neglected. He developed a bed sore the size of a grapefruit. At one point he was found laying on the floor struggling to breathe. He was ultimately admitted to Southwest General Hospital on November 25, 2021.

At this point, he couldn’t breathe so I had no choice but to let them intubate him. Immediately we were hounded with questions regarding signing a DNR. I told them I was respecting his wishes as he was full code. The doctors did not like this. They told me he had lived a long life… etc. I asked them if we could please try and treat him before we discuss letting him die.

They finally inserted a feeding tube mid December. His bed sore continued to get worse and they took absolutely no responsibility for it. The doctors continued to tell me to sign a DNR. They even had palliative care bring me in for a talk about it.

SWGH ultimately released him to a LTAC hospital. His oxygen was dropping below 90, he was struggling to breathe. He passed away the day after he was admitted to this hospital.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Filter By Category

Mentally & Financially Harmed by Mandates

Mentally & Financially Harmed by Mandates

Age: 54

Location: Outside The US

Judy Kumor

Steve’s Story

Steve’s Story

Age: 72

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/07/2021

To: NCH Baker Hospital Downtown Naples, FL

Murdered: 08/11/2021

Steve Fields



Age: 63

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/21/2020

To: Kaiser West LA

Murdered: 01/21/2021

Samuel Cruz

My dad

My dad

Age: 80

Location: IA

Admitted: 11/08/2021

To: Mercy One

Murdered: 12/03/2021

Donald Muessigmann

My husband Joe Gaona GONE too soon!

My husband Joe Gaona GONE too soon!

Age: 56

Location: CA

Admitted: 08/06/2021

To: Grossmont Sharp

Murdered: 10/02/2021

Joe Martin Gaona

Hospital MURDERED my Husband for millions of dollars over the covid scam

Hospital MURDERED my Husband for millions of dollars over the covid scam

Age: 59

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/20/2021

To: Methodist Hospital South Sacramento

Murdered: 12/19/2021

Phillip Thomas

A Girl Loses Her Daddy

A Girl Loses Her Daddy

Age: 84

Location: MI

Admitted: 12/29/2021

To: Bronson Methodist

Murdered: 01/08/2022

Andrew Columbus Campbell Sr

Hospital Protocol Murdered a loving mother and wife

Hospital Protocol Murdered a loving mother and wife

Age: 46

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/06/2021

To: Viera Hospital

Murdered: 09/09/2022

Jennifer Lynn Hubert

Murdered by Hospital Protocol

Murdered by Hospital Protocol

Age: 64

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/12/2021

To: HCA Houston Healthcare Conroe

Murdered: 08/22/2021

Mark Franklin Parkin

Life is my misfortune

Life is my misfortune

Age: 43

Location: CA

Admitted: 04/20/2021

To: I went to the hospital after 2 or 3 weeks. When I started having more paresthesia in my legs

S.H. (anonymous)

Sheryl Ann Contreras

Sheryl Ann Contreras

Age: 36

Location: CA

To: St Jude

Murdered: 10/03/2021

Sheryl Ann Contreras

The story of Steven Traini

The story of Steven Traini

Age: 58

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/29/2021

To: Enloe Hospital, Chico California

Murdered: 12/12/2021

Steven R Traini

Brent Lucius Story

Brent Lucius Story

Age: 34

Location: OH

Admitted: 10/27/2021

To: Tiffin mercy and St Vincents

Murdered: 11/15/2021

Brent Lucius

Losing My Father

Losing My Father

Age: 94

Location: FL

Admitted: 02/21/2022

To: South Lake Hospital, Clermont, FL

Murdered: 03/01/2022

Raymond Bushey

The Kenneth Slaughter Story

The Kenneth Slaughter Story

Age: 84

Location: CA

Admitted: 09/18/2022

To: Kaiser Permanente – 2295 S. Vineyard Ave., Ontario, CA

Murdered: 09/30/2022

Kenneth Slaughter

Michael V Story

Michael V Story

Age: 67

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/03/2020

To: Eglin AFB Hospital Valpariso Florida

Murdered: 08/11/2020

Michael V Burns

Crimes that killed husband

Crimes that killed husband

Age: 69

Location: OH

Admitted: 12/31/2021

To: Holzer Medical in Jackson and Galopolis

Murdered: 01/19/2022

Stephen Leslie

God Saved Me From Covid 19 and the Hospital of Death

God Saved Me From Covid 19 and the Hospital of Death

Age: 59

Location: MD

Admitted: 12/04/2021

To: UPMC Western Maryland

Dana Hites

Dan Swecker Story

Dan Swecker Story

Age: 73

Location: WA

Admitted: 08/10/2021

To: St Peters

Murdered: 09/01/2021

Dan Swecker

COVID Protocol Death

COVID Protocol Death

Age: 67

Location: WA

Admitted: 10/05/2021

To: Skagit Valley Hospital, Mount Vernon, Washington

Murdered: 12/06/2021

James Christopher Rutherford

Gone but will never be forgotten…

Gone but will never be forgotten…

Age: 67

Location: TN

Admitted: 01/15/2022

To: TriStar Hendersonville

Murdered: 02/03/2022

Pamela M. Smith

I Lost the Love of My Life

I Lost the Love of My Life

Age: 67

Location: IA

Admitted: 05/28/2021

To: St Lukes Hospital in Cedar Rapids, IA

Murdered: 06/27/2021

Ronald Pettit

Hospital Protocols killed my husband from COVID 19… He didn’t have to die!

Hospital Protocols killed my husband from COVID 19… He didn’t have to die!

Age: 71

Location: TX

Admitted: 10/13/2021

To: Santa Christus Hospital

Murdered: 10/30/2021

Alan M. Haines

My loving Husband

My loving Husband

Age: 67

Location: CA

Admitted: 01/22/2022

To: Riverside Community Hospital

Murdered: 03/18/2022

Lawrence Milton Justice Jr

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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