Sherman Herritt’s Story
Age: 69
Location: VA
Admitted: 10/06/2021
To: Santara Martha Jefferson
Murdered: 10/20/2021
Sherman Herritt
While others had it way worse than I did and many people didn’t survive it, I would still like to explain what I went through. The doctors refused to Covid test me so that I could prove I was no longer positive for Covid-19. More importantly, they refused antibiotics until the 5th day. My condition worsened every day I was in the hospital for the first 5 days. I repeatedly asked to be on antibiotics, but the doctors didn’t come into the room so I could only ask the nurses.
On the 5th day, I asked the nurse to make sure I was awake when the pulmonary doctor was on my floor. She woke me and I made myself stay awake until he opened the door to peek his head in without actually stepping into the room, but I made him come inside. I told him I had been asking the nurses for antibiotics, but they said the doctor didn’t approve the medication for me. I wanted to know exactly why I couldn’t have the antibiotics because I was no longer suffering from Covid symptoms. At this point I had full blown pneumonia. I was admitted 5 days earlier in respiratory failure. I explained that another day or two of getting worse and I wasn’t going to make it.
He told me, and I quote to the best of my recollection, “sir, you have to understand that you have COVID pneumonia, it’s completely different than regular pneumonia”. I have a medical background myself so I returned his ridiculous answer with my own question,” Are you trying to tell me that the infection in my lungs that is killing me is a virus? And not a bacterial?” He seemed confused for quite a few seconds as he began to realize that his explanation wasn’t going to fly in this particular hospital room. He diverted with, “Please don’t worry, we have plenty of ventilators to go around at this hospital”. I repeated my question, “Are you trying to tell me this infection in my lungs that’s killing me, is a virus? And not bacterial?”
And then I explained to him that “IF I were to have to go on a ventilator, it would not be at Clear Lake Regional Hospital or any hospital affiliated with Clear Lake Regional”. He gave up. He responded, “Of course, it’s bacterial”. and added, “if it’s going to make you feel better, I’ll sign the orders for the antibiotics.” All this time I thought I was there to feel better?? The amazing nurses must have sprinted down to the pharmacy because they had me bagged in less than 30 minutes. The next morning when I woke up, was the first indication I had that I might actually be walking out of this hospital because I felt at least 10-20% better.
The past 5 days had me thinking that I might be leaving in a body bag, seriously. I was divvying up my property in my head, trying to figure out who gets what. Over the next 7 days, I continued to improve. I kept challenging them to Covid test me, but each day they refused. The reason I wanted to be tested was because of all the atrophy. I had zero strength and could not work my lungs or my legs in the tiny hospital room. They told me I had to stay until I could maintain an oxygen level of 92 after 5 minutes of walking. If they tested me for Covid, and, if that test showed I was now negative, they could move me to a general population room and I would be able to walk the halls and go outside for fresh air so that I could get my heath back faster.
But each day they refused. It felt like a psychological tactic to me to keep the patients in a bed and isolated keeping them from getting well too quickly. We were alone. Each of us were ALL alone in a tiny room. The only people we saw were wearing HASMAT suits, some with electric respirators that look like a backpack. I feel so sorry for those who perished simply because they had no medical knowledge, and no one was allowed to be with them who might have had the knowledge to challenge greedy doctors.
Filter By Category
Age: 69
Location: VA
Admitted: 10/06/2021
To: Santara Martha Jefferson
Murdered: 10/20/2021
Sherman Herritt
Age: 68
Location: CA
Admitted: 06/05/2020
To: Kaweah Delta Hospital
Murdered: 06/16/2020
Nellie Fernandez
Age: 56
Location: MO
Admitted: 08/06/2021
To: SSM Health-St Mary’s Hospital
Murdered: 09/03/2021
David Lorn Thomas
Age: 74
Location: FL
Admitted: 01/19/2022
To: Advent Palm Coast
Murdered: 01/22/2022
Norma Rizzo
Age: 65
Location: OH
Admitted: 12/15/2021
To: Lima Memorial Hospital
Murdered: 12/28/2021
Roger Shellenbarger
Age: 73
Location: IL
Admitted: 12/10/2021
To: Riverside Medical Center
Murdered: 12/29/2021
Fred Vagt
Age: 60
Location: CA
Admitted: 01/01/2022
To: Kaiser Permanente Vacaville CA
Murdered: 01/06/2022
Scott James Romine
Age: 52
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/26/2021
To: Baptist North and Baptist Downtown
Murdered: 09/16/2021
Ronnie Eberhardy
Age: 57
Location: OH
Admitted: 11/15/2021
To: Margaret Mary Community Hospital, Batesville Indiana; Columbus Regional Hospital, Columbus, IN; Select Specialty LTAC Christ Hospital, Cincinnati OH; Christ Hospital ICU Cincinnati, OH
Murdered: 12/24/2021
Robert A. Brack “Rob”
Age: 57
Location: NY
Admitted: 04/22/2020
To: Good Samaritan
Murdered: 05/16/2020
Jason Weinger
Age: 72
Location: PA
Admitted: 12/06/2021
To: Jefferson Torresdale Hospital
Murdered: 01/03/2022
Andrzej Zygmunt Jodlowski
Age: 46
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/12/2021
To: Lakeland Regional Health
Murdered: 08/24/2021
James D Thrift Jr (“Donny”)
Age: 58
Location: MD
Admitted: 01/15/2022
To: Ascension St. Agnes
Murdered: 01/21/2022
Anthony Battle
Age: 74
Location: NJ
Admitted: 09/07/2021
To: Atlantic Health System, Morristown NJ
Murdered: 09/17/2021
Joseph E. Bates
Age: 66
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/15/2021
To: Palms West Hospital in Loxahatchee, Florida (Palm Beach County)
Murdered: 08/01/2021
Michael H. McVan
Age: 70
Location: CA
Admitted: 10/11/2021
To: Bakersfield Heart Hospital
Murdered: 10/26/2021
James Jackson, III (Sonny)
Age: 52
Location: PA
Admitted: 11/19/2021
To: UPMC Memorial Hospital, York, PA
Murdered: 12/12/2021
Keith Smith
Age: 76
Location: TX
Admitted: 02/01/2022
To: Medical City Plano
William Lynn Wilkes (Lynn)
Age: 45
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/13/2021
To: Loma Linda University Health
Murdered: 08/16/2021
Carlos Cabrera Arias
Age: 70
Location: WI
Admitted: 12/25/2021
To: Ascession All Saints
Murdered: 01/17/2022
Betty Damm
Age: 83
Location: NY
Admitted: 07/01/2021
To: Putnam Hospital
Murdered: 01/09/2022
Kathleen Barvinski
Age: 73
Location: CA
Admitted: 01/19/2021
To: Rancho Springs Medical Center
Murdered: 02/01/2021
Azhar (Ann) Koza
Age: 54
Location: GA
Admitted: 08/07/2021
To: Piedmont Columbus Midtown
Joey George
Age: 78
Location: CO
Admitted: 11/28/2021
To: Lutheran Medical Center, Wheatridge CO
Murdered: 12/08/2021
Helen Johnson
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.