Keith T King
Name of Victim: Keith T King
Age of Victim: 57
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: CA
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: Yes

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Mercy Folsom, CA
County: Sacramento
Date of Admission to Hospital: 08/26/2020
while i was isolated inside a double-zipped tent, behind windows and plastic, ignoring my calls, the nurses partied outside
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 47
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Victim or family does not recall / not applicable
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Antibiotics, Azithromycin, Blood Pressure Medications, Ceftriaxone, Convalescent Plasma, Dexamethasone, Enoxaparin, Famotidine, Fentanyl, Heparin, Insulin, Lasix, Lovenox, Midazolam, Oxygen, Paralytics, Polyethyleneglycol, Rocephin, Sedatives, Sodium Chloride, Vancomycin
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Refused treatment, Isolated, Neglected, Gaslighted, deprived of personal hygiene, not allowed to go to bathroom, so was diapered and humiliated
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: Isolated, covid ward, nurses and doctors would look at patient through window, 2nd of 3 hospitals, they would not answer my calls, hospital had proble... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: I feel that my covid horror was political and criminal. I think that I should be compensated for my pain, suffering, medical bills, lost income and e... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Keith T King

I feel that my covid horror was political and criminal. I think that I should be compensated for my pain, suffering, medical bills, lost income and early retirement to disabilty. The government agencies, drug company, hospital should not be protected from the pandemic and EUA OF THE DRUG. I feel my treatment was wrong and that certain treatments were denied. Dr Fauci. NIAID, Gilead/Veklury, FDA, CDC and the hospital/doctors are all liable. I was hospitalized for 10 weeks, intubated/ventilator/coma for 1 month. Remdesivir that I received was a EUA at the time and known by Dr Fauci as toxic and fatal. Fauci dictated to the CDC and world and they to all -most facilities/doctors to use only Remdesivir, while knowing other treatments like Ivermectin and others were safer and more successful. I got double pneumonia, renal/kidney failure and neuropathy (nerve damage). I almost had a tracheotomy and kidney dialysis. I do have lung damage. I was isolated in a covid ward and ICU, I was the sickest patient in the ICU. Doctors had several meetings on pallative care with my family. My insurance dropped me while I was still in the hospital and my employer wanted to terminate me.

Keith T King, Protocol Survivor
Written by Keith T King
I feel that my covid horror in Aug. 2020 was political and criminal. I think that I should be compensated for my pain, suffering, medical bills, lost income and early retirement to disability. The government agencies, drug company, hospital should not be protected from the pandemic and EUA OF THE DRUG. I feel my treatment was wrong and that certain treatments were denied. Dr Fauci. NIH, Gilead/Veklury, FDA, CDC and the hospital/doctors are all liable.
I was hospitalized for 10 weeks, intubated/ventilator/coma for 1 month. Remdesivir that I received was a EUA at the time and known by Dr Fauci as toxic and fatal. Fauci dictated to the CDC and to most facilities/doctors to use only Remdesivir, while knowing other treatments like Ivermectin and others were safer and more successful.  I got double pneumonia, renal/kidney failure and neuropathy (nerve damage). I almost had a tracheotomy and kidney dialysis, but due to length of time i was still positive, I had time to recover and not have to have either.  I do have lung damage. I was isolated in a covid ward and ICU, I was the sickest patient in the ICU. Doctors had several meetings on palliative care with my family, trying to get them to “let me go.”
I was hospitalized in 2020 for 10 weeks, intubated1 month. I had remdesivir for 6-7 days. I have nerve and lung damage. I had kidney/renal failure. I almost had a trach. I almost had dialysis as well. I was stuck out of state over 4 months. My insurance cancelled me while I was in hospital and my employer almost terminated me. I have retired and moved to Texas to be near my daughter, her husband and two grandchildren.
I am just very lucky, very blessed to be alive!
This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Too Young To Die, Cristi Miles’ Story

Too Young To Die, Cristi Miles’ Story

Age: 40

Location: FL

Admitted: 07/21/2021

To: Baptist South

Murdered: 08/04/2021

Austin Miles

Covid opportunitist nurse feasting on NZ man dollars

Covid opportunitist nurse feasting on NZ man dollars

Age: 78

Location: Outside The US

To: name of hospital, the dates and information regarding her father's illness and death are guesstimates.

Murdered: 05/06/2023

Frank Lane

The day my life died

The day my life died

Age: 58

Location: AL

Admitted: 01/17/2022

To: Thomas Hospital

Murdered: 02/09/2022

Philip Smith Winton

Tony’s Story

Tony’s Story

Age: 70

Location: FL

Admitted: 01/02/2022

To: Healthpark Ft. Myers, FL

Murdered: 01/13/2022

Anthony E. Mueller Jr.

Killed by Hospital Protocol

Killed by Hospital Protocol

Age: 51

Location: SC

Admitted: 08/17/2021

To: Trident Medical Center

Murdered: 09/01/2021

Byron Kendziora

Lori McPherson

Lori McPherson

Age: 56

Location: ME

Admitted: 11/06/2021

To: Northern Light Health- AR Gould

Lori McPherson

Mike Lost His Beloved Donna

Mike Lost His Beloved Donna

Age: 67

Location: AR

Admitted: 07/12/2021


Murdered: 09/27/2021

Donna Brudjar

He didn’t have to die

He didn’t have to die

Age: 67

Location: NC

Admitted: 12/12/2021

To: Big Duke / Maria Parham

Murdered: 12/21/2021

William Avon Bowes Sr.

Christi Gallegos – A Survivor Story

Christi Gallegos – A Survivor Story

Age: 56

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/18/2021

To: HCA Houston Northwest

Christi L. Gallegos

LIES from the very beginning.

LIES from the very beginning.

Age: 48

Location: OH

Admitted: 11/21/2020

To: It was terrible...I had to call the squad because Bob's oxygen level had dipped to the 70's. 911 to Warren County Ohio/Clearcreek Township. They weren't concerned at all about Bob. They wanted to know how many people were in our house and had we all been tested. They said Bob had to meet them at the door. When they pulled up to our house, they only parked in the street. Not the driveway. They wanted Bob to WALK to the ambulance. Insisted they put him on a gurney. They didn't turn on lights or sirens. Bob texted when he got to Sycamore and said they didnt give him oxygen in the squad. He was taken to Sycamore and they said their covid floor was full. I had to choose between Fort HAmilton or Grandview Hospital...neither have good reputations. I chose Grandview. While he was there, I spoke to a nurse once and had to take his c-pap machine to the hospital. I parked in the physicians was empty. I never had 1 call from a doctor his whole time at Grandview. He was intubated without my consent. I was able to get him transferred to Christ hospital in Cinci and he was put on an ecmo machine there. He lasted almost 2 months. The treatment at Christ was vastly different than Grandview. NEVER spoke to a dr once at Grandview. Why didnt they give him oxygen in the squad?

Murdered: 01/24/2021

Robert "Bob" Hamm

Devious Desire

Devious Desire

Age: 53

Location: SC

Admitted: 10/23/2021

To: Easley

Murdered: 04/15/2022

Susan Elaine Propes

Audrey’s Story

Audrey’s Story

Age: 55

Location: FL

Admitted: 07/05/2021

To: St. Vincents Ascension Southside

Murdered: 08/05/2021

Audrey Marie Velicka

Survived Attempted Murder

Survived Attempted Murder

Age: 46

Location: NC

Admitted: 11/30/2021

To: Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

John W. Taylor

Janet H’s Story

Janet H’s Story

Age: 65

Location: CA

Admitted: 08/24/2021

To: Sutter Roseville

Murdered: 09/15/2021

Harold Hayward

Ida’s Story

Ida’s Story

Age: 55

Location: AK

Admitted: 08/23/2021

To: Matsu Regional

Murdered: 09/08/2021

Edward "Donnie" Wilson

Administered Remdesivir (Gilead)

Administered Remdesivir (Gilead)

Age: 81

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/12/2021

To: Texas Health Harris Methodist Southwest

Murdered: 08/24/2021

Thomas Hill

Murdered by FDA, CDC and the Medical Community – Jerry’s Story

Murdered by FDA, CDC and the Medical Community – Jerry’s Story

Age: 67

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: Scripps Hospital

Murdered: 12/07/2021

Donelle S. Cooley

Jonathon Goscinski Sr. – Interview with his son Jonathon Goscinski Jr

Jonathon Goscinski Sr. – Interview with his son Jonathon Goscinski Jr

Age: 53

Location: MI

Admitted: 08/30/2021

To: Ascension genesys hospital

Jonathon Goscinski sr

Annette’s Story

Annette’s Story

Age: 60

Location: OH

Admitted: 09/21/2021

To: Cleveland Clinic Main Campus

Murdered: 10/14/2021

Russell J. Kocka

Oscar Daniel Moreno’s Story

Oscar Daniel Moreno’s Story

Age: 47

Location: CA

Admitted: 09/03/2021

To: Desert Valley Hospital

Murdered: 10/09/2021

Oscar Daniel Moreno

Justice for Charles Shepherd

Justice for Charles Shepherd

Age: 79

Location: AZ

Admitted: 01/06/2022

To: Honor Health Deer Valley

Murdered: 01/16/2022

Charles F. Shepherd

Mr. Matos Loses His Battle with Remdesivir

Mr. Matos Loses His Battle with Remdesivir

Age: 76

Location: NY

Admitted: 12/26/2020

To: Montefiore St Lukes Cornwall

Murdered: 01/15/2021

Mr. Matos

Homeport’s Beloved G’ma

Homeport’s Beloved G’ma

Age: 83

Location: WI

Admitted: 12/27/2021

To: Ascension St. Mary's Hospital

Murdered: 02/18/2022

Marilyn M Liebert

Gone but will never be forgotten…

Gone but will never be forgotten…

Age: 67

Location: TN

Admitted: 01/15/2022

To: TriStar Hendersonville

Murdered: 02/03/2022

Pamela M. Smith

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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