Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: yes
How victim was treated differently after disclosing vax status:
The victim was deprived of vitamins C, D, and Zinc. I repeatedly asked them to give him those vitamins. They would not
Name of Victim: Larry Randall Wyatt
Age: 62 years old
Admitted to hospital: 08/11/2021
Treatment received at hospital: Treated poorly
Experience in hospital:
He was in the ER for 56 hours. When they finally moved him it was to a room with four other Covid patients with curtains in between. No bathroom. Only a portable toilet. They started telling him daily by day five that they were going to intubate him. He repeatedly said no. They put the bi-pap on him without permission. Once they put that on he struggled to breathe. The day after that he had a heart attack. Machines kept him alive for four days. I had to sign papers for them to turn them off
Every Dr that I talked to lied to me. Every Dr contradicted the other Dr. They were rude and heartless. Every Dr that called me for the last five days of his life repeatedly told me my husband was going to die! I refused to believe what they were saying and argued with them. They were adamant. I did not realize what was happening at the time but now I do. They all said it because they were killing him. Remdesivir was never discussed but I believe they gave it to him because his kidneys started shutting down the last week of his life. I have met lots of people here in the town I live in who lost a loved one the exact same way. My husband was only 62 no underlying issues gone in two weeks. Died a horrible death. We never got to be with him. The trauma from it all still feels like it happened yesterday
CDC Protocol killed my husband
Written by Lesa Wyatt (Spouse )
My husband of 24 years went to the hospital on 8/11/21. Died from a heart attack on 8/23. Machines kept him alive until 8/26 when I had to agree to turn them off.
After 56 hours on a gurney in the ER he was pretty miserable. Our excitement about him being moved to a room finally was short lived. They said there were no private rooms so he was in a room with 4 other Covid patients. He kept in touch with me constantly through texts. The first few days it seemed like they were trying to help him. His oxygen level was doing better. He was eating and drinking. I talked to nurses daily but did not hear from any Dr until day 5.
I asked the first Dr what are you giving him for Covid his response was steroids and antibiotics. I said he needs Ivermectin or HCQ and he said those do not work. I argued with him that they do work. He said no they don’t and then he said to me GET THE VACCINE! We argued about that for a few minutes. Nothing but lies came out of his mouth.
When I asked the next Dr about those two drugs she said we are out of those. The next Dr I asked said we have never used those drugs for Covid. All of them lied to me. I repeatedly asked the nurses to help him get up and walk around because he said his legs were getting weaker and he could barely stand to go to the bathroom. But they never got him up to walk. When I asked the nurse if they were giving him vitamins she said let me check. Then she said we are not but I don’t know why because we’re giving them to everyone else.
The amount of oxygen they were giving him made his mouth real dry so it got harder and harder for him to eat. After a few days They moved him out of ICU to a regular room. When the nurse called to tell me that I asked if it was because he is better. She said no he is not. She said she did not know why the Dr was moving him. A few hours after moving him a nurse FaceTimed me and said they were putting a bi- pap on him because his oxygen went so low.
What I found out much later was that when a Covid patient is moved it causes their oxygen to drop drastically. So the doctor moved him on purpose to cause his oxygen to drop so he could put the BiPAP on him because once they put that on him, he struggled greatly to breathe, and after wearing it all day that night he had a heart attack because of struggling to breathe. He sent me a text that said help can’t breathe earlier that day. I tried getting them to take that off and use something different, less invasive but they would not. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Once his heart stopped they intubated him. Then he became septic. Next they said his kidneys were shutting down. It was a nightmare. So many things I wish I had done differently to try to help him. Never got to be with him. My husband was a kind loving godly husband father and Papa. A worship leader at our church. Loved by so many. Thousands prayed for him.
I will never ever understand God allowing such evil to take him out. And millions of others. I need justice! They all need to be held accountable.
This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.