John Eldridge Jr
Name of Victim: John Eldridge Jr
Age of Victim: 51
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: IL
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Anderson Hospital
County: Madison
Date of Admission to Hospital: 12/12/2021
Date of Death: 01/05/2022
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

Very rude and not checked on as often as he should have been . Told many times that if he would have been vaccinated he wouldn’t be in the hospital . Treated like a dog .

Was the Victim Restrained?: Yes
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, from the moment they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Antibiotics, Actemra, Baricitinib, Blood Thinners, Blood Pressure Medications, Dexamethasone, Fentanyl, Olumiant, Oxygen, Pain killers, Steroids, Tocilizumab, Albuterol, Atrovent
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Budesonide, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Isolated, Neglected, Deprived of food, Gaslighted, Openly mocked
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: Isolated , and wouldn’t give my husband food for a couple days . After being vented they would not put a feeding tube in my husband to continue nutrit... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: My Husband was subjected to Hospital protocol and was neglected while admitted and died in result of the negligence they gave him .
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Melissa Bailey Eldridge

My Husband was subjected to Hospital protocol and was neglected while admitted and died in result of the negligence they gave him .

Death by protocol
Written by Melissa Bailey Eldridge (Wife )

Hello my name is Melissa Eldridge. I had dropped my Husband John Eldridge off at the ER in Maryville Il at Anderson Hospital on December 12 , 2021 around noon with breathing difficulties lack of oxygen. The Hospital would not allow me to be with him. So I had to sit out in my car and wait for them to call me . After waiting in my car for 2 hours, I had not heard anything from them. I had to call John to find out what was going on.

While in the ER, my husband John was given dexamethasone and Remdesivir. Neither the nurses nor the doctors explained these medications to him or asked if he wanted them. When the hospital admitted my husband they immediately put my husband on the cannula and started him on steroids.

The hospital continued the Remdesivir and dexamethasone. They started giving him pain meds and a cough pill. I had been trying to get permission to come to the hospital for many days. I needed to be by his side, advocate for him and keep him calm. He was there alone. The hospital would not let me because their excuse was he had Covid. But I did as well. They said no until I had a negative test I can’t come into the hospital to be with him.

When I tested negative the next day I told them and had proof. They still wouldn’t let me be by his bedside . By the 14th and 15th my Husband started to show more breathing distress. At that time he was put on the full face bipap oxygen mask. His oxygen was fluctuating from low 90’s to high 80’s and the doctors and nurses kept pushing to vent. My husband John, even though his oxygen levels were in the 90’s.

During that time period I had gotten in touch with the American Frontline Nurses. They informed me to stop them from giving my husband John the Remdesivir as it causes multiple organ damage. So I contacted the nurses and his attending doctor. I stressed to them to not give him anymore of that medication. They told me they already have him 5 doses of the 6 already.

I told them do not give him the last dose . The doctor begged for me to give him the last dose saying he was showing improvement. But John was not showing improvement. His scans was showing at that time it was spreading more all over his lungs . My Husband and myself had been messaging and we FaceTime a few times only because it would take a lot of his oxygen to speak .

By 17th of December my husband was noticing no feeling in his right leg below his knee down to his toes . At that point he was on the phone with me and I told him to call the doctor in and it was his attending doctor Dr Conner . At that time it scared me and my husband and the doctor herself ! The Doctor called for a tech to come in and do a Doppler and test my husbands leg for circulation and clots . At that time they said there was no clots .

After that my Husband still was having problems with his circulation . Me and my Husband decided together that we wanted him moved to a Saint Louis Missouri Hospital immediately! The Doctor said she tried to get him a bed at all of the hospitals in Missouri and there was not one bed available. My Husband John was still declining . The whole stay from the admittance I tried to get them to administer ivermectin and they told me flat out with attitude, they can not get it and would not be able to administer it to my husband even if they could get it . So I told them I will find a way . Frontline nurses helped me find a doctor that would prescribe it and we doing a family nurse that would administer it but I could not find a pharmacy that had it or would get it . By Saturday December 25th Christmas Day my husband was showing low levels on his co2 blood oxygen and could not breath with the oxygen level at 100% . The nurse called me wanting to let me know they needed to put him on a ventilator right then . I asked for them to FaceTime with me so I can see my Husband before and ask him what he thinks . So he had to help her get on FaceTime. When she did I asked him how he felt and he said I can’t breath babe no matter how I lay now . He was very scared and we tried to prevent them from putting him on the vent the whole time . He has to let them put him on the vent we have no other choice . He said he is scared I said I know and I I told him I loved him and he said he loved me too then they took the phone away and started the process.

After they vented him and took him to ICU . I called them back to see how he was and they said he was relaxed and vented . In the middle of the night a nurse called me and told me his blood pressure dropped and he coded . They had to shock him and get his heart back in Rhythm. And had to put him on 4 different blood pressure medications to keep his blood pressure elevated . This whole time my husband still didn’t have circulation in his right leg and they didn’t ever say why . Even when I asked them many times but no logic response .

They weaned him off the blood pressure meds during this time . By the 27th the Head doctor in icu called and said my Husband wasn’t doing well and he was the worst one in ICU at that time . The doctor said his organs was shutting down so I asked what they are doing for this and the doctor stated they put him back on the 4 blood pressure medicines and they took one away during the night. My Husband then started tubing a fever on December 26th of 101.1 .

I told the Head ICU doctor I wanted him moved. They were supposed to move him while he was in step down and they said they couldn’t find a bed for him at that time . By this time my husband needed to be on CRRT Dialysis machine because of his kidneys was shutting down . This whole time while my husband was in ICU they did not have a feeding tube on him just the fluids . I asked why they said , it could choke him and they was giving him a medicine that kept the blood flowing to his brain and not his limbs and was giving him a medication that weakened his veins which led to no circulation to his limbs . His limbs was all dying and they didn’t tell me that at all . I asked a nurse to FaceTime me at night so I can see my Husband and talk to him and she did . She showed me his legs and feet and they were turning purple . Dying from them not letting any circulation going to his extremities. I then got ahold of the doctor and demanded them to find a hospital with the CRRT machine anywhere that would take him at this point in any state . So I called around myself and no luck . They had to wait for a bed to be open in Saint Louis Missouri .

December 27-28 we was still waiting to hear from a hospital to take my Husband too so he could be on the CRRT dialysis machine for his kidneys . On December 31st they found my Husband a bed at Barns Jewish Hospital and they came and picked him up and transferred him . When he arrived at Barns Hospital they hooked him up to the CRRT dialysis machine and then informed me he was good and I would be able to come be with him . Then I was very excited and in my mind I thought he will be fine and they will bring him back to me . The next day I went to see husband . When I arrived I didn’t recognize him . He was swollen from the fluids and couldn’t pass them because of his kidneys . I was by my husbands side daily and every day I came to see him and to be with him the group of doctors taking care of him would Bombard me telling me he isn’t doing well and I need to realize there is no good ending to it . I refused to listen to them and asked them to give him ivermectin and to give him a Covid test and they would tell me they will talk to the other doctors and never did . They have him many chest X rays within a few days of him being there they were worsening.

I begged them to give him ivermectin and just see if it would work like I did Anderson Hospital in Maryville Illinois. They shrugged it off . I was standing next to him holding his hand and a nurse came in to clean him up and I was there . She had pulled the blankets back and at this time they had him on his stomach. He had a huge bed sore on his bottom and his toes was purple and black and his ankles . His forehead had a big purple bruise on it from the previous hospital, Anderson hospital. As the days went by my husband was declining and then getting better and all they done was keep giving him more medicine and not what I asked them to give him ivermectin that could have saved his life and they wouldn’t try . I spent from the 31st -the 5th with my Husband talking to him and making sure they took good care of him like they should . On January 5th at 4:35 am I lost my husband because the hospitals wouldn’t give him the medication I asked them to give him to see if it would keep him alive . All they cared about was protocol. Their protocol killed my husband . And now he is no longer here with me or the family because of it . We have to be without him because of their choices . They chose to line their pockets and not care about who they were killing in the process. Please help me find a lawyer in my state that will help me make them pay for their wrong choices and their protocol. John Eldridge (Bo)

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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My Wifes Last Days

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Location: MT

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Remdesivir and Ventilator Kills 85-Year-Old Mother/Grandmother

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Location: CA

Admitted: 09/08/2021

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Location: FL

Admitted: 11/28/2020

To: Yes

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Location: MN

Admitted: 11/02/2021

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Admitted: 01/27/2022

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Admitted: 09/09/2021

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Murdered by FDA Death Protocol

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Location: WA

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Age: 50

Location: UT

Admitted: 12/26/2021

To: Bear River Valley Hospital (Tremonton, Utah 84337), and Intermountain Medical Center (Murray, Utah)

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Age: 66

Location: NY

Admitted: 05/03/2021

To: Northwell Forest Hill

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Age: 55

Location: WI

Admitted: 09/08/2021

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Location: NE

Admitted: 09/12/2021

To: Methodist Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska

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Age: 53

Location: OH

Admitted: 01/04/2022

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The murder of Douglas A. Morriss (Retired U.S. Army ~ Disabled Vietnam Veteran)

Age: 72

Location: AR

Admitted: 11/26/2020

To: Yes

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UPMC’s Covid Protocol Murdered My Husband

Age: 52

Location: PA

Admitted: 11/19/2021

To: UPMC Memorial Hospital, York, PA

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Age: 59

Location: AZ

Admitted: 01/05/2022

To: Baywood Hospital

Murdered: 01/20/2022

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Kenny’s Covid Experience

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Age: 29

Location: TN

Admitted: 05/08/2021

To: Leconte medical center and Vanderbilt university medical center

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Age: 51

Location: FL

Admitted: 09/13/2021

To: Advent Health Fish Memorial

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John J Conway Jr. Story

Age: 57

Location: PA

Admitted: 09/15/2021

To: Geisinger Shamokin Hospital, Coal Township, PA and then moved to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA

Murdered: 09/21/2021

John J Conway Jr.

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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