John Curror Fleming
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Honor Flag
Name of Victim: John Curror Fleming
Age of Victim: 78
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: Retired law enforcement
Location: GA
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Piedmont Faytteville GA
County: Fayette
Date of Admission to Hospital: 04/03/2023
Date of Death: 04/17/2023
Instead of helping, the doctor repeatedly told us your dad is "really old and weak."
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Was the Victim Restrained?: No
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, some time after they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Antibiotics, Blood Thinners, Blood Pressure Medications, Insulin, Lasix, Morphine, Oxygen, Steroids
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: No
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Neglected, Deprived of food, Deprived of water, Gaslighted, Openly mocked, Euthanized
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: Nurse screamed at Dad for wanting to get in his chair. Doctor mocked dad for not being able to speak well due to infection, constantly told us he was... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

Watch & Share The Interview

The Interview with Heidi Fleming
Hospital Protocol Killed My Daddy!!
Written by Heidi Fleming(Daughter)

My 78 year old father, John Curror Fleming, went to Piedmont Fayetteville Hospital, April 2023, due to an infection off an indwelling catheter.  We were given horrible advice to leave it on Daddy because of a backed-up bladder issue which happened in October 2022.  He had a swollen prostate with normal kidney function.

Daddy had always been very independent, lived on his own, loved to drive and take trips, eat out, shop, etc.  Although he had a stroke in July of 1986, Daddy enjoyed life and never stopped exercising and was very active.

The indwelling catheter carried a lot of bacteria which was aggravating his heart causing Daddy to feel very sleepy and weak the morning of April 3rd 2023.  Although Daddy was doing great in home therapy and exercising, the infection lead us back to the ER.  Since I had no antibiotics in my house, I was advised by his home therapy to go get him to the ER.  I was worried the infection could turn into sepsis.

Daddy’s vitals were good and he was given antibiotics at the hospital, and I was told he would be able to come home in a few days.  I stayed with Daddy everyday and went home to sleep at night.

The infection cleared within a few days, by April 10th Daddy was eating and talking, acting  himself.  He sat up in a chair for 5 hours watching TV and eating dinner.  His records say he was slowly improving and alert.  I was called by his case worker to say he would be coming home for his therapy in a few days.

The next day on April 11th Daddy was still doing well.   A horrible, rude, out-of-town nurse screamed at Daddy for wanting to get into a chair to watch TV.  She said he was too large to help to a chair.  Later that day, I noticed my father was having a lot of diarrhea.  He asked for help to sit on a side toilet but the nurse refused even when I offered to help her.   Several of the doctors seemed confused, thinking my father had a recent stroke and did not know he was wearing a catheter bag which was aggravating his heart.  I had to tell them the stroke was from over 30 years ago several times. I don’t think they even bothered to read my dad’s records.

Later, on April 11th, an arrogant horrific middle-eastern doctor was put over my dad’s care and wanted to do a x-ray contrast dye test.  They told me it was all routine and safe, just to look at his lower abdomen.  I found out later the contrast dye is well known that it should not be given to the elderly with heart failure.  I thought they were trying to help, although my dad told me  not to get the test, and  told me to take him home that day; he was feeling good.  I made a fatal mistake in trusting the doctor.  Within an hour of the x- ray dye test, after Daddy ate his dinner, Daddy’s neck began to swell.  He told me to get a nurse, that he was having trouble breathing.

A team of respiratory therapists came running saying this was an “allergic reaction” to the contrast dye, “they see it all the time.”   The out-of-town nurse took off after the contrast dye was given and was oddly gone for the day.  They were short of staff in ICU,  I had to get another nurse to help my dad.

The respiratory therapist gave Daddy 3 nebulizer treatments into the night, and he seemed to feel better and his breathing was normal.  Daddy told me to go home and rest about 11:30 p.m., but by the morning of April the 12th, Daddy called me at 9 a.m., and sounded strange – calling my name out and hanging up.

I hurried to the hospital and found Daddy on a Bi-pap machine asleep blowing hard air into his lungs.  He was also filling up with a lot of fluids around his heart.  The nurse seemed worried and later a group of respiratory therapists gathered around my dad’s room looking worried.  I was told the Bi-pap machine was good for his lungs and breathing, it would “give his lungs a rest.”  I have learned later a Hi Flow Bi-pap is well known to be dangerous and collapse lungs.  I talked to the doctor and told him about the “allergic reaction” he did not say anything other then my dad was “old and weak.”  I assumed it was nothing to worry about since the doctor did not seemed concerned.

Without my knowledge, my dad was given another dangerous drug, “Empagliflozin” it states this should not be given to people over 65 with heart failure and with contrast dye:  side effects are breathing problems, weakness and confusion.  These are all problems my dad was having. Hmm.  This seems to have been done deliberately.  Later in reviewing  my dad’s medical records on April 11th, the x-ray contrast dye and 3 nebulizer treatments seems to have been deleted off the records. Hmm…

Without my knowledge, I learned later, they were giving my father a large drug cocktail of 4 doses of laxatives and 3 powerful opioids oxyodone, Hyrocodon, perocet from the 10th of April to 15th of April.  Daddy had no pain issues, and the side effects  of the drugs cause low blood pressure , and breathing problems.  Hmm…

Along with several dangerous antibiotics, Dexamethasone 13th-16th which is not for heart failure.  He was also given diuretics, and high blood pressure pills – Lopressor, when my dad was having low pressure, a cancer drug, Zoffran.   Side effects are also breathing problems, and Dad did not have cancer.   These protocols intentionally worsened my father’s heart failure and weakened his body to give him a drug induced decline.  I felt uneasy to leave my dad alone at anytime, although I had no idea what they were doing.

My dad asked me to take him home on the 10th and 11th and was feeling good, I wish I would have listened.  From his medical records, 14th of April says, “The patient was observed removing pain pills from his cup placing them in his bed sheets.  He stated he would take them later.  Patient was educated about pain management and was observed putting pill in mouth.  I will monitor him closely.”  I believe my dad knew these pills were not helping him.  The fact that he was too weak to speak and tell me what was happening while I was away, makes me very disgusted.  This was very sinister.

 The next few days Daddy laid in bed with a Hi Flow Bi-pap machine waking up and responding but not able to talk much.  Daddy was not strong enough to eat much other than applesauce.  I asked the doctor about giving my dad some IVs or a feeding tube to help him recover.  He told me Daddy was old, over and over, and, added “Wait till the next day, and we will see what happens.”  I started to worry that they did not want to help my dad get better at this point.  I was told by a heart doctor, that my dad’s heart could settle down in time, and that he could be sent home with a C-pap machine.

On the 13th of April the doctor called and said my dad had tested positive for COVID-19.  They said this was a light case of COVID-19, not too serious.  Daddy showed no symptoms of COVID-19.  Even with the large cocktail of drugs in his system, Daddy was still trying to do his therapy from the side of his bed.  On the 13th,14th and 15th, doing 3 sets of arms and leg reps with therapist but very fatigued.  The Doctor said he was going to give Daddy “remdesivir” but he was out of the window to use it.  I did not approve of this drug, due to the negative reports we heard about it.  Instead, they used several other dangerous drugs including Decadron – also known to cause low blood pressure and more breathing problems.  Daddy’s weight went from 212 to 179 in just 14 days.  I believe He was being purposely dehydrated and starved.  He was asking for water for several days.

On April 15th, a nurse’s aid was alarmed by dark brownish blood in my dad’s mouth and teeth. We helped Daddy brush his teeth.  Daddy seemed weaker and laid in bed with nothing to eat other than two boost protein drinks I gave him.  The Doctor talked very negatively telling me my dad is old anyway.  I desperately tried to ask for a feeding tube for Daddy but now I was worried that my dad was being eliminated for the protocol payouts, we had heard about.

When talking to the doctor, I was always trying to prove Daddy was worth helping, telling him what a good dad he is and how he loves his therapy and being with his family.  It was clear to me the doctor had no compassion for my dad.  In the protocols, the handicapped and elderly are often considered useless.

I also suggested a few supplements that could help my dad fight off infection and was told “They had not been approved by any science.”  The doctor also asked me several times about putting my dad on a ventilator, and asked about his DNR a status.  I knew ventilators were bad, but we were told the Hi flow Bi-pap was safe.  When the Bi-pap mask was removed, Daddy struggled to breathe on his own, his lungs were likely over oxygenated, which can cause the lungs to collapse.  I got a call saying, ” Your dad will not make it through the night; come say your goodbyes, there is no hope.”

We were led to believe this was a natural decline, but this was a drug induced decline; I felt something was off about Daddy’s treatment.  Daddy was awake and fully aware until they gave him morphine.

Daddy died in my arms April 17th 2023 at 6:50 a.m.  The room had been very dark and creepy, but just as Daddy passed a beautiful sun beam came through the window and shined over his face and body.  In our sorrow I feel blessed I was able to be with my daddy to hold his hand and say goodbye and tell him how much I loved him.

The arrogant doctor came in the room as I was crying telling my husband and me that my dad was old anyway and said, “He was asking to go home.”  My dad had been asking to come home to his family and cat for days.  The doctor was devoid of any humanity and said, “I’m surprised he lasted that long.  He was really fighting it; old people know when it’s their time to die.”  This was not a natural death, and this was no accident, they intentionally killed my sweet Daddy off for the payouts.  It was all a bad nightmare; I will never wake up from.

In conclusion, I regret ever trusting the medical system.  Some of the doctors seem to have no concern and are careless.  They are more motivated by money and  large payouts than helping someone to get better.  My daddy was my world and very precious to me.  I would never want to put him in this kind of danger.  I feel this doctor had little respect for elderly care.  If the right protocols were given, I would have a few extra years with my father.  My dad was a good man with a heart of gold and deserved better than being treated like this.  He was treated like a lab animal.

I believe the contrast dye and large cocktail of drugs, along with the Hi flow Bi-pap worsened  his heart failure and weakened his body to the point he could no longer fight anymore.  My father may have been a target because of his age, past stroke and underlying health issues. The doctors knew what they were doing, and they never planned for my dad to come home.  I was there everyday and was an eyewitness to these events.  It is hard to believe how corrupt and  evil the medical system has become when corporate payouts are more important than a patient’s well being.  If the blood money meant that much to them, I hope they enjoy it because God is watching and they will answer to Him.  If any of the by-standers  knowingly take part in these protocols, they are just as evil as the rest of them.  In my opinion, they are no better than a serial killer or a common thug.

I feel very guilty for the bad decisions I made for my daddy.  My dad had been an avid body builder many years in his youth, and he always trusted supplements and holistic care over doctor visits and drugs.

I hope by sharing our story, I may be of help to someone else in the future.  I would also like to see the 1553 Affordable Care Act repealed.  I will now try to help out in the advocate groups in any way I can.

My dad was not in perfect health but still enjoyed his life and family.  We had a lot of plans for the next few years, and he was looking forward to some time in Florida on the beach.  Daddy was a wonderful father to his two girls and had served as an Atlanta Policeman for many years, guarding Martin Luther King’s funeral and home, and driving first ladies Pat Nixon and Rosalyn Carter in Atlanta.  Daddy never met a stranger and loved to laugh and make jokes. He deserved a happier ending and respect to live out his elder years and pass peacefully on his own terms.  As a believer I have hope I will see my daddy again. “Vengeance is mine says the Lord”- Romans 12:19.”

In the end Daddy’s beautiful hair, fighting strong spirit, strength that never wavered just as Samson in his last battle between good and evil; destroying his evil captors and himself as he demolished the Philistine temple in the Bible – they could kill his body but never his beautiful soul and spirit that belongs to God.  Run Free Daddy!  See you in heaven!!

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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