Eugeniusz Lichosyt
Name of Victim: Eugeniusz Lichosyt
Age of Victim: 69
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: IL
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: AMITA Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital
County: Cook
Date of Admission to Hospital: 10/15/2021
Date of Death: 10/25/2021
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 11
Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
Was the Victim Restrained?: Yes
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, some time after they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Anxiety meds, Dexamethasone, Decadron, Enoxaparin, Famotidine, Insulin, Lovenox, Morphine, Oxygen, Paralytics, Steroids, Potassium chloride
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Antibiotics, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc, Spironolactone
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Refused treatment, Isolated, Deprived of food, Deprived of water, Gaslighted, Euthanized
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: Until he had access to his cell phone and he was not in induced coma, he told me, that he doesn't feel safe in this hospital. never before in his life... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: Some doctors and nurses was gaslighting us since the beginning. First nights after my husband was admitted to the hospital, the doctors called me just... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with ELZBIETA LICHOSYT

Some doctors and nurses was gaslighting us since the beginning. First nights after my husband was admitted to the hospital, the doctors called me just after 2 am telling me, that I need to be prepared for his death, and that was my husband's choice. the truth is different. mu husband had a terrible mental breakdown due to his sister's death and a huge argument with his nephew and his wife, who are the owners of the shop, where he worked as a service manager for many years.

Murdered by FDA Deadly Protocol

I met my future husband at age of 17, he was 21 year old at this time. We are Polish.  We were married for 45 years, and we had 3 children and 3 grandsons at the time of his unexpected (for us) death. Actually his funeral was on Oct.30, 2021, and it was our 45 years wedding anniversary.

In 1989 we decided to run away from a communist country. Where we couldn’t buy food, clothes and medicine for our children. Since we arrived to US, we decided to study English, and we both worked very hard for better future for our kids. The children were also studying. Our family was very happy to live in US. We were always a very close family. My husband and me, beside hard work, liked to travel every year to our old country and to other countries.

My husband never had any problems with his health, until one year he decided to have hip replacement surgery. The surgeon told him, that he doesn’t need hip replacement yet but my husband was very read to do that. So he had this surgery around 2016-2017. This is only one procedure he had done.

My husband was very strong built man, he never had a headache, cold, flu, stomach problems, arthritis, nothing. I was the one with many very serious health problems, and this is a reason I was studying natural healing and holistic way of living.

My occupation is Registered Nurse, but I did not work as a RN in US. Actually I become to be afraid of modern medicine.  I have seen too many patients in the hospital and our own family members dying after unnecessary medical  procedures, chemo therapies or wrong medicine prescribed by doctors.

Since I was very holistic and treated myself with alternative medicine, my husband did the same things as me. He loved his work as a service manager in the trailer repair shop. He loved his costumers, coworkers, and he couldn’t imagine his life without work.

Unfortunately the owners of the shop are related to my husband, and there were often very bad arguments in the shop. Every 2 months or so my husband was coming home after work very upset, stayed home for 2-3 days, and then he was going back to work. He already collected his Social Security but he was planning to work until the age of 70. We were actively looking  for place for us in Florida for 2.5 years.

2 weeks before admitting to the hospital, there was terrible argument in the shop with the owner of the shop, my husband’s nephew and his wife. There was nothing new, mental abuse was there for many many years. I asked my husband to quit the job and start to enjoy his retirement. He decided to stay home for a few days and think about that.

At the same time my husband’s sister in Poland past away. She was much older than my husband and she was sick and bedridden for many years. My husband was very upset, that he could not say goodbye to her when she was still alive. This beloved sister was a mother of my husband nephew, who is the owner of the business where my husband worked for many years. There was a funeral mass for his sister and lunch after that.

Next day after that, my husband received the phone call from his nephew, stating that the nephew is very sick and he had Covid. He asked my husband to take the Covid test, since they were sitting next to each other in the restaurant, and my husband must to have Covid also. My  husband told him, that he has strong immune system and he doesn’t have Covid, and he won’t take any test. He said that  sitting next to his nephew doesn’t mean that he is also  sick.

Shortly after this conversation, nephew’s wife called my husband telling him to take the Covid test. My husband and I didn’t take vaccines and didn’t perform any Covid tests before.

Maybe an hour later my husband’s nephew call him again telling may husband that he must to take a test. My husband said NO to this option.  At this point I told him, that I will buy the test in Walgreen’s and we give proof to the nephew that my husband is ok. My stubborn husband said NO.

Very shortly after that my husband’s nephew’s wife called my husband again yelling at him, that he has to take a test because the Covid can be asymptomatic. If he is not test himself, he can not come back to for a week without pay. At this moment my husband started to shake, he couldn’t talk freely and he went in very deep depression.

I was trying to help him with herbs but nothing worked. He stopped eating, showering, shaving for 7 days. He was lying in the bed and looking to the ceiling. I didn’t know how to help him anymore. Our oldest son stepped by one day, and we all decided that my husband needs some medicine to calm his nerves. There was no one doctor willing to help my husband.

We didn’t have family doctor, and any doctor in our area did not take new patients. Finally we decided to go to one of the hospital in the area where we lived to ask for help. And then our tragedy happened. Me and my kids were fighting for my husband. My son found the doctor who prescribed some medicine, my daughter brought Ivermectin from Florida.

I had Power of Attorney over my husband’s health decisions, I contacted one attorney from NY, who won  the Ivermectin treatment  case for someone. But it was to late for my husband. The demons working in this hospital killed my strong husband with their deadly protocol.

During my husband’s hospitalization I spoke with many nurses and doctors. Some of them  recommended the ventilator, some of them said not to do it. Some of them were very arrogant, some of them were nice.

Last night, when my husband was in the ICU, I didn’t sleep at all. Very early morning my daughter took me to the hospital. I called them that I arrived and I feel that I must to be with my husband and pray over him. The nurse told me to wait in the waiting room, and wait for somebody. I was sitting there and praying for some time.

In one point I heard Red Alert in my husband room number. I knew, he was dead. After the while the nurse came down to take me to the ICU. I’ve seen my husband’s dead body and nurses performing CPR on him. I didn’t pay attention to that. I turned around and a I started to talk to all the doctors and nurses in the nurses station and in the hallway.

There was many of them. I told them how terrible it is that people are unnecessary dying it the hospitals with the wrong procedures, abortions, wrong medicines etc. Why I could not work as a nurse anymore, seeing different situations in the hospitals. I was talking and talking.

But, I didn’t blame all of them because I knew there were good doctors and nurses, dedicated for their patients. My English was very good, I believe the Holy Spirit  helped me in this moment. I could say everything what I wanted in fluent English to express my feelings. The doctors and nurses were standing silent with their heads bent down.

After that they allowed me and my children to enter ICU room to say goodbye to my husband’s dead body. After we left that room, one of the nurses came to me, she embraced me, and crying said to me that she is very sorry. She told us that they know what is going one in this hospital, and she is very sorry that she couldn’t help us at any way. At least we have seen this nurse a few days before his death, taking care of my husband and talking to him. Maybe she told him that his wife and his children are there, behind the glass window of the ICU room.

It is already 1.5 year since my husband’s death.  The guilt that we took my husband for help to the hospital is still with me and my older son. We both are trying to live our life, but it is so hard sometimes. I never expected then I am going to be a widow at my age. My husband’s family is known to have lived past 90. We were having so many plans for the future together and it was taking from us. The worst part for us is the way how my husband had to leave this world.

I am sorry for my English.  I didn’t know any English when I moved to US at age of 35. This and the stress related to my husband’s death doesn’t allow me to be present on your zoom meetings. I think I would cry.

I am looking for justice for my husband and many others who were killed in the hospitals, and I am not looking for the money. I believe that that doctors who decided to kill so many people for the money supposed to be punished very hardly. Justice must to be served one day.

Unfortunately I know  a few families, who lost their family members exactly the same way as I lost my husband but they think, that it was the deadly virus who killed them.

I can provide photos, an audio recordings from the hospital, my own notes and the medical records.

I would like to thank all of you, who are trying to help us. I still believe that there is a God and good people around us.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Harassed, Hounded, Lied to, and Left to Die

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Location: PA

Admitted: 04/18/2021

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These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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