Alan Leonard
Name of Victim: Alan Leonard
Age of Victim: 65
Sex of Victim: Male
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: TX
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Baylor, Scott and White
County: Collin
Date of Admission to Hospital: 07/04/2021
Date of Death: 08/07/2021
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 28
Was the Victim Restrained?: No
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: No
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Antibiotics, Blood Thinners, Oxygen
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Kay Leonard
This should not have happened!
Written by Kay Leonard(Spouse)

My husband and I both were feeling sick.  My husband was retired, I was still working.  I had to test to see if I had Covid to know if I could go to work.  I was diagnosed with a mild case of Covid and was told to take vitamins and over the counter medicine for symptoms.  My husband was not tested at that time, he assumed he also had Covid because his symptoms were like mine.  We started feeling worse toward the end of the week we were diagnosed.  My husband drove himself to the hospital on July 4, 2021 and they diagnosed him with Covid and admitted him to hospital.  I went to hospital later that day, and was admitted.  We were both told we would probably be in the hospital about a week.  We were in different hospital rooms.

I believe we were initially given the same cocktail of drugs, including Remdesivir, antibiotics, and I don’t know what else.  We were both using oxygen.  I started getting better as the week progressed, my husband, Alan, got worse.  On the Sat. after we went in, I was told my husband would be sedated and intubated.  They let me walk to his room to be with him before they sedated him.  It was the first day out of my hospital room for me.  We talked, but I could hardly understand him because he had the BiPAP mask on.  That was the last time I saw my husband awake.  I left the hospital the next day.

I never thought until right at the very end my husband was going to die.  He was healthy, had no pre-existing conditions.  We had no idea about Remdesivir or how few people came off the vent.

At the very end, when they knew he was likely dying, they let me come visit him, in person.  He died while I was there.  He was still sedated and intubated.

I know I am one of the lucky ones, because I was with my husband when he died.  However, I still remain angry, because I believe this should have never happened.

The cover picture was the last picture taken of my husband.  It was taken about three weeks before we got sick.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Filter By Category

Peggy’s Story- A Love Lost Too Soon

Peggy’s Story- A Love Lost Too Soon

Age: 59

Location: OK

Admitted: 11/10/2021


Murdered: 12/02/2021

John Springer

Sarah Parker – Deadly corrupt hospital

Sarah Parker – Deadly corrupt hospital

Age: 70

Location: MI

Admitted: 05/01/2021

To: Covenant hospital

Murdered: 05/15/2021

LaRae Munk

The Murder of James B. Triplett

The Murder of James B. Triplett

Age: 66

Location: CO

Admitted: 12/28/2021

To: St. Francis, Colorado Springs, CO

Murdered: 01/28/2022

James B. Triplett

It Was Not Larry Andrews’ Time

It Was Not Larry Andrews’ Time

Age: 75

Location: AL

Admitted: 03/06/2021

To: Mobile Infirmary Medical Center - MIMC

Murdered: 03/26/2021

Larry Andrews



Age: 68

Location: GA

Admitted: 10/15/2021

To: Redmond Regional Medical Center, address 501 Redmond Road Rome, GA 30165, contact # 706 291 0291

Murdered: 10/28/2021

John Michael Addison

Hospital Protocol Death With No Goodbye

Hospital Protocol Death With No Goodbye

Age: 65

Location: PA

Admitted: 12/06/2021

To: Butler Memorial Hospital

Murdered: 12/21/2021

Bruce E. Matthews

Silent suffering

Silent suffering

Age: 59

Location: NJ

Admitted: 05/02/2020

To: Community Medical Center and Arista care

Murdered: 06/02/2020

Linda Pichirallo

Sharon Wales’s Husband (Eric)

Sharon Wales’s Husband (Eric)

Age: 55

Location: UT

Admitted: 02/13/2022

To: Sanpete Valley Hospital, Utah Valley Hospital,

Murdered: 02/17/2022

Michael Eric Cawley

My mother’s sacrifice

My mother’s sacrifice

Age: 65

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: St. Agnes Medical center

Murdered: 11/29/2021

Christine Johnson

My sweet girl, taken too soon

My sweet girl, taken too soon

Age: 35

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/29/2021

To: Azle Memorial Hospital

Murdered: 09/14/2021

Jennifer Nichole Smith Mason

Wacko things done to patients

Wacko things done to patients

Age: 49

Location: NC

Admitted: 04/21/2021

To: Wake Med Center, Cary, NC

Misty Batten

A man loved beyond Measure by Many

A man loved beyond Measure by Many

Age: 56

Location: PA

Admitted: 01/03/2022

To: Paoli Hospital, Paoli PA

Murdered: 02/13/2022

Vincent Bellino, Jr

Justice for Johnny

Justice for Johnny

Age: 42

Location: GA

Admitted: 08/31/2021

To: Floyd Medical Hospital, Rome, GA (now Atrium Health Floyd)

Murdered: 09/07/2021

Johnny Glenn Moore, Jr.

Matthew Webster Vaccine Injury Story

Matthew Webster Vaccine Injury Story

Age: 41

Location: MI

Matthew Webster

Joseph Ayoub Story

Joseph Ayoub Story

Age: 69

Location: TX

Admitted: 12/14/2021

To: The Hospitals of Providence, El Paso, TX

Murdered: 01/23/2022

Joseph Ayoub

Lindsay’s Story- They Killed My Dad

Lindsay’s Story- They Killed My Dad

Age: 80

Location: GA

Admitted: 12/30/2021

To: St Mary's Athens GA

Murdered: 01/11/2022

Gary Phillips

William “Mike” Brown –  He was selected to die

William “Mike” Brown – He was selected to die

Age: 70

Location: OH

Admitted: 09/13/2021

To: Morrow County Hospital transferred to Marion General Hospital

Murdered: 09/21/2021

William Michael Brown

Justice for Perry James Ryan Traw (PJ)

Justice for Perry James Ryan Traw (PJ)

Age: 42

Location: AR

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: Conway Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 01/24/2022

Perry James Ryan Traw



Age: 43

Location: AL

Admitted: 08/25/2021


Murdered: 09/26/2021

Shannon Marie Jordan McDonald

Hospital Protocol Kills the Love of My Life

Hospital Protocol Kills the Love of My Life

Age: 78

Location: FL

Admitted: 02/01/2023

To: Gulf Coast Medical Center

Murdered: 02/08/2023

Patrick L. Taylor

Euthanized by Kaiser Hospital

Euthanized by Kaiser Hospital

Age: 49

Location: CA

Admitted: 01/24/2021

To: Kaiser

Murdered: 01/25/2021

Raymond Albert Martinez

Miranda Bonebrake

Miranda Bonebrake

Age: 41

Location: FL

Admitted: 07/14/2021

To: Oak Hill Hospital

Murdered: 07/28/2021

Miranda Sue Bonebrake

One In Whom There was NO Guile

One In Whom There was NO Guile

Age: 74

Location: TX

Admitted: 07/05/2021

To: Baylor, Scott and White, College Station

Murdered: 08/01/2021

Carolyn Carroll

Crimes that killed husband

Crimes that killed husband

Age: 69

Location: OH

Admitted: 12/31/2021

To: Holzer Medical in Jackson and Galopolis

Murdered: 01/19/2022

Stephen Leslie

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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