Joyce Ann (Hunt) Creel
Website or social media page associated with this case:
Name of Victim: Joyce Ann (Hunt) Creel
Age of Victim: 77
Sex of Victim: Female
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: OH
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: 9/14/2021
County: Gallia County
Date of Admission to Hospital: 09/14/2021
Date of Death: 09/16/2021
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 2
Was the Victim Restrained?: Yes
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, some time after they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Antibiotics, Morphine, Oxygen, Vitamin C, Zinc
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Blood Pressure Medications, Ivermectin
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: No
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Refused treatment, Isolated, Neglected, Deprived of food, Deprived of water, Gaslighted, Euthanized
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: My mother was an otherwise healthy, active, and vital 77-year-old who slipped on her vinyl floor while getting up out of her recliner and broke her hi... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Yes
Types of Activism: Active member in MOVCAC (Motivate, Organize, and Volunteer Citizens Action Coalition)
Website or Social Media Page:
Additional Information: Our mother was a giver all her life and put other's needs before her own. She was fiercely devoted to her family and was very active in her community ... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Crystal (Creel) Carte, Nora (Creel) Kyer, Anna (Kyer) Kestner, Zaneah (Kyer) Vannoy

Our mother was a giver all her life and put other's needs before her own. She was fiercely devoted to her family and was very active in her community with a focus on the welfare of families and especially children. Honestly there wasn't a selfish bone in her body. She would have given you "the shirt off her back" as the old saying goes even if that meant being cold herself. To watch this healthy woman so full of life and love with what we believed were many years ahead of her be taken so cruelly from us was both brutal and criminal, and we are still grieving her loss today. We also believe it was senseless and intentional ... and for what? MONEY! Had she died a natural death I believe we could go on much easier. However, as it is, we are unable and unwilling to let go until we see someone brought to justice. She wasn't just our mother. She was a valuable asset to others who did nothing but good the 77 years she was here on this earth. The way she died was inhumane, undeserved, and a crime! We believe with all our hearts she was murdered and will stand in defense of others who are forced to receive the drug Remdesivir, and now others like it cloaked in names unknown and unrecognizable to mere patients, until our dying breaths.

Mom – We Won’t Rest Until There is Justice for You!
Written by Crystal (Creel) Carte, Nora (Creel) Kyer, Anna (Kyer) Kestner, Zaneah (Kyer) Vannoy(Daughter, Daughter, Granddaughter, Granddaughter)

Joyce Creel was a resident of Jackson County, WV, and a healthy and active 77-year-old woman. She was a tireless worker and knew how to “get things done” as an advocate for families and for labor issues on both the state and the federal levels. She began lobbying for legislation to benefit working class men and women as well as retirees in 1989 and never quit that work during her lifetime.

She served twice as the President of the Democratic Women’s Club of Jackson County. She received the Eleanor Roosevelt Award and was inducted into the Democratic Women’s Hall of Fame during her lifetime of community service. Joyce was a John F. Kennedy Democrat who believed that she shouldn’t ask what her country could do for her but rather what she could do for her country. She loved to take groups of people to the WV State Capitol to show them how the three branches of our government function and was a sought-after volunteer with over six thousand hours as both an activist and an event organizer.

She was very proud of her husband of over 50 years, Donald Ray, and her children, Crystal and Charles, who all three served in the military and did so with honors. She was especially close to her daughters, Nora and Kim, and her family meant everything to her. Her grandchildren were smitten with her and called her Granny Goose. Mom bought for every single one of them every Christmas. She was the matriarch of our family and hosted all holiday gatherings in her home in Cottageville, WV, a home that has been in our family for four generations. She could tell you the history of that home which at one time served as the Dunlap Hotel in that small town in the late 19th century and early 20th century.  We her children and grandchildren always considered it home, our place of refuge from life’s storms.

On September 9, 2021, Joyce was working in her flower garden and visiting with neighbors. That morning she walked to the post office as was her daily routine and went to Ripley for an ice cream cone with her daughter, Nora, her granddaughter, Zaneah, and her great grandson, Cross, later that evening. Joyce was a healthy woman with no comorbidities or pre-existing conditions save a slightly elevated blood pressure and a thyroid issue both for which she took a pill each once a day.

In the very early morning hours of September 10, 2021, Joyce fell and fractured her hip. She was x-rayed on September 11th and saw a specialist on September 14th. She was admitted to Holzer Medical Center in Gallipolis, OH, on September 14th to have surgery in order to place two pins in her hip. The day of admission, she was screened verbally for COVID and was declared negative, but before she was taken to her room and in spite of being asymptomatic, she was swabbed and tested positive for the virus.

She had not even been taken to her room before she was administered Remdesivir and died within 48 hours after what can only be described as cruel treatment and out-and-out murder. It was later learned that her medical POA was told Joyce had COVID, “Don’t even ask about Ivermectin. It doesn’t work.”

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Starved, overdosed, restrained, isolated, suffocated and murdered.

Starved, overdosed, restrained, isolated, suffocated and murdered.

Age: 84

Location: PA

Admitted: 12/26/2020

To: Holy Redeemer Hospital

Murdered: 01/11/2021

Margaret(Peg) Rybas

Drs Denied Our Wishes, Forced Remdesivir on Dad

Drs Denied Our Wishes, Forced Remdesivir on Dad

Age: 79

Location: TX

Admitted: 10/10/2021

To: Saint Joseph’s Bryan

Murdered: 10/31/2021

Jim Harrell

Husband Harmed by Remdesivir

Husband Harmed by Remdesivir

Age: 43

Location: CA

Admitted: 07/16/2021

To: Natividad Medical Center

Narciso Serra

Steve Tomasi – Murder by COVID Protocols

Steve Tomasi – Murder by COVID Protocols

Age: 62

Location: NM

Admitted: 11/08/2021

To: Lovelace Hospital

Murdered: 11/18/2021

Steven Anthony Tomasi

Phillip Tanner Story

Phillip Tanner Story

Age: 56

Location: OK

Admitted: 12/16/2020

To: Duncan Regional

Murdered: 12/28/2020

Phillip Tanner

Covid/Remdesivir Battle

Covid/Remdesivir Battle

Age: 61

Location: AL

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: 1-Enterprise AL medical center, 2-Grandview hospital, Birmingham, AL 3-Brookdale Rehab facility, Birmingham

Tina Shoemaker

Terminated Over Illegal Mandates

Terminated Over Illegal Mandates

Age: 44

Location: CO

Jody Davison

My Wifes Last Days

My Wifes Last Days

Age: 68

Location: MT

Admitted: 10/07/2021

To: Benefis Hospital Great Galls Montana

Diane Kay Smith

My Ride or Die Truck Driver- Kathy’s Story

My Ride or Die Truck Driver- Kathy’s Story

Age: 52

Location: KS

Admitted: 01/27/2022

To: Overland Park Regional

Murdered: 02/07/2022

Marc Saulnier

Dan Swecker Story

Dan Swecker Story

Age: 73

Location: WA

Admitted: 08/10/2021

To: St Peters

Murdered: 09/01/2021

Dan Swecker

The murder of Douglas A. Morriss (Retired U.S. Army ~ Disabled Vietnam Veteran)

The murder of Douglas A. Morriss (Retired U.S. Army ~ Disabled Vietnam Veteran)

Age: 72

Location: AR

Admitted: 11/26/2020

To: Yes

Murdered: 12/17/2020

Douglas A. Morriss

Stanley Czarnecki Survivor Story

Stanley Czarnecki Survivor Story

Age: 59

Location: NY

Admitted: 10/02/2021

To: Saint Catherines

Stanley j. Czarnecki

My loving son Daniel

My loving son Daniel

Age: 33

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/23/2021

To: Baylor scott and white

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Daniel Scott Reynolds

Justice for Randy Padilla

Justice for Randy Padilla

Age: 42

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/19/2021

To: Corona Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 12/03/2021

Randy Padilla

Meagan P’s Story – They had no intention of my husband leaving the hospital.

Meagan P’s Story – They had no intention of my husband leaving the hospital.

Age: 49

Location: OR

Admitted: 01/02/2022

To: 1/2/22 Legacy Meridian transferred 1/5/22 to OHSU

Murdered: 02/24/2022

Patrick Perales

Murdered by Covid “Protocol”

Murdered by Covid “Protocol”

Age: 63

Location: CA

Admitted: 08/23/2021

To: Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 08/29/2021

Sandra Bean

Mom Killed By Protocols

Mom Killed By Protocols

Age: 66

Location: PA

Admitted: 10/25/2021

To: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center

Murdered: 10/31/2021

Dawn Kinsey

One In Whom There was NO Guile

One In Whom There was NO Guile

Age: 74

Location: TX

Admitted: 07/05/2021

To: Baylor, Scott and White, College Station

Murdered: 08/01/2021

Carolyn Carroll

Matthew Webster Vaccine Injury Story

Matthew Webster Vaccine Injury Story

Age: 41

Location: MI

Matthew Webster

Keith’s Story

Keith’s Story

Age: 65

Location: PA

Admitted: 11/03/2021

To: St. Luke's Fountain Hill Bethlehem PA

Murdered: 11/18/2021

Keith Anthony DelPrete

My Mother was Euthanized!

My Mother was Euthanized!

Age: 89

Location: Outside The US

Admitted: 01/11/2023

To: Royal Victoria Hospital

Murdered: 01/23/2023

Norma S. Canzius

My Beloved Husband

My Beloved Husband

Age: 51

Location: AZ

Admitted: 11/06/2021

To: Canyon Vista Medical Center

Murdered: 12/06/2021

Kevin Ramos

State Sanctioned Murder Robbed My Family Of Our Papa

State Sanctioned Murder Robbed My Family Of Our Papa

Age: 71

Location: MI

Admitted: 12/30/2021

To: Troy Beaumont

Murdered: 01/20/2022

Paul Korff

Larry the Legend!

Larry the Legend!

Age: 59

Location: MI

Admitted: 09/08/2021

To: Henry Ford Macomb Hospital, Clinton Township Michigan

Murdered: 09/29/2021

Lawrence Stephen Vargo

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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