Patricia Green
Name of Victim: Patricia Green
Age of Victim: 60
Sex of Victim: Female
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: FL
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: St. Joseph's South
County: Hillsborough
Date of Admission to Hospital: 08/17/2021
Date of Death: 09/02/2021
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 3
Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

The staff didn't want to interact, touch or care properly

Was the Victim Restrained?: No
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Yes, some time after they were admitted
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Azithromycin, Blood Pressure Medications, Ceftriaxone, Decadron, Fentanyl, Insulin, Lovenox, Oxygen
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Hydroxychloroquine
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: Yes
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Neglected, Gaslighted, Euthanized
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital:

Male nurse was handling her roughly, staff did not attend to her nurse calls, would not help her go to bathroom before catheter.

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: Once on the ventilator, nurses were not rotating her as her doctor requested, she was not given any food while ventilated
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Danielle Green

Once on the ventilator, nurses were not rotating her as her doctor requested, she was not given any food while ventilated

Remdesivir, Hospital Death Protocols, and Lack of Care Killed My Mother
Written by Danielle Green(Daughter)

On September 2, 2021, my mother Patricia Green was murdered by St. Joseph Hospital, in Riverview Florida. She was admitted to the hospital on August 17, with difficulty breathing. Her oxygen was below 70%, at which time her primary care physician instructed her Husband, my Father, to get to the hospital ASAP. At this point she had been Covid positive for 12 days, and this was 19 days after her onset of symptoms. Once under their care they immediately started her on Remdesivir, though she had just been released from another hospital on August 15 and refused that treatment, as well was advised by the physician on duty that if she didn’t take the treatment by the 14th she couldn’t get it as it was out of the 10 day window.

At St. Joseph, our only contact with her was texts and video chats to her directly. While in the hospital she suffered two medical mistakes that happened. First, on August 25th, her original release date, the the respiratory therapist left her oxygen tank empty for 1 hr. Second, on August 30 where the Care Tech left her oxygen line unplugged from the wall for 4 to 5 hours. During this time in the hospital they did not give her any of her meds that she takes for her lupus, hydrocloriquine being one, or her nasal rinses to keep her passages clear. This lead to issues they said with her lungs taking in the oxygen meaning they would have to intubate and put her on a ventilator.

With only minutes to make a decision as they were rushing my father off the phone, and my sister couldn’t get a clear answer from my mom on what she wanted because they already started sedation meds, they consented. And two days later, she died. Before she died we were able to see her and see one, they had been giving her fentanyl, 3 blood pressure meds, and insulin. We noticed her catheter bag, there was little output and it was brown, at that point we knew her kidneys were failing. But she never took insulin and never had any kidney issues.

We have had hard times trying to find a lawyer that will look into her case. We have her medical records and autopsy report. We know that had it not been for 1, the remdesivir, the two the mistakes by her care team, and lack of care (following the treatment plan, and proper hygiene) she would have been released as she was from the other hospital. We have recordings from the hospital line and conversations with her nurse in her final days where he admitted to not doing checks, and checking previous orders from the physician. We need help finding council that will take the case in FL. I have reached out to several lawyers to no avail. Please help us get justice for my mother.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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They Murdered my Father!

They Murdered my Father!

Age: 68

Location: AZ

Admitted: 11/20/2021

To: Banner Del E Webb Medical Center in Sun City West Arizona

Murdered: 11/26/2021

Martyn T Schenck

Covid Hospital Protocol  Killed My Son

Covid Hospital Protocol Killed My Son

Age: 40

Location: AL

Admitted: 01/02/2021

To: Prattville Baptist hospital

Murdered: 01/08/2021

William Donald Judah

Mother and Baby Miracles

Mother and Baby Miracles

Age: 31

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/05/2021

To: Kiaser

Donna Pena

“He Lied and Survived”

“He Lied and Survived”

Age: 76

Location: IN

Admitted: 01/13/2022

To: Riverview in Noblesville, Indiana

William Lyman

Brooke Karr-My father was murdered.

Brooke Karr-My father was murdered.

Age: 77

Location: TX

Admitted: 06/19/2021

To: Downtown Baptist Hospital, San Antonio

Murdered: 07/12/2021

John A Morrow Jr.

A man loved beyond Measure by Many

A man loved beyond Measure by Many

Age: 56

Location: PA

Admitted: 01/03/2022

To: Paoli Hospital, Paoli PA

Murdered: 02/13/2022

Vincent Bellino, Jr

Kip B’s Story – Hospitals’ Knowingly Forced Malpractice

Kip B’s Story – Hospitals’ Knowingly Forced Malpractice

Age: 50

Location: UT

Admitted: 12/26/2021

To: Bear River Valley Hospital (Tremonton, Utah 84337), and Intermountain Medical Center (Murray, Utah)

Murdered: 01/19/2022

Kip Don B.

Danielle’s Story

Danielle’s Story

Age: 71

Location: CA

Admitted: 08/26/2021

To: Los Alamitos

Murdered: 09/11/2021

Carolyn Seiver

Killed by the greed of hospital of Covid

Killed by the greed of hospital of Covid

Age: 62

Location: MI

Admitted: 04/26/2021

To: Henry Ford Hospital

Murdered: 05/04/2021

Francesco Todaro

Michael Torres’s Story

Michael Torres’s Story

Age: 64

Location: CA

Admitted: 10/31/2021

To: Woodier Presbyterian

Murdered: 11/16/2021

David Ray Torres

Shari’s story – Christopher McGrath

Shari’s story – Christopher McGrath

Age: 53

Location: IN

Admitted: 09/16/2021

To: St. Vincent Indianapolis on 86th St.

Murdered: 11/17/2021

R. Christopher McGrath

Ollie Horton – Survivor Story

Ollie Horton – Survivor Story

Age: 64

Location: TX

Admitted: 10/01/2021

To: Wise Regional Decatur Tx

Ollie Horton

Nellie Fernandez Story

Nellie Fernandez Story

Age: 68

Location: CA

Admitted: 06/05/2020

To: Kaweah Delta Hospital

Murdered: 06/16/2020

Nellie Fernandez

Vanessa’s Story

Vanessa’s Story

Age: 71

Location: TX

Admitted: 11/24/2020

To: University of Texas Medical Branch League City Campus

Murdered: 12/17/2020

Gene Craig Chaudoin

Hospital Murdered my Husband

Hospital Murdered my Husband

Age: 70

Location: PA

Admitted: 12/25/2021

To: Penn State Holy Spirit Hospital

Murdered: 01/15/2022

Clair W. Hoffman

My loving son Daniel

My loving son Daniel

Age: 33

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/23/2021

To: Baylor scott and white

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Daniel Scott Reynolds

Left to die

Left to die

Age: 50

Location: ID

Admitted: 09/05/2021

To: St. Alphonsus

Laura L. Baker

Paul Cuzzolino’s Story

Paul Cuzzolino’s Story

Age: 63

Location: PA

Admitted: 11/28/2021

To: Wellspan York Memorial Hospital

Paul Cuzzolino

The Story of Barbara James

The Story of Barbara James

Age: 63

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/18/2020

To: Fresno Community

Murdered: 01/11/2020

Barbara James

Attorney’s wife refused access to husband

Attorney’s wife refused access to husband

Age: 56

Location: WY

Admitted: 10/16/2021

To: Wyoming Medical Center

Murdered: 11/03/2021

Richard “Zak” Szekely

Forrest D Foster Story

Forrest D Foster Story

Age: 68

Location: MS

Admitted: 08/03/2021

To: Merit Health Natchez, 8/3/21 and Merit Health Vicksburg Rehabilitation floor 9/28/21

Murdered: 10/19/2021

Forrest D Foster

They Wanted Me to Die!

They Wanted Me to Die!

Age: 58

Location: GA

Admitted: 08/21/2022

To: WellStar Kennestone, Marietta GA and Paulding WellStar, Hiram, GA

Paula Head

No Voice.

No Voice.

Age: 78

Location: CA

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Saint Agnes Medical Center

Murdered: 10/02/2021

Josephine Hutchens

The day my life died

The day my life died

Age: 58

Location: AL

Admitted: 01/17/2022

To: Thomas Hospital

Murdered: 02/09/2022

Philip Smith Winton

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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