Julie – Murdered at Cascade Valley Hospital
Age: 63
Location: WA
Admitted: 11/26/2021
To: Cascade Valley Hospital
Murdered: 12/11/2021
Stephanie Istvan
I was asked by every nurse and the doctor in the emergency room WHY I was not vaccinated. I was then made to feel like it was my fault I was sick. The staff was rude and the doctor came in and said I was in full kidney failure and I would be admitted. I was then asked by every staff member at the hospital as well as the ambulance driver if I was vaccinated and then WHY I was not vaccinated. I was put in to a room at the hospital, no food and no water....I was given Musinex and Tylenol and hooked up to a saline IV. During my stay I was told that I could call to order meals but after the first day the hospital was not taking orders, I was to eat what was sent to me which most of the time was nothing. I was told by hospital staff that they didn't have enough employee's in the cafeteria due to covid. Every new shift the nurses would ask me WHY I was not vaccinated. The 2 attending doctors asked WHY as well. I felt discriminated against because I chose not to get vaccinated. I told them I had reactions to the flu vaccine that were severe and I never get that so I was afraid of the covid vaccine and it's possible side effects on me. I was never checked in on, I would push my button to call for help with breathing, bathroom, food, water and no one would come. I was put on an oxygen machine and as the oxygen dosage was increased, my nasal passages and throat would dry out horribly and several days into the pain I was told that the machine has the ability to be able have the air warmed. One night, the respiratory therapist was training someone and walked loudly into my room and said "these machines are so easy to work, you simply pull the tube" and with that he loudly and abruptly pulled the hose on the machine stopping my oxygen. I panicked and he didn't even acknowledge me there. It was a constant battle to keep on top of the water running out in the humidifier of the oxygen machine because without it the pain was intolerable. At one point I had pushed my call button and no one came for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes I had to disconnect my heart and oxygen meters to sound the alarms because no one was coming in and I couldn't breath. I was yelled at and told that they were too busy to come because of all the covid patients. Yet I saw them all sitting at the nurses desk. My husband and brothers had to call constantly because I was not being fed, I was not being taken care of with the oxygen. Another night my throat was so sore and dry I asked for some hot water and honey. The nurse looked up what the protocol was in the computer and told me that the pharmacy wasn't open until the morning and I would have to wait. I asked for the hot water and honey and was told they didn't have any honey. I was finally given a cup of hot water. I did get one nurse who was wonderful and very caring. That was after I was extubated. Prior to that, especially the travelling nurse, they were heartless. The overall demeanor of the majority of the staff was disgust towards me because I wasn't vaccinated. At one point the news station was outside doing a story on covid patients and 2 of the physical therapists were helping get me to a chair because I couldn't walk and one said to the other "this is what they should be showing to those who think the vaccine isn't important". At the time I didn't realize there was a news crew outside so the comment didn't make much sense.
I began to journal a day before I was released from the hospital, but all I could get out was “Covid isn’t about politics”. I was so alone, I was feeling so ashamed that I didn’t follow the “narrative” and get vaccinated. I had friends die from Covid while I was in the hospital. “This is real, people and families are being torn apart and why?” I kept asking myself. “WHY”. I knew with the deadly aggressiveness of Covid, it was man made. Within 3-4 days I went from having a cold to kidney failure.
I woke my husband up about 4 am on a Sunday morning, something in me was saying I needed to go to the hospital. We pulled up to the entrance and a wheelchair was brought out for me. My husband and I were met by a security guard in a tiny room and the security guard escorted us to the registration desk. The nurse took me and told my husband to go home.
He wasn’t allowed in to the room with me, he didn’t know what was wrong with me, he wasn’t even allowed to wait in the waiting room. He later told me that he went out to the car and cried. He felt helpless and didn’t know if that would be the last time he would ever see me.
I was put in a room and the first question was “are you vaccinated”. I replied “no” and the nurse immediately said “WHY”? I really wasn’t doing well and simply said we didn’t believe in it. I was honestly stunned by her question as I didn’t think it was anyone’s business why I chose not to be vaccinated.
Honestly, I tried to research the vaccine, Covid, pro’s and con’s but no where could I find unadulterated information. Everything was saying the vaccine would save your life. However I would read that there was a 98% Covid survival rate unvaccinated. Nothing was making sense and I honestly wasn’t going to inject something that had so little study, and quite honestly was being “pushed” by our government.
Another nurse came in and again asked my “WHY was I not vaccinated”. I have studied body language, I am very intuitive with a persons tone and demeanor and I immediately began to feel discriminated against. I immediately felt that the staff felt this was my own fault and I deserve what is going to happen. The Doctor later came in and sitting across the room from me said “well your in kidney failure, you have Covid, and there aren’t any beds at the hospital so you have to stay here until they can find one”. Then he left.
I called my husband and told him. I didn’t know what kidney failure meant, I didn’t know if I would recover, I didn’t know if I would die……I didn’t know anything. Eventually they found a bed and an ambulance transported me to the hospital. Every person I encountered that day asked me “WHY” I was not vaccinated. I was so tired of hearing that question because to me it was nobody’s business and what does it matter?
Later I found out that there was this rumination amongst medical staff that if you weren’t vaccinated you shouldn’t be treated. Based off of that, I wondered why they treated smokers who had lung cancer, alcoholics who had liver failure, drug addicts, etc. I had never in my life felt that medical staff should take personal opinions or politics into the hospital or into their treatment, but I was finding out that didn’t apply with Covid.
For the next week or so my phone would be my only connection to my husband and family. I asked for my husband but was told I was in quarantine and he wasn’t allowed in the hospital. I stated that I was lying in bed with him and he was the one that took me to the hospital, he’s been exposed so why can’t I see him. I was told that having anyone in the hospital that isn’t a patient makes the other patients and staff uncomfortable.
As the days progressed, I got worse. The hospital gave me Mucinex and Tylenol. Neither of which did anything. I was hungry but was told that the cafeteria was understaffed so they “were doing all they could”. I was a couple days in when I didn’t have the energy to even stand to get to the bathroom. I had to ask for a catheter. Yes “I” had to ask. I quickly realized that if I didn’t ask, nothing would get done.
I was given a huge pill because my kidneys weren’t doing well. It was chalky and I couldn’t get it down because my throat hurt so much. I asked, “since I am already hooked up to an IV why can’t you just put this in my IV?” I asked the same about pain medication. I was told they couldn’t do that in a regular hospital room. Only in ICU. I asked for some water to dissolve the pill and only then did the nurse mention there was a drink that I could have that would have the medication in it instead of swallowing the pill. I felt like such an inconvenience and that the staff was going to do nothing to help make any of this easier on me.
Eventually I got to where I had to go to ICU. So much of this is foggy for me, but one night in ICU I felt like I was on a battlefield during a war. I was told they opened up a new ICU wing for Covid patients. I was wheeled in to that new room where I immediately heard a lady crying, screaming in sadness and that lasted for hours. I remember thinking “why is she crying, at lease she gets to be here with her loved one as they die. I’m alone”. I felt like the worse person for thinking that.
After she finally left I heard a lot of commotion, fighting, anger from a patient, things or people being thrown around a room. I asked to have my door shut, I couldn’t handle the noise. I was starving, the oxygen was killing my sinuses, the pain was so intense. I pushed the call button and no one would come. I finally called my husband and he had to call the hospital to get me help. I believe that was the night I text him saying “they are trying to kill me”.
So much of what I remember is just moments, not in any specific order. I remember the doctor coming in to tell me there is something that has been working for Covid patients but there is none in stock so she is going to try something else. What that was, I don’t know. Apparently I got an infection of some kind and was put on strong antibiotics, what that was about again, I don’t know.
I remember asking if I was going to die, multiple times, and was just stared at by the nurse. Nurses. The doctor simply told me that was up to me and I had a 50/50 chance. There is so much more to my story that I am still learning about. What my husband experienced, my brothers, my children. This is only the surface of what Covid did to me and my family.
In the end, I researched on my phone how I could “escape” and go home. They wanted to keep me in the hospital for several more weeks for rehabilitation. But after such a traumatic experience I wanted to go home. I asked what I needed to do in order to be released and I was told I had to have my oxygen lower, I did that. I had to be able to walk to the bathroom, I did that. I was told I had to walk down the hall, I did that.
But then I said “enough”. I asked the doctor if I was going to die if I went home and since he couldn’t say I would, I told him I would check myself out if I didn’t get released by him. I went home the next day. No follow up from the hospital but I didn’t care. I didn’t want anything to do with them ever again. I went to a new doctor who prescribed me Ivermectin when I started getting sick again a month or so later and I was fine. About a year later I was able to get into the Covid clinic at a different hospital and
I am currently going through tests to see what type of damage occurred. Lots of scarring, a partially collapsed lung, unexplainable joint pain, memory issues, confusion, still unable to breath normally, headaches, just to name a few. I am now learning that Long Haul Covid is a new beast in itself to maneuver.
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Age: 63
Location: WA
Admitted: 11/26/2021
To: Cascade Valley Hospital
Murdered: 12/11/2021
Stephanie Istvan
Age: 65
Location: TX
Admitted: 07/04/2021
To: Baylor, Scott and White
Murdered: 08/07/2021
Alan Leonard
Age: 51
Location: TX
Admitted: 01/12/2022
To: Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital, Cleburne TX
Murdered: 02/06/2022
Vickie Lynn Schneppenheim
Age: 44
Location: KY
Admitted: 09/05/2021
To: Mercy Health Lourdes Paducah
Murdered: 10/16/2021
Jason Parks
Age: 56
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/06/2021
To: Grossmont Sharp
Murdered: 10/02/2021
Joe Martin Gaona
Age: 55
Location: NV
Admitted: 08/30/2021
To: Centennial Hills Hospital
Murdered: 09/23/2021
Ricardo Fimbres
Age: 59
Location: OK
Admitted: 11/10/2021
Murdered: 12/02/2021
John Springer
Age: 51
Location: SC
Admitted: 09/06/2021
To: MUSC, Scouth Carolina
Murdered: 09/21/2021
Ian Bonnet
Age: 78
Location: CO
Admitted: 11/28/2021
To: Lutheran Medical Center, Wheatridge CO
Murdered: 12/08/2021
Helen Johnson
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/03/2021
To: Corona Regional Hospital
Murdered: 09/02/2021
Roman Gonzales
Age: 44
Location: TX
Admitted: 06/17/2021
To: Cedar Park Regional Hospital
Nicholas Aaron Passe
Age: 76
Location: GA
Admitted: 08/16/2021
To: Piedmont Hospital
Murdered: 09/06/2021
Patricia Coates
Age: 55
Location: WI
Admitted: 09/08/2021
To: ThedaCare Regional Medical Center, tx'd to Appleton Medical Center
Murdered: 10/12/2021
Harold Floistad Jr.
Age: 70
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/01/2021
To: Sarasota Memorial
Dr Stephen Guffanti
Age: 62
Location: IL
Admitted: 09/07/2021
To: Anderson in Maribelle
Murdered: 11/01/2021
Lise Criswell
Age: 58
Location: WA
Admitted: 10/21/2021
To: St. John Medical Center
Murdered: 11/05/2021
Richard Crum
Age: 72
Location: NY
Admitted: 11/18/2021
To: Mount St Mary's Hospital Lewiston, NY
Murdered: 12/07/2021
Robert Yellow
Age: 51
Location: MT
Admitted: 08/17/2021
To: At Vincent Healthcare and Advanced Care Hospital of Billings Montana
Dyan Wilson
Age: 47
Location: CA
Admitted: 09/03/2021
To: Desert Valley Hospital
Murdered: 10/09/2021
Oscar Daniel Moreno
Age: 69
Location: MN
Admitted: 01/06/2022
To: North Memorial
Murdered: 01/30/2022
James Hadley
Age: 56
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/25/2021
To: Undisclosed
Murdered: 09/18/2021
Cy L Nunez
Age: 34
Location: OH
Admitted: 10/27/2021
To: Tiffin mercy and St Vincents
Murdered: 11/15/2021
Brent Lucius
Age: 28
Location: IN
Murdered: 01/21/2021
Haley Link Brinkmeyer
Age: 67
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/03/2020
To: Eglin AFB Hospital Valpariso Florida
Murdered: 08/11/2020
Michael V Burns
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.