Murdered by FDA Death Protocol
Age: 65
Location: WA
Admitted: 08/11/2021
To: Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Murdered: 09/04/2021
Shannon Michael Washburn
Nurses treated him very well. I don't trust the doctors.
The federally mandated protocol for hospitalized covid patients prevented doctors from prescribing treatments based on each individual’s need. The “one-size-fits-all” protocol obviously was a HUGE failure! It’s my opinion that the pulmonologist lied in order to get my husband, Bill, on the vent. Bill felt as though he was suffocating & was concerned that he was dying. The pulmonologist told him the vent would be for a few days to rest the breathing muscles and to prevent emergent intubation. By October 2021, this doctor should’ve known that covid patients on vent only have 50 / 50 chance of survival, but he never told us! I was quarantined at home with covid & talked to pulmonologist on phone. I asked if Bill could die. The response was that it was possible, but unlikely. Why didn’t the doctor honestly tell me there was only a 50 / 50 chance? If Bill was struggling to breathe on high-flow bi-pap, wasn’t it already an emergency situation to be placed on vent? Bill never had kidney disease until after the Remdesivir and the dye they gave him to look for blood clots. When they asked permission to give him the dye, they warned that his kidneys could be damaged. When concern developed a few days later that he might need dialysis, he was flown to a different hospital. Why didn’t they wait UNTIL he needed dialysis before flying him? Thank God, he never needed dialysis. After a teeny improvement, Bill developed bacterial pneumonia which was difficult to treat, causing him to nearly become septic. Organ failure was possible. NOBODY told me by phone or face to face that he was dying! (After my quarantine was lifted, I could visit him.) I was SHOCKED to get a phone call from a doctor who pressured me to have life-support turned off. A few days later, I was told again to have life-support turned off. In 2 meetings with a “care team,” I was pressured to turn off life support. Except for the clergy, there was NO compassion for me from hospital staff! NONE! After much prayer, family made decision based partly on Bill’s continued decline and partly on facts instead of hospital pressure. Bill was too unstable to be given a traecheostomy & placed in rehab facility. I feel we as family made the correct decision to have life-support turned off. But it angers me that doctors must follow federally mandated treatment whether or not the protocol is in the best interest of the patient. It angers me that a doctor allegedly lied to us in the process of being intubated. IF Bill was NOT emergent, which IS what the pulmonologist told me, why not leave him on high flow bi-pap until / unless he did become emergent? Why was there an atmosphere of death in the meetings with the “care team?” It seemed they wanted covid patients to die! When Bill was dying, why didn’t a doctor or nurse contact me to tell me? How rude to learn that fact when a doctor calls unexpectedly to pressure a family member to turn off life-support!
My opinion is that the covid pandemic was planned in advance and/or hijacked into being used as population control. “Only the healthiest will survive! The earth’s resources will stretch farther with fewer humans!” And now we question WHY employers can’t hire enough employees as needed? There is something sinister about the covid pandemic!
Filter By Category
Age: 65
Location: WA
Admitted: 08/11/2021
To: Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Murdered: 09/04/2021
Shannon Michael Washburn
Age: 30
Location: AZ
Admitted: 12/11/2021
To: Scottsdale Osborn Honor Health
Murdered: 12/21/2021
Andrew E
Age: 40
Location: AZ
Admitted: 12/18/2021
To: Banner Ocotillo Medical Center
Murdered: 01/08/2022
Carlos Alberto Martinez Sanchez
Age: 64
Location: OH
Admitted: 09/18/2021
To: Aultman Hospital
Murdered: 10/05/2021
Daniel D. Travis
Age: 79
Location: TX
Admitted: 08/21/2021
To: Christus Mother Frances Tyler Tx
Murdered: 09/15/2021
James Norris Lyon
Age: 58
Location: CA
Admitted: 11/29/2021
To: Enloe Hospital, Chico California
Murdered: 12/12/2021
Steven R Traini
Age: 65
Location: AZ
Admitted: 10/20/2021
To: Banner Desert Medical Center
Sandra Griffith
Age: 88
Location: TX
Admitted: 02/04/2022
To: Medical City - North Richland Hills
Murdered: 02/22/2022
Robert Taylor
Age: 61
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/22/2021
To: Port Orange, Florida Halifax
Ginae Lee Karoub
Age: 43
Location: CA
Admitted: 09/25/2021
To: Kaiser Permanente Riverside
Murdered: 11/02/2021
Joseph Michael Luna
Age: 53
Location: TX
Admitted: 11/30/2021
To: Peterson Kerrville and Methodist
Murdered: 01/25/2022
Todd Snyder
Age: 44
Location: TX
Admitted: 06/17/2021
To: Cedar Park Regional Hospital
Nicholas Aaron Passe
Age: 43
Location: CA
Admitted: 04/20/2021
To: I went to the hospital after 2 or 3 weeks. When I started having more paresthesia in my legs
S.H. (anonymous)
Age: 51
Location: NJ
Admitted: 09/05/2021
To: Shores Memorial , NJ
Murdered: 09/09/2021
Chuck Hammel
Age: 55
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/15/2021
To: Orlando Health
Murdered: 09/09/2021
Tony Myers
Age: 83
Location: NY
Admitted: 07/01/2021
To: Putnam Hospital
Murdered: 01/09/2022
Kathleen Barvinski
Age: 61
Location: MI
Admitted: 12/05/2021
To: Munson Hospital
Murdered: 12/19/2021
Edward Smith
Age: 72
Location: NY
Admitted: 11/18/2021
To: Mount St Mary's Hospital Lewiston, NY
Murdered: 12/07/2021
Robert Yellow
Age: 54
Location: VA
Admitted: 03/18/2021
To: St Mary's Hospital Richmond, VA
Murdered: 04/19/2021
Kenneth P Delano
Age: 75
Location: SC
Admitted: 01/26/2022
To: Roper St Francis Berkeley in SC and Bon Secours St Francis in Charleston SC
Murdered: 02/09/2022
Michael Joseph Ambrose
Age: 53
Location: MI
Admitted: 08/30/2021
To: Ascension genesys hospital
Jonathon Goscinski sr
Age: 58
Location: TX
Admitted: 09/18/2021
To: Presbyterian in Denton tx
Murdered: 10/23/2021
Jerry Serna
Age: 87
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/21/2021
To: Saddleback Memorial
Murdered: 01/10/2022
Donald Gandy
Age: 63
Location: AZ
Admitted: 11/17/2021
To: Banner Estrella, Banner Thunderbird
Murdered: 12/18/2021
David L. Nimmo
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.