Dr. Stephen Guffanti’s Story
Age: 70
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/01/2021
To: Sarasota Memorial
Dr Stephen Guffanti
My husband was treated differently right from the start when he arrived in the emergency room lobby. He was denied help right away. His oxygen was 78 and he was struggling to breathe. They wouldn’t give him any help until all his insurance papers were filled out. They made me remove my car from the emergency entrance leaving him on his own with no one in the lobby. When they finally got him in to a room he was better right away with oxygen supplement he went from 78 to 90
They ordered a Covid test and when it came back positive they really gotten ugly. One nurse came in and yelled at me ( his wife). You better get vaccinated or you going to be next.
I asked the admitting doctor what are his chances and he said 50/50. They basically told you in your face that you are a target if you are not vaccinated. How dare you make your own decisions what goes into your body.
Inhumane is the way I would describe how they treated him.
It started with a spinal surgery. He was tested for Covid October 27,2021 and tested negative. So he had surgery on November 01,2021 it was an outpatient surgery and he went back home that day.
The recovery went well at first until ten days after surgery when he told me that he felt so tired. He stayed in bed for a couple of days. I thought that was all part of the recovery. Since I had Covid in early January 2020 and survived with HCQ but I had to stay on oxygen for almost 20 Month. I checked his oxygen and it still was in range of 95-96.
All that changed when his oxygen dropped to 78 on November 15 I had no choice but to take him to the ER.
When I arrived a security guard got me a wheelchair and helped me to put my husband in the chair. From then on I was on my own. Being disabled myself, I had to struggle to push my husband into the ER lobby. I immediately asked for help but they would not do anything until I put his information into their system.
This took 20 minutes while my husband gasped for air.
I had to move and park my car on the other side of the hospital so that took time for me to return to my husband. After I returned they finally had him in the ER room number 8. on normal oxygen he was a whole lot better after he received oxygen. I have a picture of that. The next thing I know is that they tested him for Covid and you guessed it, it was positive so they said. I never saw the results.
Both of us were shocked. So there comes this nurse and she tells my husband that they have a protocol they have to go by and to start him off with remdesivir. My husband and I told the nurse no and we wanted information first and to hold off on that medication. She looked at me and said to me ” You better get vaccinated or you are going to be next”. After that the doctor came in and I asked him for HCQ and Ivermectin but his response was that it wasn’t hospital protocol and it wasn’t FDA approved. I told him that remdesivir was only under emergency use only and hasn’t been effective.
After that I was no longer allowed in the room with my husband with excuse since my husband is positive I’m a liability for the hospital employees and his patients so I have to leave now. They handed me the information about remdesivir before I left.
I left with tears in my eyes, because I felt Like I dropped my husband off to prison. When I got home I read the information on the paper and it gave you an opt out for the remdesivir. But they do not give you that option. I called my husband and told him not to take this medicine. He told me after I left that they already snuck it into the IV without telling him. My son and I got tested the next day and both of us were negative.
I wasn’t able to see him until December 5,2021. But during this time he didn’t get any care. He said that he didn’t even see anyone in over six hours. His sheets were only changed 3 times the whole time the same thing with his hygiene he was sponge bathed when they changed his sheets.
They didn’t get him up or turned him so he could breathe better. Most of the time he was in quarantine he didn’t get to eat because the food was cold and most of the time late sitting out there for hours. When he got something to eat in time he couldn’t eat it because he was a diabetic. I asked what is going on and they just told me that they don’t do this anymore. Everyone gets a normal diet.
Oh by the way they have surveillance in every room and most of the time his wasn’t working so he had a technician in and out of his room to fix it. But he couldn’t get anyone from the kitchen in to get his menu taken. They were supposed to call him for that , but this only happened a few times and he still didn’t get
What he had ordered.
One time we had a conversation on FaceTime and he complained about the care he received and I told him if this is not going to change I will look into getting a lawyer. The next day he got his sheets changed, his body washed and the food that he wanted. So they listen to our conversation.
He never had the same doctors and all the nurses are traveling nurses. On the day I finally was able to see him on December 5,2021 was the only good day he had left. He told me that he feels great except for his lungs. Then, he said it feels like something blocking his air.
He is ready to come home to play with his grandson that visits from Nebraska. Everything seemed fine that day. Oh by the way when he had to use the bathroom that day and used his urinal I took and emptied it in the toilet. I found his feces inside of the pot left on top of the toilet for me to clean. That day I felt that he would come home soon.
This changed the next day when he started to decline with his oxygen level again. It got worse the next day when our daughter visited him. He couldn’t get enough air so they put him against his will on the
Apap Machine telling him just for a short time so he can get some rest. He was moved that day from Room 190 regular room to the step down unit room 199 because the ICU didn’t have any rooms available.
I went to see him on Wednesday December 8, 2021 early in the morning. Where they just changed him back to the nasal cannula Oxygen. That only lasted a few hours. In that time he told me not to worry. The Step down unit was a good thing that is the next step to going home. I said nothing because I knew what was going on.
Soon after that they had to put him back on that Apap machine and later on that day forced him on the ventilator which caused code blue. I had no say in anything they basically forced this on him without consent. After they had put him on the ventilator all of a sudden they had a room available for him in the ICU. Room number 1.
I gathered his family together that night and contacted the Red Cross to get our youngest daughter home stationed in Germany. All of sudden the whole family was allowed in the ICU to see him. The next day my oldest daughter and I went to see him and when we got there the doctor wanted us to sign a DNR but we refused.
The doctor told us that he is very I’ll and he is already hospitalized for 27 days and they run out of options. So we asked the doctor to consider giving him Ivermectin and HCQ since we have nothing to lose. He looked at us and said this is too late now because he no longer has Covid. He survived Covid but caught MRSA.
He also told us he had acute kidney failure and fluid in his lungs he couldn’t urinate but they still put fluid in his system even though his whole body was swollen.
His eyelids were so swollen that his eyes could not close. His lips, his tongue. The loosely fitting arm tag was embedded in his skin so much that they had to cut it off. Even though he lost more than 20 pounds during his hospital stay.
Two days later on Sunday December 12,2021 the hospital called to inform us that his BP is dropping rapidly and if you wanted to be by his side to come quickly. When we arrived one of our family members, who is a dialysis nurse, advised us that she spoke to the ICU nurses who told her that he was unresponsive and there is nothing else they can do.
We gathered family members again but even though he supposedly had MRSA, 40 + people were allowed to say goodbye in the ICU. That night I signed the DNR. We said our goodbyes and waited for him to go.
This didn’t happen that night and we all went home waiting for the call.
The next morning we received the call from the hospital asking us if we were still doing dialysis. I was confused and my youngest daughter took the phone. She asked for clarification and the nurse on the other side said we only signed the DNR so his regular care will continue . So my daughter said only if he can handle it.
Soon after that I received another call from the hospital when they informed me that his oxygen dropped to 60%. That is when our children and I decided to pull the plug. Not even 5 minutes after our decision the hospital called again to inform us that his heart rate had dropped to 29 and to hurry.
We didn’t make it in time. He died before we arrived in the hospital. He basically drowned in his own Urine. We are finding out more and more. He also had a nose bleed that came from his brain swelling. It was horrible to watch. I just hope that he didn’t suffer. That is my greatest fear.
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Age: 70
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/01/2021
To: Sarasota Memorial
Dr Stephen Guffanti
Age: 54
Location: WI
Admitted: 08/03/2021
To: Aurora Medical Center Summit, where I also work in the laboratory
Thomas Peckman
Age: 58
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/27/2021
To: Doctor’s Hospital of Sarasota
Murdered: 08/31/2021
Donna Bamundo
Age: 59
Location: OK
Admitted: 11/10/2021
Murdered: 12/02/2021
John Springer
Age: 64
Location: OH
Admitted: 08/31/2021
To: Mount Carmel Grove City
Sherrie Hupp
Age: 64
Location: UT
Admitted: 10/22/2021
To: St Johns
Murdered: 01/07/2022
Father Ubald Rugirangoga
Age: 49
Location: NC
Admitted: 09/07/2021
To: Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital and Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist - Wilkes Medical Center
Murdered: 10/22/2021
Tim Rutherford
Age: 49
Location: MN
Admitted: 11/25/2021
To: Mercy, Bethesda, fairview rehab
Jennifer Nitz
Age: 55
Location: NC
Admitted: 11/03/2021
To: CaroMont Hospital
Murdered: 11/29/2021
Rodger C Haas
Age: 84
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/01/2022
To: Advent health
Murdered: 08/27/2022
Mary g. Oberry
Age: 63
Location: CA
Admitted: 10/25/2021
To: Memorial Medical Center
Murdered: 11/14/2021
Clarence “Clay” Visser
Age: 43
Location: TX
Admitted: 08/07/2021
Murdered: 08/23/2021
Earl C Butler IV
Age: 35
Location: AL
Christena Hurst
Age: 78
Location: PA
Admitted: 10/22/2021
To: Geisinger South; Wilkes Barre General
Murdered: 11/07/2021
Carolyn Kotch
Age: 53
Location: NC
Admitted: 09/23/2021
To: FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital
Doug Curry
Age: 66
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/14/2021
To: Lake City VA Hospital and Malcolm Randal VA Medical Center
Murdered: 09/02/2021
John W Shannon
Age: 50
Location: KY
Admitted: 07/29/2021
To: Baptist Hospital
Murdered: 08/31/2021
Jason Fassler
Age: 59
Location: AZ
Admitted: 01/05/2022
To: Baywood Hospital
Murdered: 01/20/2022
Tammy Bay
Age: 45
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/02/2022
To: Health First Viera Hospital
Murdered: 08/24/2021
Andres Osorio
Age: 74
Location: AL
Admitted: 08/18/2021
To: Crestwood Hospital, Huntsville, Alabama, on 8/18/2021 dismissed on 8/22/2021. Then admitted to Marshall Medical Center North
Murdered: 09/06/2021
Brice Jordan
Age: 70
Location: GA
Admitted: 09/27/2021
To: Piedmont - Newton
Murdered: 10/06/2021
Stanley D Brooks
Age: 59
Location: PA
Admitted: 04/18/2021
To: Delaware County Community Hospital
Murdered: 04/30/2021
Michael Shalon SR
Age: 41
Location: CA
Christine Asher
Age: 73
Location: IL
Admitted: 12/30/2021
To: Advocate Sherman Hospital
Murdered: 01/27/2022
Tom Coronado 2
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.