Stephen A Chambers
Name of Victim: Stephen A Chambers
Age of Victim: 78
Sex of Victim: Male
Location: NJ
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Jefferson
County: Camden
Date of Admission to Hospital: 01/30/2021
Date of Death: 02/05/2021
without an advocate with him, he was both vaccinated and given remdesivir against his will, and died just days later.
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: Yes
Number of Vaccines/Boosters Before Symptoms: 1
Total Number of Vaccines/Boosters: 1
Was the Victim Informed About the EUA Status of COVID Vaccines?: No
Was the Victim Informed of Potential Vaccine Side Effects?: No
Was the Victim Asked to Sign a Waiver or Consent Form?: No
First Vaccination Details:
Date: 01/27/2021
Brand: Moderna
Symptoms Observed: No covid symptoms, but was dead 7 days after they forced him to receive the VAX against his will.

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 29
Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

They forced him to get the vaccine as well as Remdesivir, both against his will

Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Victim or family does not recall / not applicable
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Blood Pressure Medications
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: No
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Isolated, Neglected
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: Husband fell 1/6/21 was sent to ER then sent to rehab was isolated, w/o any exercise due to Covid protocol - he was vaxxed w/o permission prior to bei... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: Victim was dead 7 days after vaxxed and 5 days after being given Remdesivir even though he was asymptomatic. He did not have high BP, was not diabetic... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Nancy Chambers

Victim was dead 7 days after vaxxed and 5 days after being given Remdesivir even though he was asymptomatic. He did not have high BP, was not diabetic, was not over weight and did not have cancer. Was never sick only weak due to laying in bed for almost a month due to Covid Protocol

Stephen A Chambers/Murdered by Covid Protocol
Written by Nancy Chambers(wife)

On 1/6/21 my husband fell, and I was told anytime a person falls they must be sent to ER to check for internal injuries and brain bleeds. My husband didn’t have either and ER sent him to rehab. I was not permitted to go to ER or rehab. I was told that a person sent to rehab from ER due to Covid protocol they would have to be quarantined for 14-21 days. My husband then laid in rehab isolated. I tried to call him, but his phone was turned off and the rehab lost his hearing aid. I was called on his 21st day in rehab and told he had just been vaccinated with Moderna even though he said he did not want to be. Too bad! Covid protocol says he had to be vaxxed. He came home and was very weak and fell the next night and was sent to the ER again.

I was not permitted to be with him. 1 hour later I was told he had Covid, but not to worry he was asymptomatic, and they were putting him on Remdesivir. I asked why and was told Covid protocol dictates. He was then discharged, but I could not bring him home because he required special Covid transport which did not work on the weekend. On Monday it had snowed and Covid transport did not work in the snow, same thing for the next day. I asked who was taking care of my husband since he was discharged. I was assured that he was being cared for until transport arrived. Finally, he was brought home late Wednesday afternoon and put in his lounge chair. He was so weak having laid in rehab for 21 days and then another 5 days in the ER.  He could not get out of the chair so I called the EMTs to help get him to a chair that he could get out of. They came in full hazmat gear.

A few hours later he fell, and I had to have the EMTs back to help him get up. This time they came without any hazmat gear and unmasked. They took him back to the ER and as they were leaving one of them looked back at me and said, “this man doesn’t have Covid”.  Again, I was not permitted to go with him or enter the ER.  The next day the ER said he was being sent to a rehab that accepted a Covid patient. However, he was fine.  All his vitals were good, he felt fine and was still asymptomatic.  After 8PM, the nurse called and said Covid transport was on the way.

The next morning the rehab called and said my husband died during the night.  At that time, they were not doing autopsies due to Covid. This was 7 days after he was vaxxed and 5 days after he was on Remdesivir. On Saturday night at 9:30 PM the NJ state Board of Health called and said I had to quarantine 14 days and could not have the funeral until after that.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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Remdesivir killed both my parents!

Remdesivir killed both my parents!

Age: 63

Location: KY

Admitted: 08/04/2021

To: Norton Women and Childrens St. Matthew Hospital (formerly Suburban)

Murdered: 08/11/2021

Jeannie and William Hale

My Wife, and Dear Mother Linda Died Due to the Hospital Protocol and Abuse

My Wife, and Dear Mother Linda Died Due to the Hospital Protocol and Abuse

Age: 57

Location: CA

Admitted: 08/31/2021

To: Temecula Valley Hospital

Murdered: 09/12/2021

Linda Ann Chappell

Loving Husband and Father of 3 | Maimed and Murdered by Protocol and Iatrogenic Injury

Loving Husband and Father of 3 | Maimed and Murdered by Protocol and Iatrogenic Injury

Age: 45

Location: NE

Admitted: 09/02/2021

To: Nebraska Medicine (UNMC)

Murdered: 10/06/2021

Robert F. Chapman IV

Bugzie’s Story – Fighting Until Death

Bugzie’s Story – Fighting Until Death

Age: 49

Location: LA

Admitted: 07/26/2021

To: Thibodeaux Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 08/28/2021

Pauline "Bugzie" Barrilleaux

My mom got Covid-Joan Allison-Bair

My mom got Covid-Joan Allison-Bair

Age: 83

Location: MI

Admitted: 09/15/2021

To: Acension Genesys

Murdered: 09/27/2021

Joan Allison-Bair

Bruno’s Story- I miss my Angel

Bruno’s Story- I miss my Angel

Age: 71

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/08/2021

To: Broward healt Medical center in Fort Lauderdale

Murdered: 08/26/2021

(Wendy) Chay Koon Lim-Ferrero

Jamie Kay Story

Jamie Kay Story

Age: 36

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/30/2021

To: Baptist Neighborhood Hospital and Northeast Baptist Hospital.

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Jamie Kay Wylie

Kenny’s Covid Experience

Kenny’s Covid Experience

Age: 29

Location: TN

Admitted: 05/08/2021

To: Leconte medical center and Vanderbilt university medical center

Murdered: 07/23/2021

Kenneth James Anderson Jr

He’s Gone, We Need the Bed, nurse to Vet’s wife

He’s Gone, We Need the Bed, nurse to Vet’s wife

Location: PA

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: St Lukes Fountain Hill Bethlehem, Pa

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Christopher F. Loncaric

Erin G’s Story

Erin G’s Story

Age: 51

Location: NJ

Admitted: 09/05/2021

To: Shores Memorial , NJ

Murdered: 09/09/2021

Chuck Hammel

Dwayne’s Story

Dwayne’s Story

Age: 53

Location: LA

Admitted: 08/08/2021

To: Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette, LA

Murdered: 08/27/2021

Dwayne Jude Latiolais

Michelle Jean Smith, she was MURDERED by COVID Protocols

Michelle Jean Smith, she was MURDERED by COVID Protocols

Age: 55

Location: WI

Admitted: 12/15/2021

To: Aurora Medical Center Summit

Murdered: 01/05/2022

Michelle Jean Smith

They Wanted Me to Die!

They Wanted Me to Die!

Age: 58

Location: GA

Admitted: 08/21/2022

To: WellStar Kennestone, Marietta GA and Paulding WellStar, Hiram, GA

Paula Head

Murder at St.Peters

Murder at St.Peters

Age: 82

Location: MT

Admitted: 10/10/2022

To: St.Peters , Helena,Mt

Murdered: 10/26/2022

Shirley Herrin

Hospital holocaust survivor

Hospital holocaust survivor

Age: 64

Location: NY

Admitted: 10/01/2022

To: Admitted after 36 hrs in ER

Constance Collins

She was my best friend but disposable  and unworthy to them

She was my best friend but disposable and unworthy to them

Age: 72

Location: WA

Admitted: 01/01/2022

To: PeaceHealth Southwest hospital

Murdered: 01/24/2022

Wendy Gene Nickelson

Kat’s Story

Kat’s Story

Age: 58

Location: WA

Admitted: 10/21/2021

To: St. John Medical Center

Murdered: 11/05/2021

Richard Crum

The Tyler Smith Story

The Tyler Smith Story

Age: 71

Location: NE

Admitted: 09/12/2021

To: Methodist Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska

Murdered: 09/29/2021

Tyler Smith

God Has a Plan….

God Has a Plan….

Age: 60

Location: MN

Admitted: 11/21/2021

To: Methodist Hospital

David Dentz

Horrible situation

Horrible situation

Age: 70

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/19/2021

To: Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital

Murdered: 09/01/2021

Tennis Ingebretson

My Ride or Die Truck Driver- Kathy’s Story

My Ride or Die Truck Driver- Kathy’s Story

Age: 52

Location: KS

Admitted: 01/27/2022

To: Overland Park Regional

Murdered: 02/07/2022

Marc Saulnier

Jose W Gonzalez jr Story

Jose W Gonzalez jr Story

Age: 52

Location: NJ

Admitted: 11/09/2021

To: Hunterdon Medical Center

Murdered: 02/16/2022

Jose W Gonzalez jr

My Beloved Husband was Medically Kidnapped

My Beloved Husband was Medically Kidnapped

Age: 40

Location: AZ

Admitted: 12/18/2021

To: Banner Ocotillo Medical Center

Murdered: 01/08/2022

Carlos Alberto Martinez Sanchez

Murder for Money

Murder for Money

Age: 81

Location: MN

Admitted: 11/02/2021

To: Monticello Centra Care, Mayo clinic in Austin, MN

Murdered: 11/01/2021

Mary Brion

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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