Rose Bristol
Name of Victim: Rose Bristol
Age of Victim: 83
Sex of Victim: Female
Military or Law Enforcement Service: No
Location: MT
Is the Victim the Subject Being Interviewed?: No

Medical Information

Was the Victim Admitted to the Hospital?: Yes
Hospital Name: Great Falls Clinic Hospital and Benefis Hospital Great Falls
County: Cascade
Date of Admission to Hospital: 08/14/2021
Date of Death: 09/16/2021
Because she was at two hospitals, they each gave her 5 days (10 days total) of remdesivir. That killed her.
Was the Victim Administered a COVID-19 Vaccine?: No

Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

Number of Days the Victim Was Isolated: 18
Was the Victim Treated Differently After Disclosing Vax Status?: Yes
How Was the Victim Treated Differently?:

The victim was ridiculed and pressured to feel guilty for not having the vaccine.

Was the Victim Restrained?: No
Was the Victim Deprived of Food and Water?: Victim or family does not recall / not applicable
Medications Administered to the Victim in the Hospital: Remdesivir, Blood Pressure Medications, Budesonide, Dexamethasone, Diuretics, Lasix, Morphine, Oxygen, Pain killers, Rocephin, Vitamin C
Medications Refused by the Hospital: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc
Was the Victim Placed on a Ventilator?: No
How Was the Victim Mistreated?: Isolated, Neglected, Gaslighted
Elaborate on the Victim's Experience in the Hospital: She couldn't see anyone other than masked staff. They did not fully inform her what remdesivir would do to her. They would put her on a bed pan and ... Read more

Activism & Follow-up

Is the Victim or the Family Engaging in Activism?: Not at this time
Additional Information: Rose got sick on Monday, went to the hospital Friday, was admitted for pneumonia, The following Monday, while I was on the phone with my sister telli... Read more
Would You Be Interested in Participating in a Series of Podcasts?: Yes

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The Interview with Terra Anglin

Rose got sick on Monday, went to the hospital Friday, was admitted for pneumonia, The following Monday, while I was on the phone with my sister telling her to get Mom out of there, get her hydroxychloiquine and ivermectin and all the vitamins, a nurse heard this and told my sister and her husband they had to leave as she tested positive for covid. They tested her 2xs daily friday, Saturday and Sunday and finally on Monday she had covid! They kicked my sister and her husband out, said no one was allowed to see her, but we could talk on the phone. They started remdesivir that day. The following Saturday, Mom was calling myself and my sister wanting to go home, she was on 40 liters O2 forced air, and she would not make it home before dying. She also developed a blood clot in one of her legs that day and was transferred to another hospital for treatment of the blood clot. They finished the course of remdesivir and started a second one. I called everyday 2-3xs a day. I asked about her O2, medications, vitamins, they never gave her the requested vitamins, and overall health. I was finally allowed in to see her Sept 4, 2021. She was very frail and very sick! NP Molnar proceeded to tell me she needed to go home on hospice as there was nothing else they could do. We had a family meeting and included NP Molnar, she proceeded to tells us all the organs that were failing and how scarred her lungs were. We asked for some tests. Np Molnar said, why, she is dying! Then when questioned about whether Mom was informed of the side effects and death rates of those given remdesivir, she stated, "She signed a waiver!"

A Rose by Any Other Name…
Written by Terra Anglin(Daughter)

My brother, sister, mom and I all took a trip to Minnesota the end of July, 2021.   We hadn’t taken this trip in 42 years.  We had a family reunion and had such an amazing time.

Shortly after returning, Mom got sick.  She just said she had the crud.  We got her vitamins and made her broth and such, but she was very sick.  My brother, who lived with her at the time, and my sister, who lives in the same town, took Mom to the ER on Friday.

They said she had pneumonia, but she tested negative for COVID-19.  They admitted her to Great Falls Clinic hospital.  Everyday, 2 times a day, they tested her for COVID-19.  Monday, while my sister and I were on the phone and I was telling her they needed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, vitamin D, B12, C and Zinc, the nurse came in the room and told my sister and brother-in- law, they had to leave as Mom tested positive for COVID-19.  I called the hospital and was told Mom was being moved to the COVID-19 floor and was going to be given remdesivir for 5 days.  At that time, I did not know how bad remdesivir was.

Every day I called 2-3 times a day, inquiring  about Mom and her treatment.  I would be given oxygen saturations, blood pressure, heart rate, a list of meds she was being given, which never included any vitamins.  On Saturday, Mom called, she said, “Terra get me out of here!  They said I’m going to die and I’m not ready to die.  I want to be at home, where I can do all the things they are doing.  I just need the oxygen sent to the house.”

I spoke with my Sister, the doctor and the nurse.  Mom was on 40 liters of oxygen and there was no way to get her home without her dying on the drive home, on that high of oxygen needs.  They had her on a BiPap with oxygen.  That same day, Mom got a blood clot in her leg.  They transferred her to Bennefis hospital in Great Falls.

Great Falls clinic hospital already gave her 5 days of remdesivir.  Bennefis did not get the records right away, they knew Mom had COVID-19, and did another 5 days of remdesivir.   I told them repeatedly she had already done 5 days, but they didn’t have documentation, and “That is protocol for COVID-19.”

I had asked both hospitals while my Mom was in their care, “What about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?”  I was told by both facilities’ physicians and nurses, “That is not protocol and people are dying from taking horse paste.”

I fought to get her on Budesonide.  When that doctor (I can’t remember her name right now) found out how long Mom had been on lockdown, she got her off the COVID-19 ward that day. That was Wednesday, September 2, 2021.

I was able to go to Great Falls, from Billings on September 4, 2021.  I have video and pictures of my Mom just before she passed on September 16, 2021.

The doctors said, on September 4, that she was so sick she just needed to go home on hospice.  We had a family meeting on Sunday, September 6, with nurse practitioner, Molnar.  During this meeting she informed us, Mom’s kidneys, liver and heart were failing, she had extensive scarring in her lungs and she was going to die.  We asked about protocol and why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were not allowed.  Nurse Practitioner Molnar stated FDA protocol was 5 days of remdesivir and high doses of Dexamethasone.  When we stated that we have recently learned that 5 days of remdesivir will shut down kidney, liver and heart and quite often, in 55% of subjects, it lead to death, was Mom educated to these statistics?  Her next comment was cold and demeaning, “She signed a waiver!”

We quickly ended to the meeting to decide what we were going to do.  Mom started to do better the next day.  My cousins from Minnesota came to visit on Wednesday, Mom started to do even better.  The respiratory therapist commented numerous times about how well she was doing.  They even got her off forced oxygen to a nasal cannula by Thursday.  The doctor was mad and put her back on forced O2, and then the respiratory therapist and nurse practitioner Molnar got in an argument about it.

Mom did well, having us there with her and to help care for her.  We did all we could to help the staff.  We showered, toileted and got her up in a chair.  We made sure all her needs were met and those we couldn’t, we would then get the staff involved.

On September 16 at 11 a.m. the doctor was in to discuss Mom’s care.  He spent 30 minutes with myself and Mom.  We discussed the need for a pressure sore bed as she was developing some due to weight loss.  We discussed her oxygen needs and what she needed to be at to go home.  We discussed a very positive outlook.

At 1:00 that afternoon, my Mom was pronounced dead.  She had gone to the toilet/bedside chair, and was struggling to get oxygen.  The nurse turned up her oxygen, put a mask on her, changed her oxygen sensor, gave her something for anxiety in her iv, and in a matter of minutes my Mom was gone.  She was a DNR, but I believe it was by choice.

The doctor was shocked at Mom’s passing, as he said he honestly thought she would be going home.

I know the FDA/hospital protocol killed my Mom.  My sister, brother, nieces, and children all know it was the remdesivir protocol that killed her.

She was a lung cancer survivor!  She was healthy, except for high blood pressure.  The medical staff even said she did not have any comorbidities that were contributing to the deaths from COVID-19.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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I Have Chosen You To Live!

I Have Chosen You To Live!

Age: 64

Location: MN

Admitted: 07/26/2021

To: Woodwinds, U of MN, Bethesda LTAC in St Joe's bldg

Estelle Senopole

The Robert Smith Story

The Robert Smith Story

Age: 70

Location: WA

Admitted: 11/10/2021

To: Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital

Murdered: 12/18/2021

Robert Smith

Vision & hearing lost because of Moderna

Vision & hearing lost because of Moderna

Age: 39

Location: IA

Erica Jo

Too Soon

Too Soon

Age: 75

Location: PA

Admitted: 10/23/2021

To: Grandview Hospital

Murdered: 11/09/2021

David H. Sackal

Homeport’s Beloved G’ma

Homeport’s Beloved G’ma

Age: 83

Location: WI

Admitted: 12/27/2021

To: Ascension St. Mary's Hospital

Murdered: 02/18/2022

Marilyn M Liebert

They Murdered my Father!

They Murdered my Father!

Age: 68

Location: AZ

Admitted: 11/20/2021

To: Banner Del E Webb Medical Center in Sun City West Arizona

Murdered: 11/26/2021

Martyn T Schenck

James Lyon’s Story

James Lyon’s Story

Age: 79

Location: TX

Admitted: 08/21/2021

To: Christus Mother Frances Tyler Tx

Murdered: 09/15/2021

James Norris Lyon

Covid/Remdesivir Battle

Covid/Remdesivir Battle

Age: 61

Location: AL

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: 1-Enterprise AL medical center, 2-Grandview hospital, Birmingham, AL 3-Brookdale Rehab facility, Birmingham

Tina Shoemaker

Clarence “Clay” Visser Story

Clarence “Clay” Visser Story

Age: 63

Location: CA

Admitted: 10/25/2021

To: Memorial Medical Center

Murdered: 11/14/2021

Clarence “Clay” Visser

My dad’s story- Jack Keiber

My dad’s story- Jack Keiber

Age: 75

Location: OH

Admitted: 09/16/2021

To: Wilson Hospital

Murdered: 09/28/2021

Jackie (Jack) Keiber

Hospital Protocol Murdered a loving mother and wife

Hospital Protocol Murdered a loving mother and wife

Age: 46

Location: FL

Admitted: 08/06/2021

To: Viera Hospital

Murdered: 09/09/2022

Jennifer Lynn Hubert

Vicki and Rick’s Story

Vicki and Rick’s Story

Age: 76

Location: PA

Admitted: 12/14/2020

To: Jefferson Hospital

Murdered: 12/23/2020

Fredrick (Rick) Dodds

Michael Kreher Story

Michael Kreher Story

Age: 55

Location: SC

Admitted: 02/07/2021

To: Tuomey Hospital Sumter SC

Murdered: 02/10/2021

Michael Kreher

Colleen Obrien-The Protocol Killed my Dad

Colleen Obrien-The Protocol Killed my Dad

Age: 80

Location: OH

Admitted: 11/06/2021

To: Medina General Hospital

Murdered: 02/09/2022

Arthur Foth

Justice for Kenny Pursell

Justice for Kenny Pursell

Age: 53

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/31/2021

To: Kaiser Permanente Fresno, CA

Murdered: 01/21/2022

Kenneth Pursell

Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon

Husband, Father, and Pastor Gone Too Soon

Age: 56

Location: SC

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Self Regional Hospital

Murdered: 09/24/2021

Anthony Payne (Tony) Whatley

Failed by the System – Jennifer’s Story

Failed by the System – Jennifer’s Story

Age: 75

Location: SC

Admitted: 01/26/2022

To: Roper St Francis Berkeley in SC and Bon Secours St Francis in Charleston SC

Murdered: 02/09/2022

Michael Joseph Ambrose

Thomas Joe Suggs

Thomas Joe Suggs

Age: 76

Location: CA

Admitted: 12/26/2022

To: Clovis Community Hospital

Murdered: 12/30/2022

Thomas Joe Suggs

My mother’s sacrifice

My mother’s sacrifice

Age: 65

Location: CA

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: St. Agnes Medical center

Murdered: 11/29/2021

Christine Johnson

Teresia Whisnant – A Survivor Story

Teresia Whisnant – A Survivor Story

Age: 49

Location: VA

Admitted: 12/07/2021

To: Lewis Gayle

Teresia Whisnant

Murder by remdeathsver

Murder by remdeathsver

Age: 54

Location: MI

Admitted: 09/14/2021

To: Henryford

Murdered: 09/29/2021

Michael Norman

Cheryl’s Story

Cheryl’s Story

Age: 64

Location: TN

Admitted: 09/16/2021

To: Cookeville Regional Medical Center

Murdered: 10/10/2021

Steven Gilbert Martin, Sr.

Rob’s Story

Rob’s Story

Age: 57

Location: OH

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: Margaret Mary Community Hospital, Batesville Indiana; Columbus Regional Hospital, Columbus, IN; Select Specialty LTAC Christ Hospital, Cincinnati OH; Christ Hospital ICU Cincinnati, OH

Murdered: 12/24/2021

Robert A. Brack “Rob”

Sheena T.’s Story, They Had No Mercy on My Dad

Sheena T.’s Story, They Had No Mercy on My Dad

Age: 63

Location: NC

Admitted: 08/28/2021

To: Atrium Heatlh- Carolinas Medical Center

Murdered: 10/26/2021

Jimmy Padgett

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.

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