Baptist Hospital of Boca Raton, Fl. killed my Mom on June 11 , 2022 with Remdesivir
Age: 97
Location: FL
Admitted: 06/07/2022
To: Baptist Regional Boca Raton
Murdered: 06/11/2022
Janice A. Wallach
Leo P. Shishmanian, Esquire…..a treasured husband, beloved father; man of deep faith; trusted, sharp, intellingent legal mind; loved his family, and was a friend to all… Succumbed, on his son’s birthday, to the murderous “one size fits all” hospital government-forced protocol for covid… like so many others, this family is scarred forever, and has been changed and challenged, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and financially, by this devastataing event that took the life of their husband and father.
This story is by no means an aberration, but appallingly, has become the norm in the new world of covid-19 “treatment,” killing untold numbers since 2020.
Please listen as Mrs Shishmanian shares the horror of her husband’s hospitalization, treatment, and death. Unimaginable. And happening daily in hospitals right here in America every single day.
Filter By Category
Age: 97
Location: FL
Admitted: 06/07/2022
To: Baptist Regional Boca Raton
Murdered: 06/11/2022
Janice A. Wallach
Age: 55
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/29/2021
To: Parish Medical Center
Murdered: 10/11/2021
Dianne Spangler
Age: 49
Location: NC
Admitted: 04/21/2021
To: Wake Med Center, Cary, NC
Misty Batten
Age: 39
Location: KY
Admitted: 09/18/2021
To: Ephrim McDowell
Murdered: 10/01/2021
Jonathan Vaught
Age: 61
Location: TN
Admitted: 08/18/2021
To: Johnson City Medical Center
Murdered: 09/06/2021
Charles "Leroy" Garland
Age: 67
Location: MN
Admitted: 11/29/2021
To: Mercy Hospital
Murdered: 12/12/2021
Ray Evangelista
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/22/2021
To: NorthBay Health Medical Center
Murdered: 09/16/2021
Gerald Lee Shirar
Age: 57
Location: CA
Admitted: 08/26/2020
To: Mercy Folsom, CA
Keith T King
Age: 71
Location: IN
Admitted: 12/31/2021
To: Indiana University Ball Memorial Hospital
Murdered: 01/18/2022
Jimmie Edward Crockett
Age: 73
Location: AZ
Admitted: 12/01/2021
To: Havasu Regional Hospital
Murdered: 12/15/2021
Raymond Delworth
Age: 89
Location: Outside The US
Admitted: 01/11/2023
To: Royal Victoria Hospital
Murdered: 01/23/2023
Norma S. Canzius
Age: 55
Location: NE
Admitted: 07/14/2021
To: Immanuel Hospital and Bergan Mercy Hospital
Murdered: 09/28/2021
Raul Osuna
Age: 68
Location: CA
Admitted: 06/05/2020
To: Kaweah Delta Hospital
Murdered: 06/16/2020
Nellie Fernandez
Age: 71
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/19/2020
To: Kaiser
Murdered: 01/05/2021
Rebecca (Grabner) Quiroz
Age: 76
Location: IL
Admitted: 12/29/2021
To: Amita Resurrection Medical Center ( now called Ascension )
Murdered: 02/20/2022
Jerome Kasper
Age: 61
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/04/2021
To: Mease Countryside Hospital Safety Harbor, Florida
Murdered: 08/11/2021
Jeffrey R Smith
Age: 71
Location: LA
Admitted: 10/26/2021
To: Franklin Parish Hospital , Saint Francis Hospital Monroe LA
Murdered: 11/13/2021
Elaine Morgan Ryals
Age: 61
Location: MI
Admitted: 12/05/2021
To: Munson Hospital
Murdered: 12/19/2021
Edward Smith
Age: 55
Location: WI
Admitted: 09/08/2021
To: ThedaCare Regional Medical Center, tx'd to Appleton Medical Center
Murdered: 10/12/2021
Harold Floistad Jr.
Age: 48
Location: NC
Admitted: 08/03/2021
To: Wesley Long in Greensboro
Murdered: 09/23/2021
Steve Wood
Age: 57
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/24/2021
To: Sarasota Memorial
Murdered: 09/14/2021
Eric Schrock
Age: 56
Location: CA
Julie Williamson Threet
Age: 69
Location: GA
Admitted: 08/22/2021
To: St. Mary’s Hospital
Murdered: 09/06/2021
Larry W. Roberts
Age: 48
Location: CO
Admitted: 11/22/2021
To: Sterling Regional medical center
Murdered: 12/21/2021
Yancy Rae Thompson
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.