Jamie Kay Wylie

Day of death: 09/13/2021

Location: Texas

Hospital: Baptist Neighborhood Hospital and Northeast Baptist Hospital.

Allowed to see family or patient advocate?: no

Asked to sign DNR: idr

Asked if vaccinated: yes

Was the victim treated differently as a result of disclosing their vax status?: yes

Name of Victim: Jamie Kay Wylie

Age: 36 years old

Date of onset of symptoms: 08/27/2021

First sought medical attention: 08/30/2021

Admitted to hospital: 08/30/2021

Treatment received at hospital: Cruelly mistreated

Experience in hospital:

Jamie was not told of her treatment and many times asked me what was happening. The doctors and nurses continually dismissed.
Jamie and kept her in the dark regarding her treatment, but they steadfastly told me she was being informed and was coherent to make her own decisions.

Medications given: Remdesivir, ativan, antibiotics, baricitinib, blood thinner, Oxygen, propofol, Steroids, Albuterol

How long was the victim on remdesivir?: 4 days

Was the victim informed about remdesivir's EUA status?: idr

Informed of RMV side effects?: idr

Date victim was placed on a ventilator: 09/06/2021

Days on a ventilator: : 5 days

Person being interviewed: Denise Fritter, Sister Nichole, Fiancé Tim

Relationship To Victim: Mother

Pursuing legal action?: would

Engaging in activism: no

Watch & Share The Interview

The Interview with Denise Fritter, Sister Nichole, Fiancé Tim

She should be here and have seen her son play football this year, gotten married and be living in her new home. Because of greed she is not here. Heaven is her new home. 

Jamie Kay Story
Written by Denise Fritter, Sister Nichole, Fiancé Tim(Mother)

Jamie was a mom, step mom, sister and daughter. She was upbeat and would help anyone at anytime. She loved her 15 year old son and he was her life. After just receiving a promotion at her job, her and her fiancé Tim were about to buy their own home. She was a warm and loving woman.

In August of 2021, one of the kids caught Covid. Then Jamie and her fiancé Tim contracted Covid. Towards the end of August Tim called Jamie’s mom to say he was taking her to the hospital. Denise (Jamie’s mom) went to take care of the boys. Little did they know that would be the last time they would see her alive.

Jamie was in the local ER for a couple of days. Her O2 continued to drop due to lack of proper treatment. After they decided to admit her they transferred her to Baptist. It’s important to note that from the time she went into the ER she was not allowed to have visitors.

As in many of these stories there was a lack of basic care. One time Jamie called her mom and said, “I’m about to poop my pants”. She had been trying to get someone to help her for over an hour. Every time her sister, who was a nurse, or Denise would advocate for Jamie they were denied. So they wanted to move her to another hospital.

The only way to move her was to find a doctor and a hospital to accept her and then arrange the transfer. The family did find a doctor and hospital to take her. As with many of these stories, within hours of the family working out the transfer, Jamie took a nose dive with no explanation. Jamie’s family kept advocating for more effective and safe medications. Telling them over and over again to stop the Remdesivir because they were killing her. The doctors refused every request.

They were not giving her Jamie any nutrition and only sips of water. She was very thirsty and her mouth was so dry. Denise suggested they should give her ice chips but they would not allow that. The doctors and nurses consistently lied to the family. Telling them that Jamie knew and understood what the treatment plan was. But she did not know and when Denise called them out on it, they would say Jamie as too sick to know. Yet they would also say she was capable of making her own decisions.

One day, Jamie called her mom and said she was having an anxiety attack. As Denise was talking her thru the attack, a Doctor and a nurse entered the room. Jamie told her mom she had to go. That was the last conversation Denise had with her daughter. They called Denise later on and said that they “had to put her on a vent”. The doctor added that  she wanted to call her mom before she went on the vent but they did not allow it.

Once she went on the vent, the family wanted the phone line left open. The hospital would not allow that because they said Jamie had a roommate. Eventually they agreed to put it on mute so that Jamie could hear them but they could not hear what happened in the room. However the phone kept getting disconnected and they would have to call the nurses station to get them to reconnect.

Jamie’s sister Nicole is a nurse and was helping to advocate for her the entire time. Victor, who was the RN House Manager would not talk to Nicole anymore because she was calling him out on things that were wrong. Initially Nicole had given the hospital a DNR (Do not resuscitate) for Jamie, but then rescinded the DNR. The doctors were not happy about that can treated us more cruelly. Victor who was the RN House Manager would not talk to Nicole because she was calling him out on things that were wrong.

During the time Jamie was in the hospital her family held prayer vigils outside the hospital and continued to advocate for better care. Jamie’s family knows that Covid did not kill her. The rest of the family had Covid and got Ivermectin, HCQ and the monoclonal antibodies. They all recovered well because they were given the safe and effective treatments they asked the hospital to give Jamie. She should be here and have seen her son play football this year, gotten married and be living in her new home. Because of greed she is not here. Heaven is her new home.

This is one of many stories we have documented for our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, a living archive of individuals harmed by crimes against humanity throughout the pandemic. If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here. You can browse more documented cases of humanity betrayal below. If you feel this is important, please share this page to your social media pages – and since it will probably be censored from social media, take the extra step of emailing it to your friends and family. Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the terrible ordeal our public health agencies have put these people through, so that we can try to prevent crimes against humanity like these from happening to anyone else.
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When No should mean No

When No should mean No

Age: 69

Location: FL

Became sick: 08/01/2021

First sought care: 08/05/2021

Admitted: 08/14/2021

To: Advent Health Altamonte Springs

Murdered: 08/22/2021

Wayne Oliveira

Marine Killed by His Own Government

Marine Killed by His Own Government

Age: 48

Location: TX

Became sick: 11/15/2021

First sought care: 11/19/2021

Admitted: 11/19/2021

To: University Hospital/St Luke's hospital/ Baptist Hospital

Murdered: 08/05/2022

Rocky I. Gaitan

Wacko things done to patients

Wacko things done to patients

Age: 49

Location: NC

Became sick: 04/21/2021

First sought care: 04/21/2021

Admitted: 04/21/2021

To: Wake Med Center, Cary, NC

Misty Batten

God saved me from the Hospital protocol

God saved me from the Hospital protocol

Age: 53

Location: NC

Became sick: 09/06/2021

First sought care: 09/14/2021

Admitted: 09/23/2021

To: FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital

Doug Curry

Thank God I Survived

Thank God I Survived

Age: 66

Location: LA

Became sick: 01/18/2022

First sought care: 01/20/2022

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: Slidell Memorial Hospital

Scott Taylor

They killed my mother

They killed my mother

Age: 76

Location: PA

Became sick: 10/22/2021

First sought care: 10/29/2021

Admitted: 10/29/2021

To: UPMC Hamot

Murdered: 11/18/2021

Esther Spanberger

Shari’s story – Christopher McGrath

Shari’s story – Christopher McGrath

Age: 53

Location: IN

Became sick: 08/26/2021

First sought care: 08/28/2021

Admitted: 09/16/2021

To: St. Vincent Indianapolis on 86th St.

Murdered: 11/17/2021

R. Christopher McGrath

My Daddy

My Daddy

Age: 81

Location: NM

Became sick: 11/06/2020

First sought care: 11/06/2020

Admitted: 11/07/2020

To: Holy Cross Hospital

Murdered: 11/20/2020

SwiftDeer Tony B Martinez

Brooke Karr-My father was murdered.

Brooke Karr-My father was murdered.

Age: 77

Location: TX

Became sick: 06/09/2021

First sought care: 06/10/2021

Admitted: 06/19/2021

To: Downtown Baptist Hospital, San Antonio

Murdered: 07/12/2021

John A Morrow Jr.

No Voice.

No Voice.

Age: 78

Location: CA

Became sick: 08/24/2021

Admitted: 09/01/2021

To: Saint Agnes Medical Center

Murdered: 10/02/2021

Josephine Hutchens

My mother’s sacrifice

My mother’s sacrifice

Age: 65

Location: CA

Became sick: 11/07/2021

First sought care: 11/15/2021

Admitted: 11/15/2021

To: St. Agnes Medical center

Murdered: 11/29/2021

Christine Johnson

My mom got Covid-Joan Allison-Bair

My mom got Covid-Joan Allison-Bair

Age: 83

Location: MI

Became sick: 08/29/2021

First sought care: 09/15/2021

Admitted: 09/15/2021

To: Acension Genesys

Murdered: 09/27/2021

Joan Allison-Bair

Murdered By Blood. Covid Scam

Murdered By Blood. Covid Scam

Age: 59

Location: WA

Became sick: 09/01/2021

First sought care: 09/11/2021

Admitted: 09/11/2021

To: Lady Of Lourdes Hospital. Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital.

Murdered: 09/28/2021

Donald Kale Lloyd

Lisa Namnoum’s Story

Lisa Namnoum’s Story

Age: 58

Location: PA

Became sick: 01/05/2021

First sought care: 01/10/2021

Admitted: 01/13/2021

To: U Penn

Murdered: 03/01/2021

Stephan Namnoum

The Story of Barbara James

The Story of Barbara James

Age: 63

Location: CA

Became sick: 12/17/2020

First sought care: 12/17/2020

Admitted: 12/18/2020

To: Fresno Community

Murdered: 01/11/2020

Barbara James

Remdesivir Guinea Pig

Remdesivir Guinea Pig

Age: 73

Location: NY

Became sick: 04/02/2021

First sought care: 04/06/2021

Admitted: 04/09/2021

To: Strong Memorial Hospital

Diane K. Corby

Paul E. Folta SR Story – Killed by Hospital Protocols

Paul E. Folta SR Story – Killed by Hospital Protocols

Age: 70

Location: GA

Became sick: 09/04/2021

First sought care: 09/06/2021

Admitted: 09/08/2021

To: Houston Medical Center

Murdered: 09/13/2021

Paul E. Folta Sr.

Marie Clark Survivor Story

Marie Clark Survivor Story

Age: 75

Location: NH

Became sick: 11/22/2021

First sought care: 11/28/2021

Admitted: 12/22/2021

To: Concord Hospital - Laconia

Marie Clark

Dorothy’s Story

Dorothy’s Story

Age: 41

Location: AR

Became sick: 09/15/2021

First sought care: 09/22/2021

Admitted: 09/22/2021

To: Baptist Health

Crystal Marie Alonzo

Norma LeBeau Story

Norma LeBeau Story

Age: 91

Location: IL

Became sick: 01/04/2022

First sought care: 01/06/2022

Admitted: 01/06/2022

To: Elmhurst Edward's Hospital

Murdered: 01/23/2022

Norma LeBeau

Death by Remdesivir, Laura’s Story

Death by Remdesivir, Laura’s Story

Age: 83

Location: OH

Became sick: 01/20/2022

First sought care: 01/15/2022

Admitted: 01/15/2022

To: Miami Valley Hospital

Murdered: 01/29/2022

Harry V. Snyder

Covid/Remdesivir Battle

Covid/Remdesivir Battle

Age: 61

Location: AL

Became sick: 01/09/2022

First sought care: 01/20/2022

Admitted: 01/20/2022

To: 1-Enterprise AL medical center, 2-Grandview hospital, Birmingham, AL 3-Brookdale Rehab facility, Birmingham

Tina Shoemaker

David Polanco’s Story

David Polanco’s Story

Age: 75

Location: NV

Became sick: 08/16/2021

First sought care: 08/24/2021

Admitted: 08/24/2021

To: St. Rose

Murdered: 09/12/2021

Carol Evans

His Substance Choices put a CDC Target on His Back

His Substance Choices put a CDC Target on His Back

Age: 43

Location: DE

Became sick: 02/01/2022

To: Beebe Healthcare

Murdered: 04/16/2022

Brian Wesley Powell

These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.