They Murdered My Heart
Age: 45
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/02/2022
To: Health First Viera Hospital
Murdered: 08/24/2021
Andres Osorio
Elizabeth was completely isolated from all family. Medical records reveal drug overdosing, 24 hr restraints even though she was on paralytics. Brother was only give 30 min notice prior to intubation.
Elizabeth, or Beth as she was known to loved ones and friends, was a devout woman whose faith was important in all her good works. On Aug. 3, 2021, Beth thought her allergies were acting up as she experienced a cough. The Nurse Practitioner prescribed cough medication and Azithromycin for five days along with Vitamins C and D3 plus fluids. As days passed, Beth’s symptoms worsened with diarrhea, weakness, and lethargy. Her partner for 29 years, Darrell, grew alarmed and brought her to the ER on Aug 12, 2021.
The male nurse who came to the car to assist Beth with a wheelchair immediately asked if she was vaccinated. The thought crossed Darrell’s mind at that exact moment, “Have I made the right decision?” While in the waiting room, Beth was placed on oxygen and her level went up to 95, a good sign so Darrell thought at the time. But Beth was so tired, she laid her head on Darrell’s shoulder. The nurse came and started to wheel Beth down the hall with Darrell following. When they reached an intersection, the nurse turned to Darrell and said “This is where you say goodbye.” And Darrell responded, “No, I will see you later Beth”. Darrell never saw Beth alive again.
For a few days between Aug 12 and Aug 15, they texted each other. She was eating. Things seemed ok. But then nothing until a nurse called her brother to tell him she was going to be intubated. Beth’s brother called Darrell right away. Darrell called Beth’s phone and the nurse answered. She told Darrell that Beth was uncooperative with the oxygen mask and has kept pulling it off. When the nurse handed the phone back to Beth, she whispered to Darrell “They are lying to you. I am not trying to pull off my mask. They are treating me bad.” The nurse overhearing what Beth said, must have grabbed the phone from her because Darrell said the line went dead.
Although they requested alternative medications for Beth, their requests were denied. It was not until they received Beth’s medical records did they learn the extent of cruelty visited upon Beth by her “medical staff”. Beth was restrained, arms and legs, for 24 hours a day while having been given 27 doses of Fentanyl and Propofol each day for nine days until she succumbed on Aug 31, 2021.
Beth had just turned 65 recently, begun drawing Social Security and was on HMO Medicare. Darrell, his sister, Beth’s brother, along with Former Feds Freedom Foundation are asking how this could possibly happen in an American hospital. And after all that Beth had gone through, at the very end of her life, she was denied the most precious act to her, the Last Rites.
Today as Beth’s family mourns her loss, we are committed to honor Beth’s life and legacy of faithful devotion by telling her story so that the readers and viewers will take action and help us stop the medical tyranny invading our medical system.
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Age: 45
Location: FL
Admitted: 08/02/2022
To: Health First Viera Hospital
Murdered: 08/24/2021
Andres Osorio
Age: 45
Location: CA
Admitted: 07/26/2021
To: Little Company of Mary
Murdered: 08/08/2021
Philip Martinez
Age: 50
Location: IL
Admitted: 12/12/2021
To: Memorial Hospital (Decatur Memorial Hospital)
Murdered: 01/08/2022
Leon "Buck" Parton
Age: 64
Location: IL
Admitted: 11/14/2021
To: Saint Joseph Medical Center-Joliet
Murdered: 12/10/2021
Randy McMahel
Age: 42
Location: AZ
Admitted: 08/19/2021
To: Banner Health
Murdered: 08/20/2021
Olivia Muralles
Age: 71
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/19/2020
To: Kaiser
Murdered: 01/05/2021
Rebecca (Grabner) Quiroz
Age: 80
Location: PA
Admitted: 12/05/2021
To: Nazareth, Phillie
Murdered: 12/20/2021
Harry Ringheiser
Age: 63
Location: TX
Admitted: 01/30/2022
To: ST David’s Austin
Murdered: 03/01/2022
Joe Bradshaw
Age: 43
Location: AL
Admitted: 08/15/2021
To: Baptist South
Murdered: 08/25/2021
Ragan Barkhurst
Age: 30
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/21/2021
To: Baptist
Murdered: 08/23/2021
Ryan Maldonado
Age: 69
Location: FL
Admitted: 12/28/2022
Teobaldo Perez
Age: 62
Location: WA
Admitted: 09/05/2021
To: Providence Sacred Heart Hospital
Murdered: 09/30/2021
J Allen Blodgett
Age: 73
Location: IL
Admitted: 12/30/2021
To: Advocate Sherman Hospital
Murdered: 01/27/2022
Tom Coronado 2
Age: 21
Location: OH
Admitted: 01/23/2022
To: Anderson Mercy Cincinnati Ohio,UC hospital Cincinnati Ohio, Christ hospital Cincinnati Ohio, Bethesda North hospital Montgomery Cincinnati Ohio
Murdered: 10/27/2022
Deavin Veach
Age: 43
Location: WI
Admitted: 09/03/2021
To: Bellin Memorial Hospital, Green Bay, WI
Murdered: 10/10/2021
Doug Roatch
Age: 55
Location: IA
Admitted: 11/28/2021
To: MercyOne
Murdered: 12/28/2021
Dan Vandermillen
Age: 49
Location: NC
Admitted: 09/07/2021
To: Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital and Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist - Wilkes Medical Center
Murdered: 10/22/2021
Tim Rutherford
Age: 58
Location: TX
Admitted: 02/01/2022
To: St. David Medical Center
Murdered: 04/12/2022
James David Springer
Age: 59
Location: PA
Admitted: 04/18/2021
To: Delaware County Community Hospital
Murdered: 04/30/2021
Michael Shalon SR
Age: 70
Location: FL
Admitted: 01/02/2022
To: Healthpark Ft. Myers, FL
Murdered: 01/13/2022
Anthony E. Mueller Jr.
Age: 30
Location: LA
Admitted: 07/03/2021
To: Ochsner Medical Center - West Bank Campus
Murdered: 07/06/2021
Kaleb Hall
Age: 76
Location: AZ
Admitted: 09/14/2021
To: Banner Dell Web
Murdered: 10/04/2021
Jerry Uzell
Age: 58
Location: GA
Admitted: 11/29/2021
To: Northeast Georgia Medical Center
Murdered: 12/12/2021
James David Clouser
Age: 59
Location: OK
Admitted: 11/10/2021
Murdered: 12/02/2021
John Springer
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.