Florida teacher dies after hospital refuses to treat her with ivermectin

Tamara Drock, age 47, was admitted to the the Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center’s intensive care unit in August and treated with the FDA Death protocol, which included Remdesivir, steroids and antibodies. As weeks dragged into months and her condition worsened, she was sedated, intubated, placed on a ventilator, and left to languish while her husband attempted to get the court system to force the hospital to treat her with ivermectin.

Despite the fact that her primary care physician had previously prescribed ivermectin for Tamara, County judge James Nutt rejected Mr Drock’s lawsuit, arguing that letting judges force doctors to administer a particular treatment would set a dangerous precedent.

“My wife is on death’s doorstep; she has no other options,” Ryan Drock wrote.

Although one doctor eventually agreed to allow Tamara to be treated with ivermectin, her husband alleges that the doctor administered too low a dose, and three months after being admitted to the ICU, she succumbed to COVID.

Tamara was a 4th grade teacher who went above and beyond to make a difference in her students’ lives, but when it came time for those entrusted to care for her health to reciprocate by doing their jobs, doctors refused to keep up their end of the social contract. Instead of being treated early and released from the hospital, she was kept there for three months as she was subjected to a long, agonizing death.

Attorney Jake Huxtable, who took on the Drock’s case pro-bono, said “It’s the freedom of choice. She had the freedom to choose to accept that medical treatment, and the court didn’t allow her – and neither did the hospital.” The family reportedly intends to sue the hospital “to potentially help other patients in the same situation in Florida.”

Tamara’s husband, who also was infected with coronavirus but mysteriously recovered from COVID, promised he’s never giving up. He is fighting to have a bill passed in his wife’s name that would ensure that no one else should have to suffer at the hands of doctors who refuse to treat their patients.







View the court case documents here.