Brice Bowman’s experience with COVID-19 – Survivor Story
Age: 23
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/30/2021
To: Health First Viera Hospital
Brice Bowman
On 7/12/2021, my husband became ill and we thought it was heatstroke because we were on vacation. 2 days later, his symptoms did not improve. I took him to Bear Valley Community Hospital where he was eventually tested and chest X-rays were performed. They confirmed COVID pneumonia, prescribed him Prednisone and Zofran, covered him from head to toe with a sheet and wheeled him outside in the middle of the parking lot to wait for his ride. We managed to gain enough strength and leave town the next morning to head back home.
My husband was trying to fight, coughing up blood, eventually admitted he couldn’t breath well and agreed to go to the hospital (7/16/2021). No COVID test was administered at this hospital. Therefore, there was no confirmation that he had COVID by this facility, yet they began administering Remdesivir and Dexamethasone just based off chest X-rays without any recollection of an informed consent. He was admitted and his need for oxygen was increasing daily, to the point he was on high flow. He was no longer able to take the oxygen mask off to attempt to eat or drink without risking aspiration. No other attempt was made to provide nutritional needs.
Four days in of being treated with Remdesivir (7/19/2021), my husband began to have a weird feeling in his chest so we informed his nurse. An ECG was conducted and confirmed an abnormal finding. It was hours before he was transferred to another hospital to treat said findings (3:30am 7/20/201). My husband suffered a heart attack for hours before being treated. He was then transferred to Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital for the Cath lab to remove the blood clot in one of the vessels of his heart. Three days later, I’m being told my husband needs to be ventilated.
So on 7/23/2021, he was put into a medically induced coma and ventilated. He was given Nimbex in order to synch with the ventilator. He continued to have ST elevations on the monitor indicating 2 more heart attacks. He had double pneumonia which eventually led to him becoming septic. He was given all kinds of medications which were stopped and then given others to try and figure out how to combat the bacteria in his blood as it was becoming resistant to all antibiotics that they were trying. This is just the jest of his journey….there’s more to it, but this is the chunk that plays a big role in the beginning to his journey. Thank you for reading.
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Age: 23
Location: FL
Admitted: 07/30/2021
To: Health First Viera Hospital
Brice Bowman
Age: 45
Location: TN
Admitted: 12/03/2021
To: Sumner Regional Gallatin
Murdered: 12/30/2021
April Wyatt
Age: 75
Location: PA
Admitted: 01/07/2022
To: St. Luke's Hospital - Miners Campus
Murdered: 01/14/2022
Charles Williams III
Age: 62
Location: NY
Admitted: 09/30/2021
To: UPMC Chautauqua, Jamestown NY
Murdered: 10/06/2021
Floyd Dalrymple
Age: 43
Location: AL
Admitted: 09/02/2021
To: Northside guntersville al
Murdered: 09/23/2021
Shannon Marie Jordan McDonald
Age: 64
Location: TX
Admitted: 09/11/2021
To: John Peter Smith Hospital and THR Arlington Memorial
Murdered: 09/27/2021
Michael Weedman
Age: 44
Location: WA
Admitted: 03/27/2021
To: Swedish Issaquah and Swedish Cherry Hill (Seattle)
Joel Finch
Age: 56
Location: ME
Admitted: 11/25/2021
To: Northern Lights Eastern Maine Medical Center
Murdered: 12/19/2021
Lisa Rice
Age: 55
Location: NE
Admitted: 07/14/2021
To: Immanuel Hospital and Bergan Mercy Hospital
Murdered: 09/28/2021
Raul Osuna
Age: 40
Location: AL
Admitted: 01/02/2021
To: Prattville Baptist hospital
Murdered: 01/08/2021
William Donald Judah
Age: 87
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/12/2020
To: San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Banning CA
Murdered: 12/27/2020
Barbara Ann Roberts
Age: 63
Location: TX
Admitted: 01/30/2022
To: ST David’s Austin
Murdered: 03/01/2022
Joe Bradshaw
Age: 54
Location: CA
Admitted: 01/09/2022
To: Beverly Community Hospital
Murdered: 02/05/2022
Larry Gonzales
Age: 88
Location: CA
Admitted: 12/15/2020
To: St. Josephs
Murdered: 12/19/2020
Carole Louise Greenberg
Age: 53
Location: SC
Admitted: 10/23/2021
To: Easley
Murdered: 04/15/2022
Susan Elaine Propes
Age: 70
Location: CA
Admitted: 01/13/2021
To: Kaiser ontario
Murdered: 02/05/2021
Antonio Ruiz
Age: 56
Location: PA
Admitted: 01/03/2022
To: Paoli Hospital, Paoli PA
Murdered: 02/13/2022
Vincent Bellino, Jr
Age: 53
Location: IN
Admitted: 08/30/2021
To: Union Hospital, Terre Haute
Murdered: 11/05/2021
Scott L. Allen
Age: 48
Location: AZ
Admitted: 12/06/2021
To: Abrazo west campus
Murdered: 12/13/2021
Tim baker
Age: 66
Location: PA
Admitted: 10/25/2021
To: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center
Murdered: 10/31/2021
Dawn Kinsey
Age: 49
Location: TX
Admitted: 08/12/2021
To: Houston Methodist Hospital Katy, Texas
Murdered: 08/22/2021
Rueben Canales
Age: 70
Location: CO
Admitted: 11/25/2021
To: Denver Health Medical Center
Murdered: 01/04/2022
Esmegrado Cruz Amaya
Age: 45
Location: NE
Admitted: 09/02/2021
To: Nebraska Medicine (UNMC)
Murdered: 10/06/2021
Robert F. Chapman IV
Age: 48
Location: OH
Admitted: 11/21/2020
To: It was terrible...I had to call the squad because Bob's oxygen level had dipped to the 70's. 911 to Warren County Ohio/Clearcreek Township. They weren't concerned at all about Bob. They wanted to know how many people were in our house and had we all been tested. They said Bob had to meet them at the door. When they pulled up to our house, they only parked in the street. Not the driveway. They wanted Bob to WALK to the ambulance. Insisted they put him on a gurney. They didn't turn on lights or sirens. Bob texted when he got to Sycamore and said they didnt give him oxygen in the squad. He was taken to Sycamore and they said their covid floor was full. I had to choose between Fort HAmilton or Grandview Hospital...neither have good reputations. I chose Grandview. While he was there, I spoke to a nurse once and had to take his c-pap machine to the hospital. I parked in the physicians lot...it was empty. I never had 1 call from a doctor his whole time at Grandview. He was intubated without my consent. I was able to get him transferred to Christ hospital in Cinci and he was put on an ecmo machine there. He lasted almost 2 months. The treatment at Christ was vastly different than Grandview. NEVER spoke to a dr once at Grandview. Why didnt they give him oxygen in the squad?
Murdered: 01/24/2021
Robert "Bob" Hamm
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.