Join the Fight for Election Integrity in 2024—Sign Our Supreme Court Petition!

Help us petition the Supreme Court to ensure free and fair elections

The 2024 general election is fast approaching, and the integrity of our democratic process is at risk. With serious concerns about cybersecurity vulnerabilities, outdated voter rolls, and weak voter identification protocols, the time for action is now.

That’s why the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is preparing to file a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to demand reforms that will ensure a fair and transparent election. But we need your support to show the Court that Americans across the country want secure, verifiable elections.

Our petition will call for:

  • Absolute voter identification: Ensuring that only legal voters cast ballots.
  • Paper ballots: Providing a tangible, verifiable record of every vote.
  • Hand-counting of votes: Guaranteeing transparency and accuracy in election results.

Without these critical reforms, we risk a contested, uncertifiable election—further eroding public trust in our democratic process.

Why We Need Your Support

To send a powerful message to the Supreme Court, we need to show widespread public support for election security and integrity. By adding your name, you are standing up for free, fair, and transparent elections that respect every legal American voter’s voice.

What’s at Stake:

The current election systems are vulnerable to:

  • Cyberattacks: Experts have identified significant cybersecurity risks in electronic voting systems.
  • Unverified voter rolls: Outdated and inaccurate voter rolls undermine the integrity of our elections.
  • Inconsistent voter identification: Weak protocols allow for the potential dilution of legal votes.

These vulnerabilities threaten the core principle of “one person, one vote.” We can’t afford to let these risks go unaddressed.

Add Your Voice: Sign this Petition to SCOTUS Now!

With the 2024 election fast approaching, time is running out to ensure that these crucial reforms are implemented. Your voice is needed to help us make a powerful case to the Supreme Court.

Sign the petition today and join the movement to protect election integrity in the United States.

If you have a case documented with us, please enter your name as it appears on your case
Optionally, please provide a brief quote about why you are signing this petition that we may use in promotional materials or in other ways to advance this mission.

Help support this important initiative by making a tax-deductible donation now: