Human Trafficking

Fighting Human Trafficking

We have begun the effort of tracking what looks like a reinvigorated US enforcement effort in this area.  We track public media and case filings about human trafficking on Twitter @FedsFoundation and we are gathering our best information on case filings here.

The trafficking of individuals for forced labor, sexual exploitation and other reasons, commonly known as ‘Human Trafficking’ is a humanitarian crisis, as well as a threat to national and regional security for countries around the world.  Within this crisis, is the tragedy related to the trafficking of innocent children. According to the data from the United Nation’s, the trafficking of young boys and girls has been increasing steadily over time. The former federal agents of the FormerFeds Freedom Foundation are committed to working with local, national and international police forces, as well as relevant multilateral organizations and civil society groups to combat this serious crime.  Our agents have years of experience handling cases involving trafficking rings as well as missing and exploited children.  They are uniquely qualified to provide valuable knowledge transfer to local forces who are combating trafficking on a daily basis.

Additionally, the Foundation will work with individuals, and organizations, to address specific trafficking cases and employ our resources to seek the safe repatriation of victims, with the final goal… the prosecution of evil traffickers.

Given the Foundation’s lean operating structure and distributed teams, it has the ability to brief and deploy agents within 24 to 48 hours to locations around the globe.

Would You Like To Help Fight Human Trafficking?

Thousands of children are trafficked across the world each year, and many people feel powerless to stop it. We are not powerless! By working together, we can stamp out the scourge of human trafficking. Can you help?

Has Someone You Know Been Impacted By Human Trafficking?

Whether you are a whistleblower, the family member of someone impacted by human trafficking, or a victim of this heinous crime, we would like to hear your story.