The Common Objective

In two words, “legitimate elections.” The Former Feds Group attorneys have joined the battle for free, fair, lawful, secure, and transparent elections. With less than 50 days until the 2024 general election, we have very little time to alter the course of history for all current and future generations.

We are very concerned that if we are unsuccessful in achieving fair elections, the United States of America will never again be a constitutional republic for the foreseeable future. We are equally concerned that as public trust in election systems, the news media, and all political offices, elected, appointed, and for hire falls into single digits, that our country is both ripe for violent internal conflict and foreign intrusions by foreign actors, some of which are already active in our country.

For this reason, we simply cannot afford to fail.

Final Election Integrity PushPrimary Concerns

  • Unverifiable voter olls known to contain illegitimate voter registrations
  • Unverifiable legal voter and ballot eligibility
  • Unsecure mail-in, dropbox, and ballot harvesting activities
  • Unsecure electronic voting systems networked and/or connected to the internet
  • A total lack of public transparency and equal access to election data
  • Millions of new “illegal aliens” and open statements by politicians allowing them to vote
  • Cross-district and cross-state lines voting, in multiple districts
  • A general lack of respect for legal American electors in the courts, “a lack of standing”
  • Propaganda networks masquerading as news networks
  • Intense attacks on “free speech” on social media and across the spectrum
  • Uncertifiable election results

Pending Cases

  • The Former Feds Group is lead counsel for a case currently pending in the Michigan Supreme Court with over 174 co-plaintiffs via the Coalition of Concerned Legal Michigan Voters, with many more supporters in the state and across the country.This is a pivotal case for a number of reasons, not the least of which is Michigan’s “unconstitutional” 2022 amendment of the State Constitution and a laundry list of equally “unconstitutional” new election.

    The Michigan State Secretary is also on record working across state lines in the other “swing states” to control the outcome of the upcoming elections, while issuing overt threats against election workers who might otherwise report fraudulent events in the system, now threatened with criminal prosecutions for doing so.

    This case could impact elections in all swing states that have engaged with the Michigan Secretary to control election results ahead of the elections even happening.

  • A new U.S. Supreme Court Case being drafted as we speak, with co-plaintiffs from multiple states.As we are now under 50 days until election day, the only court in the country with the legal power to issue rulings for all 50 states is the U.S. Supreme Court. We believe that a properly structured Election Integrity case will have both “legal standing” in the High Court and that the Court has an obligation to the American People to weigh in on overt vulnerabilities in the entire election system across the country, under the Court’s “original jurisdiction.”

    We believe that if this case is not properly filed and adjudicated, we are on the path to a legally uncertifiable election in less than 50 days, with early voting having already begun under “unconstitutional” and “unsecure” measures.

The Ask

The Former Feds Group has spent the past four years working around the clock, mostly on a pro bono or contingency basis, to defend innocent victims of wrongful prosecutions and incarcerations related to the DC Rally on January 6, 2021, while also representing thousands of COVID Vaccine Injury families still seeking justice for the wrongful death of their loved ones.

To speak plainly, the group has operated largely out of their own pockets for the past four years, willing to risk their own well-being and personal assets in an effort to do the right thing in all of these cases. As a result, the group is now in immediate need of financial support to continue taking on the most critical issues in the history of our beloved country.

The initial financial goal is to raise $50,000 to continue funding the work on the above Election Integrity cases before the clock runs out on this election cycle. Additional funding will be needed for many fights ahead.

But if we don’t win the Election Integrity fight first, all other battles for America will not be possible in a country that will look nothing like the country we have known and loved for generations.



FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is a New Jersey based 501(c)(3) organization comprised of former federal agents, prosecutors, lawyers, medical professionals, researchers, and volunteers from around the United States and all over the world. Our mission is to preserve, protect, and, where needed, restore our constitutional rights and God-given unalienable freedoms. If you would like to help support this mission, please make a contribution or volunteer today. If you have any questions, please contact us. For media inquiries, please contact Chelsea Belle Goodell.


Media Contact

Media Contact: Chelsea Belle Goodell
Phone: (928) 362-2303


If you would like more information about this topic, please call Chelsea Goodell at (928) 362-2303 or email