Whistleblower: NHS ordered EUTHANASIA to Inflate COVID-19 Deaths in Hospitals

The compelling piece uncovers a scandalous revelation regarding the operations within the U.K. National Health Service (NHS), rooted in the brave testimony of a conscientious whistleblower known as Dr. John. It suggests that NHS executives may have engaged in a heinous misuse of power, allegedly manipulating COVID-19 death counts through inhumane directives to medical staff.

Dr. John presents a formidable challenge to the prevalent narrative, which holds that the NHS was under immense pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the article highlights the harmful consequences of policy alterations that resulted in substandard follow-up care for patients. The whistleblower bravely raises the alarm on what appears to be a horrifying directive sanctioned by the British government: the lethal injection of midazolam, which predominantly affected the elderly and vulnerable, unjustly attributing these deaths to COVID-19.

Corroborating the whistleblower’s claims, the article makes reference to a revealing report from the U.K. Care Quality Commission (CQC). The report supports Dr. John’s allegations, indicating that 34% of NHS employees were coerced into issuing Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders for COVID-19 patients with disabilities and learning difficulties. The CQC report reiterates the fundamental healthcare principle that such life-altering decisions should be made on an individual basis, not determined by sweeping policies.

Dr. John further illustrates the detrimental effects of these questionable policies in hospitals, which inadvertently led to worsening patient outcomes. He recounts touching personal narratives of patients who delayed seeking medical attention due to COVID-19 fears, escalating their pain and suffering. Instances of self-removal of casts and inadequate follow-up care serve as heart-wrenching reminders of the immense distress endured by patients and their loved ones.

This eye-opening exposé, buoyed by Dr. John’s invaluable testimony, brings to light potential crimes against humanity. These disturbing revelations demand immediate investigation and accountability for those responsible.

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