The Assault On Freedom Of Speech

The word America has long been synonymous with a particular set of values, above all, the idea that our civic discourse is and “must remain,” as the courts put it, “robust, uninhibited, and wide-open.”

However, as stated in this 2019 Supreme Court filing, “the guarantee of free speech requires more than mere words to protect against the onslaught of those who believe that guarantee applies only to themselves and not to their opponents.”

This is what we appear to be encountering with Big Tech monopolies today: a coordinated group of powerful forces determined to stifle any and all speech that runs counter to their agenda. Over the course of the last two years, we’ve watched as our once free press argued against our inalienable right to free speech, openly favoring the draconian censorship policies of communist China.

Many “journalists” and US news outlets seem to have betrayed our fundamental American values, pivoting to embrace totalitarian censorship policies. Worse, our civic discourse, once sacred, has been funneled onto platforms that openly collude to manipulate public opinion, sometimes at the behest of government agencies. They do this even as they take action against individuals who work with other individuals to accomplish a shared mission, thus ensuring that any opposition to these policies cannot unite to effect change. It is self-evident to us that this is repugnant to the constitution.

Facebook’s latest Hail Mary reportedly aims to “prevent coordinated mass attacks against public figures,” claiming that recent backlash against the company and its founder was such a campaign.

The FormerFedsGroup is fighting against this gross overreach, in order to preserve those things that have made America a beacon of hope for people from all walks of life the world over.








